Pixels (2015)

Pixels (2015)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Pixels (2015)

Aug 28 2023 | 00:05:51

Episode August 28, 2023 00:05:51

Show Notes

We know the video games we grew up with... or do we?

Original Review:

Game on... The 1982 Championship is the first of its kind. A world champion is crowned and geeks rule the scene. There is nothing like the classic games, they might be pixelated, but the gameplay was serious. That same gameplay carried into their futures. Whether they aspired to be President or just an everyday gamer, anything was possible. This part of history was so significant that video from the championship was sent on a probe into deep space. What was meant as a message of peace was misinterpreted. An alien race received the message and thought it was a hostile message towards them. What's their next move? To play us... We each get three lives, the first to lose all their lives, loses. The loss is more than a game though, the future of the planet is on the line. So who are the best to fight this fight?... The military? or the Gamers? This will take you back to your childhood. Actively engaging with the gamers and the games. The story is well put together and is told in a very fun and somewhat silly way bringing the classic characters of yesterday to life for a new generation. Though there isn't a lot of depth or meaning to this, doesn't subtract from its value. Taking classics from yesterday and turning them into a classic for years to come is a memorable feat. Go... Take your kids... and relive a piece of history while introducing it to a younger generation.


1982 Championship MC, 1982 worldwide video arcade championships, 8 bit credits, abigail covert, Adam Reynolds, adam sandler, Admiral Porter, affion crockett, Aimee Lenihan, al sotto, Alexander Kalomiris, Alexandra Harris, alien invasion, Alien Mister Roarke, Alien Mr. Roarke, allen covert, ancient pyramid under the hoover dam, anderson afb, anderson air force base, Andrew Bambridge, Andrew McMichael, Angelica Alejandro, annika pergament, Anthony Ippolito, arcade, Arcade Employee, arcader, Arcader Choir Girl, arcadians, ashley benson, asteroids, atari, attila sebesy, bake it vs make it, barnes and unstable, battlezone, Ben Reimer, bifocal blaster, bill lake, billy west, blinky, blue lagoon, Bola Olubowale, breakout, Brenner, brian cox, Bridget Graham, Brittany Athey, call-of-duty, carlos-alazraqui, centipede, chardonnay-out-of-a-sippy-cup, chewbacca-mask, chloroform, chris-titone, Christine Chiem, CIA Chief, Classroom Scout Girl as Shea Joelle James, clyde, Colleen Reynolds, Colonel Devereux, Corey Chainey, Corporal Hill SAS Officer, Cyber Chick, cyber-chickz, cyndy-day, Dallas Wade, dallas-peplow, dan-aykroyd, dan-patrick, darpa, DARPA Scientist, Darrell Hicks, Daryl Hall, daryn-pancer, Dave Reachill, David Parisian, DC Valet, Denis Akiyama, Derrick Gauthier, Derwin Phillips, Devlin Anderson, Dexter Howe, dig-dug, dojo-queen, Drew Riedstra, Dylan Sypher, eddie-plant, Electric Dream Factory Repairman, electric-dreams-factory, Elena Khan, Elizabeth Jeanne le Roux, Emily Jenkins, england, Eric Trask, Eryn Young, Ethan Mitchell, Fabio Lusvarghi, fantasy-island, Fiona Shaw, fire-blaster, First Lady Jane Cooper, frogger, galaga, gallagher, Gary Bradley, gary-douglas, gener8, ghosts, grab-onto-my-mighty-hammer, hall-and-oates, halo, hannah-covert, happy-madison, Hervé Villechaize, Holly Beavon, Hooman Esmailzadeh, Howard Pont, hyde-park, if-she-was-real, im-kidding-we-are-all-gonna-die, india, indie, inky, inmate-00814397, its-just-a-barrel-how-bad-could-it-hurt, Ivana Ruegg, jack-fulton, jackie-sandler, Jacob Shinder, james-preston-rogers, jamie-hodge, jane-krakowski, Jared Riley, jared-sandler, Jasmine Sean, jean-christophe-loustau, Jeff Medd, Jill Morgan, Jimi Shlag, Jocelyn Hudon, John Oates, johnny-larocque, jonathan-loughran, Jose Lizarde Junior, jose-lizarde-jr, joseph-knibb-elementary-school, josh-gad, Joshua Holmes, Kelly Michael Stewart, Kelsey Saunders, ken-holliday, kevin-grady, kevin-james, Kyle Reaume, Kylie Lenihan, lab-technician, lady-lisa, Lainie Kazan, Lamont James, Larry Vang, Lemonadie Sadie, lieutenant-long-legs, Little Boy on London Street, Ludlow Lamonsoff, ludlow-laminsov, madonna, magina, margaret-killingbeck, Mark Sparks, mark-whelan, martha-serena-sandwich, martha-stewart, matt-frewer, matt-lintz, Matthew Alan Taylor, Matthew Mease, Matty Van Patten Matty, max-headroom, Meher Pavri, Melanie Hubert, Michael Boisvert, Michael the Robot, michael-garvey, michelle-monaghan, Mickey Lamonsoff, missile-command, mit-mississippi-institute-of-technology, namco, Nathan Neutel, ne-rd, neal-mcneil, nerd-brigade, nick-swardson, nintendo, NY Police Commissioner, Old Woman in London Apartment, one-tree-hill, pac-man, pacman, pattern, Peter Bavis, peter-dinklage, pinky, pixelate, pixels, planet-valullah, power-pellets, President Will Cooper, President's Assistant Jennifer as Jacqueline Sandler, pretend-youre-the-guy-and-you-dont-want-to-die, Professor Iwatani, q-bert, raffi-atamian, random, René Escobar Jr., Rene Escobar Junior, Ricardo Montalban, Rob Archer, robert-smigel, Ron Mustafa, ronald-reagan, Rose Rollins, rowdy-brown, sadie sandler, sam brenner, Samurai Gamer, Sara Haines, sean bean, Serena Willams, Serena Williams, Sergeant Dylan Cohan, Shane Clinton Jarvis, shea james, Shreyansh Anand, Sienna James, sinnamon, Sistah Lois, slut seeking missile, smurf, smurf mai -theme, somebody kill this stupid thing, Stephen Quammie, steve-koren, steve-wiebe, sunny-sandler, Susie McLean, taj-mahal, takes-a-bite-out-of-the-big-apple, tammy-faye, tim-herlihy, timothy-dowling, tom-mccarthy, Tony Carlucci, top-secretsci, toru-iwatani, Tucker Smallwood, Tyler Malazo, violet-van-patten, walking-winner-code, Wendy Paquette, White House Junior Aide Jared, William S. Taylor, William Taylor, wonder-kid, xm950-pac-modules, yigo, zero-to-psycho-in-3-4-seconds

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite and friendly deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, and I am here to bring you another movie interrogation from another video game movie after I did the Super Mario Brothers movie last week. I had a lot of people asking me what I thought of pixels, the one that came out in 2015. If you're curious, I was actually looking, really looking forward to bringing you this one because pixels was a lot of fun. But I do have to say right up front, if you weren't ever a gamer or into the, the classic video games of the day or into the video games of nowadays looking more back at the retro stuff and yeah, stuff from my childhood is now considered retro. So that's a whole other topic that we'll maybe get into someday <laugh>. But I personally had a lot of fun with pixels. Speaker 0 00:00:51 It was a different idea on a class, on classic games, and I appreciated the approach that it took and how it was done. The, the songs were fun, the story was fun. It was, it was one of those movies that when you left, you left smiling at least if you understood it. And it's one that you talked about for a long time afterwards. So I'm really excited to share this with you today. Now, what did I give it on the deputy scale? Well, I actually gave it a 6.75 on the deputy scale, so maybe not as high as what I gave the Super Mario Brothers movie, and there's a reason for that, and I will try to touch on that a little bit without gi giving too much away. And this one, I, of course, did give an innocent rating. This one you may see was labeled PG 13. Speaker 0 00:01:37 But yeah, this one is, I would definitely say is completely innocent. Just, I don't remember anything at all being at all inappropriate. I mean, there's, there's a few jokes that kind of ride the edge a little bit, but overall, this is definitely a kid friendly movie. This is just all kids of all ages, let me put it that way, <laugh>, because I'm still a kid at heart at least, and I love these movies. Just, they're, they're fun and they're fun. Even like remembering, like talking to you today, remembering it. I can't talk, I'm tripping over my tongue again. Can you tell what, what couldn't you say? It's a Monday <laugh>. So, but I'm gonna get right into the review. This review is the one that was originally on movie deputy.com game on the 1982 Championship is the first of its kind. A world champion is crowned and geeks rule the scene. There is nothing like the classic games. They might be pixelated, but the gameplay was serious. That same gameplay carried into their futures, whether they aspired to be president or just an everyday gamer, anything was possible. This part of history was so significant that video from the championship was sent onto a probe into deep space. What was meant as a message of peace was misinterpreted an alien race, Speaker 1 00:02:59 Received the message and thought it was a hostile message towards them. What's their next move to play us? We each get three lives, the first to lose all their lives loses. The loss is more than a game, though the future of the planet is on the line. So who are your best to fight this fight? The military or the gamers? This will take you back to your childhood, actively engaging with the gamers and the games. The story is well put together and is told in a very fun and somewhat silly way, bringing the classic characters of yesterday to life for a new generation, though, there isn't a lot of depth or meaning to this. It doesn't subtract from its value. Taking classics from yesterday and turning them into a classic for years to come is a memorable feat. Go take your kids and relive a piece of history while introducing it to a younger generation. Speaker 1 00:03:59 Now, that may sound like I'm mimicking the review that I just gave the Super Mario Brothers movie, and not intentionally this. I actually wrote this review back in 2015, and I hadn't honestly read it again until just now when I'm reading it to you. But <laugh>, it's just kinda the way my mind works. You can tell like my brain doesn't go too far off the rails on that in this one. It's like we see, like we, you, I, like I said, I'm tripping over my tongue. The original creator of Pacman makes a cameo in this movie, and he tries talking to, to Pacman like, like it's his son, except this Pacman's the alien. So there's a little bit of a misconception on that, just a little bit there. But it's a fun movie. It's supposed to be silly, it's supposed to be goofy. It's supposed to not be too engaging or serious. Speaker 1 00:04:53 And in that it maybe loses a little bit of its, um, can't even think of the right word to use on that, but it just loses a little bit of something along the way. It's kind of hard to take it serious, but this is not the movie. This is not the type of movie you're ever supposed to take seriously. This is one that you just have fun watching and you share it with other people, and you just have fun and talk about the reminiscing. I mean, you've got Pacman, you've got Donkey Kong, you've got Space Invaders, you've got the whole, you got Centipede, all of these. And it's just, it's so much fun. I hope that you have enjoyed this review. If you have, please like, subscribe and share. Who knows, maybe this is your favorite movie. Maybe this is your favorite movie to come. This is one that you haven't experienced yet. Or maybe, you know what, maybe this is movie is entirely cringe worthy and this is gonna start that conversation all over again, whatever it may be. I hope you're having fun with it, and I will be back tomorrow with another one for you. Bye-bye.

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