Retribution (2023)

Retribution (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Retribution (2023)

Aug 27 2023 | 00:08:40

Episode August 27, 2023 00:08:40

Show Notes

Liam Neeson has taken us on many journeys throughout his career... This is one that leaves you... (intentionally blank)

Original Review:

This is it


B fb 1431, eilmeldung, b ma 1275 h, b ca  2933, Karl Unger, Catherine Unger, protecting the rain doesn't count building the ark does, think of this day as a profound life experience, anders muller, Sylvain, Heather turner, Matt turner, Zach turner,  Emily turner, webber & babel, pils groger, Angela brickmann, @dwnews, password is sienna, b TN 6768, frederik Krause, b qa 1055, you have your objective and I have mine, if Cinderella's slipper for so perfectly then why did it fall off, b Karl 1824, audio news in beginning of credits, el desconocido,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello once again and welcome back. This is the movie Deputy Review of the movie Retribution, the new Liam Neeson hit that opened on August 25th, 2023. Now this one is a little bit unconventional if you're a Liam Neeson fan. This one, if you got the upcoming movies podcast on Thursday. I talked a little bit about this kind of feeling like if Liam Neeson did speed, if you wanna know what more I was talking about in preview of that, you can check out that show over on our upcoming movies podcast. And this one, when I actually got into experience that you will notice kind of a trend with the scores of the movie, of this movie of this week if you are a regular listener. Now, <laugh>, like I said, if you're a regular listener, you know what that means. If you're not a regular listener, you might wanna go back and check out some of our other reviews recently. Speaker 0 00:00:57 So it's just kind of been an interesting trend this weekend. It just goes to show that even as a critic we can often be surprised by the movies that we see. Now, <laugh> this one in the le, this one in the previous and stuff, it, it really did look like Liam Neeson did like speed, not like the drug but the movie because he's in this S U V with his kids and there's a pressure plate bomb in his seat and if he, I thought it was if he stopped, so that's my error on that. But it's, if him or the kids get out of the vehicle, it will explode killing them all. And he's like this day trader investor type person, it doesn't really go into detail about the company that he works for, but we know that they deal with billions of dollars and a lot of it being in crypto. Speaker 0 00:01:43 And if you're not familiar with the crypto term, that's like what Bitcoin and ethere of coin and there's a bunch of different other coin thing, coin terms out there for what crypto is. But again, this, this movie doesn't go into that either. So you're like, okay, why are you talking about it? Well, that's kind of the whole thing that's going on here. 'cause if you're wondering, okay, what, who put the bomb in his car? What's the point of this movie? Well, the person that set the, the bomb in the car is trying to get the Liam Neeson's character, which is Matt Turner is his name, but he is trying to get him and his partner, I couldn't think of the term for a second, but I brain fart on that. But trying to just get him and his partner Anders to sign off on some secret account that they have in Dubai. Speaker 0 00:02:25 Don't worry, no spoilers and just, it's trying to steal all this money in this account 'cause it's like $208 billion. Yeah, and you heard that right? Billion with a B, so yeah, that's a lot of money. So he's like, okay, I've gotta set all this up and you've gotta do what you're told, but in order to demonstrate he's serious, he ends up injuring and killing, oh, I don't even know why I say injuring. It's like he blew up some of Matt's friends literally in front of him to make the point. And his wife Emily is, there's a lot of turmoil going on with the family. And Speaker 1 00:02:58 So he, he has to end up reaching out to his wife to try to help him with all of this ultimate there. There honestly is kind of a twist to this movie. And the Twist is probably the best part of the movie to be honest, but it's just, it plays out, I mean, I wanna say Anticlimactically, but there are some, there are some big explosions and there are some parts to this movie that make it better. But there's also a lot of it where we're just staring at Matt in his car with his kids in the backseat and he's just talking on the cell phone. That's, that's the majority of this movie, unfortunately. And yeah, there's, there's conversation, there's dialogue and there, and you're kind of wondering, okay, who the bad guy is. And like I said, the bad guy is revealed, but like I said, that's kind of a twist. Speaker 1 00:03:44 You don't expect, like I said, no spoilers, but I can guarantee it's the last person you're even possibly thinking of. So that's, that does kind of play a part in that, even when he gets with like the police and everything. And so obviously he kinda gets caught in a situation where the police are involved, but even that's just like, come on, that wouldn't happen like that <laugh>, you're, you're just, I heard somebody sitting a couple rows behind me and they're going literally like what I just said, oh, come on. When <laugh>, that was kind of going on and I couldn't help but chuckle. And this movie is not a comedy at all, <laugh>, but this story is actually not, like I said, it's not related to speed at all. Like the trailer was kind of depicting, no, it's not that, it's nothing like that in the least. Speaker 1 00:04:36 It's like I said, it goes a completely different direction with that. But it's actually based on a story called, I'm, I'm gonna butcher this, so please forgive me, I don't speak Spanish, so please forgive me on that. But the story is called El Denodo. El Desto. Again, please forgive me if I absolutely butchered that. I did not mean to, but like I said, it all kind of plays out. But then when the, when the story finally comes and comes around and you kinda get to the end and you're expecting this grand ending, I mean it's a Liam Neeson movie, you're expecting something kind of earth shattering. I mean you're, I mean, it's kind of his trademark. You're just expecting something big to happen and then whatever happens, happens, like I said, I won't tell you what it is. And then the screen goes dark and you hear, you keep hearing more audio and you're expecting the picture to come back, but then the credits start and you're just kind of sitting there and you're like, okay, that was anticlimactic, that was lit. Speaker 1 00:05:36 I, I literally said that to myself when I'm sitting here watching the movie and I just kept waiting for there to be like a bonus scene or something at the end and there just wasn't. So it I, I wanna just warn people, it does end abruptly and it doesn't end in a place where you necessarily would think that it would. So yeah, this one <laugh>, yeah, this uh, I actually gave retribution a 4.5 out of 10 <laugh>. Like I said, you'll notice a score trend with the movies for this week. Not intentional, I didn't watch 'em in any particular order. I am still anxious to see white birds. That's the other one I was really excited for this weekend. But at this point I'm just kind of going, I'm wondering if the movies this weekend just have a trend. <laugh>, you may wonder, okay, what did she personally think of this one? Speaker 1 00:06:33 Honestly, personally, I probably would've been in the threes again on this one because if somebody is honestly asking me about this movie a few weeks from now, it's like, oh, did you see that new Liam Neeson movie? And I'm like, um, I think I did. But this is one of those ones that it's not gonna stick in your head. This one would totally be in the forgettable category, hence why the score is starting with a four. A four always means watchable, but forgettable and as it creeps closer to five, which is good story, significant flaws. And this one just kind of falls right in between those two hints. I'm giving it a four and a half, but, and you maybe, I don't think I mentioned or not on that earlier, but I did actually give this a guilty rating obviously because bomb's blowing up and some of the language and just some of the scenes in this just might be a little bit too intense for younger audiences. Speaker 1 00:07:21 And the storyline is definitely gonna be too complex for a younger audience to even follow along with that. Anyways, I hope this helped. As I always say, if you like what I had to say, please like, subscribe and share and if not, you know where the off button is. So I hope you have enjoyed this. I know I have enjoyed it, even if I didn't enjoy the movie that much. I enjoy being here and talking to you about these movies and hopefully helping you know which ones you wanna save and which ones you don't. And also I wanna mention before I end the show, August 27th, so this Sunday is National Cinema Day and I'm not sure how many different theater chains are doing this, but I am familiar with the Marcus Theater chain and all movies, all formats, all shows this Sunday are all $4. Speaker 1 00:08:10 So if there are any of these movies that you wanna check out, I know Sound of Freedom is still playing as some select theaters in the across the country. And so yeah, definitely check that out. It's called National Cinema Day, so be sure to check with your local cinema on Sunday to see if there's any of these movies that you wanna check out. Just wanted to bring that to your attention and let you know. So I am hoping that you are, you guys are gonna have a great day and have enjoyed these, these reviews. And as always, I will be back soon to talk to you later. Bye-bye.

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