Monster Trucks (2017)

Monster Trucks (2017)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Monster Trucks (2017)

Sep 13 2023 | 00:04:37

Episode September 13, 2023 00:04:37

Show Notes

Monsters, a label we use for something we don't understand. Creech might appear strange and unusual but he's a big softy that just wants to go home. Will he get to? Find out. 

Original Review:

There are many things we don't know about this vast planet of ours. There are vast areas of the land and sea that haven't even begun to be explored yet. Now imagine if you will, what could be under the surface; in the subterranean layers beneath our feet. That's where this story begins. Terravex Energy is drilling for oil when they come across something suspicious. As they venture forth, they unleash something from the deep. Once this is done, they scramble to contain the creature(s). One of them is able to get away and finds solace in a local junkyard where a boy is also as seemingly lost as this creature is. He is desperate to charge forward and determine his own destiny. The only way he can do this is to get out of this area. When these two meet, they have no idea how much they will affect each other's lives. This is the story of two lonely souls trying to figure out where they belong and how to get there. In a way, the story itself is like a modern-day E.T. only with a subterranean creature instead of a terrestrial one. Come and experience this heartwarming and exhilarating tale that will take you on an unexpected adventure. Destined to be a classic, this is one that you won't soon forget.


Adrian Formosa, Alex Kliner, aliyah obrien, amy ryan, barry pepper, bio luminescence, bqw 932 / misbhav / bqz 793, brookglen construction, call for good weathers, candice-zhao, chad-willett, chris-gauthier, christian-sloan, crazy igor's used cars, creech, Daniel Boileau, daniel-bacon, danny-glover, Devielle Johnson, did you just steal this did we just steal this, Emanuel Fappas, faustino-di-bauda, Frank Whaley, geldon dodge, get your hands off me slime bag / it's its not slime it's its sweat I sweat when I'm Im nervous thanks for calling attention to it, gettin all jacked up, Giacomo Baessato, go back to writing tickets or shooing cows off the road, golden ears park / British Columbia / Canada, hair like things on its it's tentacles, hive intelligence, holt-mccallany, how is a monster living in the hood of your car supposed to sound, Howie Lai, I hope you picked something up from watching me / a week ago guy were riding a bicycle, I'm not stopping and I'm not giving up the truck / no go faster, Ian Carter, if a garbage took a dump not a normal dump but a really bad one, if I'm going to go to prison then I might as well go in style, it was like the earth got mad and let something bad out, it's an engine for my truck, Jagen Johnson, jane-levy, jedidiah-goodacre, jeff-kent, Jeffrey C.R. Wallace, Jerffrey CR Wallace, Jim Dowd, Joel Sturrock, Jordana Largy, kypn 37, lucas-till, macht auto crushers, Maja Aro, matthew-hoglie, molecular cell biology, Monster trucks, Montgomery high school, nat-geo, new rule no feeding creature gasoline, pankeska rock, Pat Waldron, Peter New, Philip Granger, prehistoric creatures that live in water and air surviving in underground caves and lakes, pt37000l, Reece Tenneson, rob-lowe, Ruairi MacDonald, Ryan Cowie, Ryver Stone, Sam Geldon, Samara Weaving, Scott Patey, simon chin, stacey scowley, terravex, terravex energy, the monster in the junkyard, the truck is a wheelchair for it, they discover 15000 new species every year, thomas-lennon, Tom MacNeill, Tucker Albrizzi, Wade Coley, weathers pick-a-part, you squishy piece of squish, you ugly beautiful blob, you're gonna need like 12 more of those things, you're not gonna be the prettiest thing in town but you'll have the heart of an elephant in ya

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to the movie Deputy podcast where we bring you in depth interrogations of movie reviews. Well, we don't interrogate the movie reviews, we interrogate the movies and bring you the reviews. <laugh>, sorry, I get twisted over my own words sometimes and it's a that doll folks. Yeah, I gotta do that pretty regularly. Just kinda keep my brain in check. I think <laugh>. But today we're gonna be talking about a fun movie. Today we're gonna be talking about one called Monster Trucks. And I'll be honest, this one got pretty eviscerated by other critics online and even by a lot of the viewers that went in to see this. It's like, okay, did they not see the Trailers? People's biggest complaint for this movie is that it wasn't about Monster Trucks like Grave Digger and Bigfoot and like all of the other ones that are out there. Speaker 0 00:00:52 No, this one had to do with a monster in an actual truck. No <laugh>. I know that sounds hard to imagine, but I think they were trying to almost make this a modern day, et of sorts, and I even used that in my review. But this is a very fun loving movie. It's definitely safe for all ages, and I actually gave this movie a seven out of 10 on the deputy scale. Now this one came out in 2017. If you hadn't heard of it, if you haven't this and you happen to have like the Pluto app on your Fire Stick or Chromecast or Roku or on your phone or whatever device you're watching on the Pluto app is available and Monster Trucks has been one of the movies rotating through Pluto's, completely free to use. I don't get anything for promoting them, but this, this movie's kinda been playing on there and I've re-watched it again a couple of times just because this is one of those movies that just makes you happy. Speaker 0 00:01:49 And it's like I said, it's safe for all ages. There's no language that does not belong in a story like this. Even the more intense parts of the story are not like scary, intense, if that makes any sense at all, <laugh>. But I do wanna share with you the review that I posted on movie There are many things we don't know about this vast planet of ours. There are vast areas of the land and sea that haven't even begun to be explored yet. Now imagine, if you will, what could be under the surface and the subterranean layers beneath our feet. That's where this story begins. Beck's energy is drilling for oil and they come across something suspicious. As they venture forth, they unleash something from the deep. Once this is done, they scramble to contain the creatures. One of them is able to get away and find solace in a local junkyard where a boy is also as seemingly lost as this creature is, he is desperate to charge forward and determine his own destiny. The only way he can do this is to get out of this area. When these two Speaker 1 00:02:58 Meet, they have no idea how much they will affect each other's lives. This is the story of two lonely souls trying to figure out where they belong and how to get there. In a way, the story itself is like a modern day e t, only with a subterranean creature instead of a terrestrial one s come and experience this heartwarming and exhilarating tale that will take you on an unexpected adventure destined to be a classic. This is one that you won't soon forget. Like I said, the character in this one, his name is actually Cree and he's like this, uh, below ground octopus of sorts is probably a good way to try to describe him. And it's just this like gray squishy thing and it, it <laugh>, it's referred to as monster trucks because basically the monster fits in the engine and it is basically the engine of this truck <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:47 So it has a lot of fun in doing everything that it does. And like I said, it's one that you really have to experience to understand. Like I said, this one really got butchered for unnecessary reasons. Like I said, this is just a sweet, fun movie. If you're looking for something to find with your family that you really hadn't heard of before, this is gonna definitely be one that you're gonna wanna check out. Plus, we have been talking about some pretty intense reviews lately, so it's kind of fun to lighten it up with movies like this every now and then. I hope you're having as much fun as I am. Be sure to check out our episode tomorrow of Thirsty Thursday. As always, it's exciting and as always, we have our new re new release reviews up on Friday, Saturday and Sunday every week. So until later, I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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