Saw IV (2007)

Saw IV (2007)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Saw IV (2007)

Sep 14 2023 | 00:07:06

Episode September 14, 2023 00:07:06

Show Notes

Wow, just when you think the story is done... He has found a way to live on. 

Original Review:

Jigsaw is dead, even with that this is far from the end of the story. His death isn't the end, it's only the beginning. During his autopsy, a clue is found that will lead Rigg on the adventure of his life. In order to save someone that he is close to, he must participate in an unconventional scavenger hunt. One of the people he's searching for has been missing longer than the other but they have something in common. Along the way, this scavenger hunt will lead him to face the unimaginable and do things that he couldn't have ever imagined. The closer he gets to the truth, the further away that it will seem. Even, with the obstacles in front of him, he won't be deterred from what he knows that he must do. When he reaches the end of the line, he must do one more thing before it's too late. Will he accomplish what must be done in time? Will Jigsaw live on in other twisted ways? Or is this really the end, we'll never know...


23 park place, 95 influential criminal masterminds, Alexander motel / 261, Allison kerry, Amanda young, are you there detective / if so you're probably the last man standing, art blanc, author of the beasts we know, back door brain surgery, become the teacher and save a life / go back to where it all began, behind vacant eyes, case # 1-06-008310, cherish your life, combination 647, death cult, det eric Matthews, detective Hoffman, experience is a hard teacher, feel what I feel, final test, four walls build a home, Gideon / John and Jill's son, go home, hand him the tools that will save his life, have you learned how to truly save a life, homeward bound clinic, I can only be as optimistic as the facts allow, I can't give you time / no one can / time is an illusion, I want to play a game, I.v. / iv by x Japan, it's all in the traps, jill tuck, John Kramer, john kramer aka jigsaw / is he the killer the police say he is by tim blake, journal of civil engineering, judge as I judge, manic torture mantra, modern cultures magazine, never go through an unsecured door ever, no phone / only you can save them, ofbice, officer rigg, one saves a life / the other takes it away, open the door and you will find me, open the door and you'll find me, patience... Remember who you are saving / time is on your side, play me, save as I save, Saw iv / saw 4, see what I see, she needed you, special agent Lindsey Perez, the key to your freedom, the urban renewal group, think it's over just because I'm dead / it's not / the games have just begun, time is wasting, tobin bell naked, year of the pig / Chinese zodiac, you are in danger of getting too close... Step back, your life is in her hands

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to the movie Deputy podcast. This is once again your friendly deputy bringing you another thirsty Thursday. As we are talking about the fourth movie in the SA Saw series. Helps if I can talk today, but today we are gonna be talking about saw four. Now if you have been able to stomach listening to my other reviews and even my last one, I've gotten some mixed messages. People are like, you must be really sick to be obsessed with these movies. No, it's just I could just appreciate the movies. I'd like happy movies, sad movies, gory movies, not gory movies, Christian movies. It's like, I like movies of all sorts. That's what intrigues me about this one is the intellectual stuff of these puzzles and why they're happening there is just something to that. So, but I always tell people if you don't like what I'm talking about, you know where the off switch is. Speaker 0 00:00:56 But obviously they keep coming back for more because they obviously like something I'm saying even if they don't agree with me. And you know what, if you don't agree with me, guess what? That's okay. I don't really mind. It's just <laugh> keep coming back. There obviously is something that you like about the way I do these reviews and the way I bring them to you. I really do have fun with this and I think that's the whole point of being able to have fun with all of this stuff. I wanna go ahead and touch on the whole thing. Yes, I do give all of the saw movies a guilty rating. Downright very guilty <laugh> as far as I'm concerned because I mean there's even adults that aren't, that these movies are not safe for. If you have a, if you have a sensitive constitution, if you have a weak stomach, if you are easily prone to nightmares, if you don't like any blood and gore or anything violent, do not watch these movies. Speaker 0 00:01:51 Obviously, I'm not gonna get over the top and describe something to you that's gonna make you wanna hurl just for my audio podcast. But <laugh>, like I said, you may still appreciate the reviews even if you never watch these movies. Who knows, maybe you know somebody who wants to watch these movies or you have friends that have watched these movies and this gives you something to talk about. Who knows? I'm just kinda spit balling there. I mean, I honestly have no clue, but I enjoy bringing these to you and I enjoy bringing to you the original reviews that were on movie This one is no different, so I'm gonna go ahead and let you know I did give Soft four, a 5.5 out of 10 on the deputy scale. So it did drop a little bit and I think that's because the story almost feels, there's a couple points in it where it almost feels a little bit redundant, but it's still told really well. Speaker 0 00:02:43 There's some stuff in this one particularly that bothered me a little bit. Not, not the whole bother me, like ew, this is icky movie, but just like continuity errors, just little things and I'm like, wait, come on. And I know I'm more sensitive to picking up those things than a lot of people that I know. 'cause I can sit there and watch a movie with my best friend and she <laugh>, whether it be my husband or my sister, and I could sit there and I could watch these movies and I will catch something. Or you know, sometimes they even catch something that I miss. I mean, it happens. I'm not perfect by any means, nor do I even pretend to be <laugh> because life's hard enough to try to be just who I am. I don't wanna try to be anything I'm not. But I wanna jump in with my original review for Saw four now. Speaker 0 00:03:28 Okay, hold on. Before I jump in with that, there is something that I should touch on here. If you have not seen the other saw movies and you do not understand where the story has gone until now, especially at the end of jigsaw three or saw three, then the first, my first sentence in this review is gonna sound like a spoiler. But if you've ever seen the trailers or a poster or anything for Saw, it quickly becomes apparent that my, that the first words outta my mouth are not actually a spoiler. Like it sounds like they are. So I am still steadfast in my thing of no spoilers ever, ever, ever, ever, never. So <laugh>, that's not a problem. But I just wanted to give you the heads up. 'cause like I said, this first sentence almost sounds like a spoiler, but here we go. Speaker 0 00:04:18 Jigsaw is dead. Even with that, this is far from the end of the story. His death isn't the end, it's only the beginning. During his autopsy, a clue is found that will lead rig on the adventure of his life. In order to save someone that he's close to, he must participate in an unconventional scavenger hunt. One of the people he's searching for has been missing longer than the other, but they have something in common along the way. The scavenger hunt will lead him to face the unimaginable and do things he could not ever have imagined. The closer he gets to the truth, the further away that it will seem, even with the obstacles in front of him, he will not be deterred from what he knows he must do. When he reaches the end of the line, he must do one more thing before it's too late. Speaker 0 00:05:13 Will he accomplish what must be done in time? Will Jigsaw live on in other twisted ways? Or is this really the end? We'll never know. When I wrote this one, it's right after I had watched Saw four. I at that time was thinking, okay, I didn't, I should have maybe researched it more. I was not even aware that there was a soft five at that point. I thought with John dying that basically it was gonna be at the end of the story. And thankfully it's not. I mean this, there ends up being so much more going on. Kind of how I hinted in the last one is in saw three we get to see a little bit of a glimpse of why John is the way he is. And this one we get to see that a little bit more. And that kind of carries on even through the next couple Speaker 1 00:05:57 Movies, is it really gives you a look into his psyche and why he became who he was. And it's kind of creepy a little bit in just kind of the unnerving way, but not like in the nasty way, if that makes any sense at all. But I have hope, or at least I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed these thirsty Thursday series with the fourth movie in the saw series. Saw four or as commonly known Jigsaw four. So <laugh>, I'm having a lot of fun bringing these to you. I hope you come back next week for Saw five, as I've said previously, and I will just repeat myself in case this is your first time here. We are doing all of the saw movies in order every Thursday, and of course I have a new review that's up literally every day of the week. So be sure to like, subscribe and share the podcasts. And we go over a gamut of movies of everything from like these saw movies to innocent kids movies and everything in between. So I am hoping that you are enjoying yourself. I know I am, and I can't wait to talk to you again soon. Till later. Bye-bye.

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