Animatrix (2003)

Animatrix (2003)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Animatrix (2003)

Aug 14 2023 | 00:14:06

Episode August 14, 2023 00:14:06

Show Notes

Animatrix is the highly controversial series of 9 stories of anime style animation that fill in the gaps of the Matrix stories. 

The Second Renaissance Pt I

The Second Renaissance Pt II


World Record

Kid's Story


A Detective Story


The Animatrix / Final Flight of the Osiris

Original Review:

This is it


The second Renaissance pt 1,
Zion archive, file 12-1, man made machine in his own likeness, biblical feel as told by a god, man became the architect of his own demise, endlessly multiplying mammals,  B1-66ER, ozo pul judge for yourself,  etc newsnet21, million machine march,  anime style, partial nudity,  zero-one, ai, versatran, ftv,

The second Renaissance pt 2,
Biblical feel as told by a God, zero-one, operation dark storm, destruction of the sky, lt gaeda, anime style, mild gore, bioelectric thermal and kinetic energies of the body,  bless all forms of intelligence,  bodies in pods,

Soldiers on horseback, flaming arrows,  training simulation, those living outside the matrix, virtual world, red pill regret, duo, zion, what's real doesn't matter what's important is how we live our lives, I won't look away from the truth, kaiser, cis,

World record,
Nothing worth doing in life is easy, medal revoked, dope test positive, prove them wrong, distorted anime style, it feels like zero gravity,  dan Davis, no red blue just endurance,  8.72 seconds, queen of mystery literature, 

Kids story,
Anime style,  somebody tell me why it feels more real when I dream than when I am awake, how can I know if my senses are lying,  there is done fiction in your truth and some truth in your fiction,  to know the truth you must risk everything,  who am I, am I alone,  Clearview high school, Michael karl popper, skateboarding,  self substantiation, you are not alone, 

Yuki cat,  yoko, manabu, pudgy, 42-19, Kenny, Misha, rendering anomaly,  masa, Sara,

A detective story,
Ash, Dinah cat, trinity hacker, find the red queen,  figment,  Cypher, jabberwocky, red_queen, white_pawn, I'm told he's through the looking glass, no it is you who is through the looking glass,  you'll have to jump the forest off six brooks, I'll be there at 20:05, trap or test, bug implant, test or choice, 

577-07, nonaka, to convert is it's chance to make,  machines are tools they are made to be used,  to an artificial mind all things are virtual,  dreaming lets you know that reality exists,  dream of a machine,  thadeus,


The animatrix, 
Final flight of the Osiris, 
Realistic animation,  training simulation,  sex appeal, junction 21, thaddeus,  jue,

Am I really here,
Do I really exist,
The same scenes,
The same people,

Conga Fury by Juno reactor,
Big Wednesday by free*land,
Ren2 by photek,
Dark moody by junkie xl,
supermoves by overseer,
Martenot waves by meat beat manifesto,
Who am I by peace orchestra,
Masters of the universe by Juno reactor, 
Virus by Satoshi tomiie,
Suzuki by Tosca,
Hands around my throat by death in Vegas,
Blind tiger by layo & bushwacka,
Under the gun by Supreme beings of leisure,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. I hope you had a great weekend. I know I did. I was hoping maybe some of you got out and checked out some of the movies I was talking to you about. I mean, we did the last Voyage of the Demeter. We did Jules, and of course we did Grand Tomo. Of course, of those three of the ones that I would probably watch again would be the Grand Tomo with a, with the last voyage of the Demeter being, I wouldn't say a super close second, but I'd watch that again, Jules, definitely not, but that's actually not why I'm here. You're probably waiting for me to finish up the matrix series with Matrix Resurrections, but I am actually gonna be doing that one tomorrow. No, I'm not interrupting the the Matrix series at all. I'm actually gonna be sitting here today talking to you about an Matrixx. Speaker 0 00:00:45 Antrix is an animated set of movie or short stories. There's nine stories in total, all technically eight, but it spaces it out into nine. But they're all in like an aime style animation and they fill in a lot of gaps. If you're, if you're really a fan of the Matrix series and if you've followed it since the beginning and you have a lot of just questions of things left unanswered, the an matrix will answer a lot of those questions for you. Will it answer everything? Probably not, but just because the series is so complicated throughout. But the Ani Matrixx definitely fills in a lot of the gaps and kind of just kind of helps a lot with that. Now, I do wanna say right up front that those with strong religious beliefs, the Ani Matrix might make you a little bit uncomfortable, and I will be just getting into a little bit more of that as I get into the first couple stories here. Speaker 0 00:01:35 And also, if you are sensitive to things like suicide and things like that, both today's show with Anna Matrixx, we're gonna be talking about a story that deals with suicide and also in Matrix resurrections, they are also gonna be dealing with, uh, the topic of suicide. So if you are sensitive to either of those topics, I just kind of wanna give you a heads up just because I mean, as I, I struggle with P T S D, but for a different reason. But I, I know how big of an issue that is and yeah, I don't want anybody to be blindsided by that. So of course, like I said, I wanted to let you know on that. But I'm gonna go ahead and jump right in. Like I said, there are nine stories here, but technically eight because the first two are the, the second Renaissance part one and the second Renaissance part two. Speaker 0 00:02:16 I don't understand why they broke it up into two stories, but I'm just gonna be talking about it kind of continually. But I will let you know when it makes the break from the first one to the second one in case you are following that a little bit more detail. I just didn't wanna, didn't want anybody to be blindsided by that <laugh>. But the first one is the second Renaissance part one, and this one, it really has a almost a biblical feel to the way it's being told. And you may be wondering, okay, why is she telling me this? It's because the, the goddess that's kind of telling this story is from like an omni omnipotent, I can't say that word being, it's kind of looking down and like observing everything and narrating it. So the whole part of the second renaissance, both part one and and part two are from almost like a narration standpoint. Speaker 0 00:03:01 And it's the manmade machine in its own likeness. That man became architect of his own demise, endlessly multiplying mammals, just kind of the whole thing. It basically, we created these machines and they're taking over. We've created a machines that are smart enough to be able to rise up against us. And there's actually a million machine marks that it references in this one because if you've ever wondered like back to the very beginning of the Matrix movies, it's like, okay, when did we go from living above ground to of the whole normal life that we had to living in these pods? It's like, how did the machines take over? And that's really what the first, what a lot of these stories kind of fill in these gaps for, it's almost uncomfortable in this, in the first part, one of the second renaissance. There is some partial nudity. Speaker 0 00:03:49 It has to do a lot with a company called Vertran that became really instrumental in creating these machines and creating this AI that just really started to think and act as a person. Now mind you, this is back in 2003 and okay, I'm gonna break the fourth wall here for a second just a little bit. And by the way, that also happens in tomorrow's one is the Matrix Resurrections kind of breaks the fourth wall on that a little bit. Like I said in this back in 2003, I don't think we could have anticipated that 20 years later, 2023, that we would actually have AI that could pass like all these different tests that almost passes as human. So I was like, okay, I don't think that the matrix thing is actually like what we would consider like real, real, but I mean some of the stuff that it's talking about in the second Renaissance that it was predicting like back, back then, it's the things that we have happening today. Speaker 0 00:04:39 And so it's a little bit creepy just a little bit. And then onto the second Renaissance, part two, we're still talking about the same thing. Man decides to act as God, and in a way, in order to try to stop these machines, because a lot of 'em are solar powered, is they darken the skies. It's literally called Operation Dark Storm. And it's, they basically destroy the sky. They're out there and they're doing all this stuff to basically shroud the earth in permanent darkness. And with, with that, it's just these machines decide, okay, we can't get energy from that anymore. So we're gonna get energy from the humans because humans can provide bioelectric, thermal and kinetic energies. And it's endless because we're endlessly multiplying mammals, <laugh>, that that's the, there, that's the terminology in the show, not mine, mankind's world as we know it, to basically the pods that we're all in in this ai subverse thing that we live in, uh, at least in the movies that is <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:05:36 And it's just, it's like I said, it's a little bit more than almost like, like I said, it's a biblical feel to that and it's just a little bit uncomfortable. And it's a little bit eerie too 'cause it's just, there's, the similarities are just, just a little bit <laugh>. The next story that we're gonna be talking about is called program. This one starts as you see a bunch of soldiers on horseback, on horseback, and they're shooting flaming arrows and it's this male soldier chasing this female type soldier and they're just chasing each other in sword fights and doing all this. And of course you realize that they're in a training simulation, basically like the go back to the first matrix movies and realize and think of when they've sucked Neo into those training programs where he could just like download stuff instantly into his brain and then go into these programs and test it out. Speaker 0 00:06:23 That's what they're doing in the one called program. There's also a lot of sexual tension that is undeniable in this one. It's just they're both, uh, like they're used to the world that they're living in. They're used to this being the not the reality. And one of them is determined to go back into the Matrix because he's can't stand the real world. He said, what's real? Doesn't matter. What, what's important is how we live our lives. And his, he can no longer live his life in that world. He wants to go back into the Matrix. And the ending on that ends up being a little bit tragic, not necessarily the way you might think, but I won't give that away. The next story is called World Record. It is about an a professional athlete that breaks a world record and ends up losing the record because he was on dope. Speaker 0 00:07:08 Well, he is determined to try to prove them wrong. He just is training and pushing his body and pushing his body. He's just determined to beat this. And his whole thing is, it's no red pill, no blue pill, just endurance. 'cause he's in this, he's not part of the simulation. He's not, he's not aware of the real world and the matrix. He's living in the Matrix as he's pushing his body just past this point of anything. He pushes his body so far that he actually slips just momentarily mentally into the real world. And it's just a total, I mean, just totally screws with this guy's mind. And he cannot figure out what happened and what's going on. Like I said, it's really kind of just unnerving of sorts. But he ends up getting back into it and he ends this thing where he ends up pushing himself far enough to where, like I said, he mentally, he goes into the Matrix a little bit if he actually breaks another world record. Speaker 0 00:08:00 And that's not the end of the story, but that's, it's not necessarily one of the tragic ones that you might expect. Our next story is this is the one dealing with the suicide. If, if that easily triggers you, if that bothers you, you might wanna skip ahead three, four minutes just because it's about how long I'm taking on these roughly so far. But <laugh>, it's kind of almost like a play on words a little bit only, it's not funny, it's actually just called Kids Story. There's this kid that's a computer gay geek, and he feels all alone and he is like, somebody tell me why it feels more real when I dream than when I'm awake. And how can I know if my senses are lying? It's, he's just so, he does everything doesn't feel real to him. And he's aware of the Matrix that he is never been there. He knows of it, and he knows of Leon, he knows of Trinity. And he is just determined by to do anything in his power to get there. And it, it says he must risk everything. Speaker 1 00:08:54 And he, he does. He ends up doing something that takes his own life in the real world, or sorry, in the, in the matrix world that he's living in that is unaware of the life in the Matrix is his parents. And those that loved him said, I mean, he's in a better place now or he's in a different place now and they have no idea how close that is to the truth because something happened when he did that, that they said they'd never seen it happen before. But he found himself in the Matrix after he took his life in, or he found himself in the real world and out of the Matrix after taking his own life. Don't worry, that's not a spoiler. There's a lot more to that story. It's just, it's very unnerving, very disconcerting, very, I I couldn't help but gasp for breath when I watched that one. Speaker 1 00:09:37 I was just, just like, I was just, wow. I, that just blew me away on that. Now our next story is a, it's a much more lighthearted story. It also involves a lot of kids. This one is about a young lady. She wakes up and she's getting ready to feed her cat Yuki, and she can't find Yuki. Yuki is always there for dinner, but she can't find Yuki. And for my animal lovers, don't worry, nothing bad happens to the cat out there. So this is actually just a sweet little story, but she ends up like following Yuki's Trail and asking people if they've seen Yuki. And it turns out Yuki has gone into this haunted house. Well, there's a bunch of kids also playing in this haunted house because there's things that are just unusual, like things randomly float and things. Just the, there's just things that justify reality in this area. Speaker 1 00:10:22 And it's kind of, uh, it's computer-wise, it's known as a rendering anomaly. It's kind of an area where the area between the matrix and the real world is a little fuzzy. So a lot of the strange and unusual things can happen and just kind of how they all experience that. It's, it's just kind of a more lighthearted tell story on what could happen within all that. Now our next one is actually called a detective story. It is about a hacker that they're trying to find. It's detective is reaching out to the red queen, trying to find the hacker known as Trinity. They, they know that he's through the looking glass. They have to find him through the looking glass and the, the whole series of that. They go along to find Trinity through this. And they do find Trinity, but not in the way you might think. Speaker 1 00:11:05 And it just, it's, that one was a little bit hard to follow. I actually backed that one up and watched that particular story through three times and I'm still a little bit confused. So if somebody ever wants to write that out and explain it to me and write it, send it off to movie or just to movie [email protected]. I would be more than happy to update this review if somebody could help explain that to me a little bit more. 'cause I'm just as like, okay, I understand there's a hacker looking for her. They find her, then just things kind of go weird. So that one was just a little bit hard to follow. Hey guys, you okay? Cats? One of my cats just fell down. She's fine. But <laugh>, she's just being silly. The next one is a story called Matriculated. That's a very weird word to say. Speaker 1 00:11:47 It's machines are tools. They're made to be used. Artificial minds are just, they're virtual and dreaming lets you know what reality is and you dream of a dreaming of a machine. And this one is just, it's finding that fine line between dreams and reality and it bounces back and forth between a little bit of that of the whole, am I really here? Do I really exist? And that whole theory of that, and it kind of goes into that and plays into that a little bit further. It's maybe a little bit uncomfortable for some things. I know that seems a little bit uncomfortable. It kind of fits in with the rest of the stories with this one. And it, I don't know, it fits, but it doesn't fit in a way of sorts. And our last story is the final flight of the Osiris. And this one is more of a realistic animation type thing. Speaker 1 00:12:36 It's a little less of the anime style and more of the realistic type animation, but it has to do with the whole, with Thaddeus and Jew and they're up in the real world or they're up in the Matrix, they're trying to figure things out. They've gone through the looking glass and basically the Osirus ends up being captured by the sentinels. And what happens to Jew when she's in the Matrix when that happens? I can't give that away as a spoiler, but I will let you put two and two together. I'm sure you can figure it out as it's called the final flight of the Osirus. But yeah, and I just realized after going through all of this, I haven't even told you the score yet. Well, of course I did give this a guilty rating and I did actually give the Anna Matrix a six out of 10 on the deputy scale. Speaker 1 00:13:16 I hope this has helped you maybe understand all of the stories in the Matrix a little bit better. Uh, my descriptions probably aren't doing it just as it's just, it's a mismatch of ideas. Each of these, except for the first two parts of the Renaissance one have, it looks like they're all done by different artists. And I appreciate the different perspectives that each of them bring to these stories. Some of 'em being dark, some of them being a little bit more lighthearted. But if you've ever been a fan of The Matrix, these, this is definitely one that you're gonna want to check out, love it, or hate it. I'm sure it's gonna have a lot of strong feelings, both directions as as many of the questions that it answers, it leaves many more unanswered. And unfortunately, we're probably never gonna get those answers <laugh>. So look forward to tomorrow when I can tell you all about Matrix resurrections. And I hope you're ready 'cause that'll be the end of the story. So until later, bye-bye.

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