The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

Aug 15 2023 | 00:06:29

Episode August 15, 2023 00:06:29

Show Notes

The long awaited and anticipated 4th story in the Matrix series has finally arrived. 

Original Review:

This is it


Modal 101 Breach/user violation, host alarm kimw/12:15, heart o the city hotel,  for those who love to eat shit, a modal is a simulation used to evolve programs,  bugs as in bunny, metacortex / scf7, Thomas a Anderson / junior programmer,  issued 28 may 1996, 3809940taa, unlock my mind,  choice is an illusion,  the Lafayette,  agent white,  agent Smith,  extraordinary interactive game design Thomas Anderson,  the game awards 1999 / game of the year / the matrix / deus machina, simulatte, the paradox between free will and destiny,  jude Gallagher,  Tiffany tiff, Chad, Brandon, Callie, binary, modal 101 / file purged, I quit calling it a habit now it's just a guilty pleasure,  we had all the chemistry of an fbi interrogation,  that's the thing about stories they never really end do they, the value of adaptive anger in healing trauma,  matrix 4 / M. IV, what made matrix different it effed with your head,  people want us up in their gray space,  switching their synaptic wtf light on,  switching their synaptic what the heel is going on here light on,  matrix means mayhem, matrix is mind porn philosophy is shiny,  it is so much easier to bury reality than it is to dispose of dreams,  trans politics, crypto fascism,  its a metaphor of capitalist exploitation, this cannot be another reboot retread regurgitated, bullet time,  skroce, how do you know if you want something yourself or if your upbringing programmed you do want it,  if you want answers go to the door at the end of the hall / go now / you know who,  morpheus uno, deja vu the cat, balls to bones, dsi digital self image, the construct between everything and nothing,  are memories turned into fiction any less real, Mark iii no 19 MNEMOSYNE Made in the year eu 2274, sequoia seq, lexy, berg, ellster, neo-ologist, cybebe, octacles, lumin8, synthients, synthient city,  not all seek to control just as not all wish to be free,  exomorphic particle codex,  limits are the domain of the limited,  paramagnetic oscillation, Hanno, zion, io, Niobe, dozer's paint stripper, Freya, quillion,  nothing travels faster than light except gossip,  nothing can breed violence like scarcity, high chair of the council, what if I can't be what I once was,  exiles, face Zucker suck, originality mattered,  binary ones and zeroes Anderson and Smith,  MOJO rising,  sequel franchise spinoff, here is the anomaly of anomalies,  hope and despair are nearly identical in code,  what validates and makes your fictions real feelings, sati, knuckle up and good luck,  anomaleum, fetus fields, kujaku, the most important choice in neos life is not his to make, why does this story feel like a memory,  anyone could have been you whereas I've always been anyone,  calliope,  bank of the orient, the analyst, sheeple, just remind people what a free mind can do,  for mom and dad / love is the genesis of everything,  with love and thanks to Sarah and Pippa, 53296, bonus scene after credits,  the catrix,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me, your friendly deputy of movie Deputy podcast. Finally bringing you the last and final. I'm saying that with a little bit of hesitation in my voice because you never know what Hollywood's gonna do, but the last Resurrect Matrix movie Resurrections, I don't, I did say I was gonna do this yesterday, but I had to bring you the Anna Matrix one first. I, I just had to, it filled in so many of the gaps that were left in the story. And since the Matrix resurrections kind of wraps up the story and kind of le finishes it, maybe it kinda leads, like it could go into something more, but just like why when all they've done is gone downhill since the very beginning. But <laugh>, I, this one is just, I will say right up front, I did give this a guilty rating. Speaker 0 00:00:43 The score I gave, this might actually surprise a few of you both in both directions. I gave this one an even 5.0 out of 10. So a five out of 10 is what this one got. So if you've been watching the score progression, you've seen it gradually go from the sixes down to the fives, and now it's at the bottom level of the fives. I really was tempted to give it a score in the fours, both personally and professionally, because until I went back and re-watched this, I didn't really remember much of it. So technically it could kind of fall in the watchable but forgettable category. But at the same time, there's a lot of just bits and pieces of this one that makes sense and don't make sense all at the same time, if that makes any sense. But in this one it'll, if you've followed the Matrix series at all, you know, at the end of, I think it was Matrix Revolutions, we saw pretty much saw the end to Neo and Trinity. Speaker 0 00:01:33 And if you've watched those movies before, that definitely is not a spoiler, but <laugh> so sorry about that. If you haven't watched that yet, you know, I don't give spoilers, but I highly recommend watching these ones in order. So I won't give you any more details about that. You'll have to watch and just kind of see how that plays out and how that happens. So I'm having to interrupt one of my kitties again here. Sorry about that. But in Matrix, matrix Resurrections, we see a bunch of people like living down in the Zion area, and except now there's a new town called io. And IO is this whole big underground world thing that kind of Zion used to be, only it's evolved be way beyond that because of what Neo did at the end of Revolutions. And that might not make a lot of sense to a lot of people. Speaker 0 00:02:13 But what's the really confusing part is Mr. Anderson is back at this company. He's designing the Matrix video games. He, he's getting therapy and he, he's going through all of this and he, he has no memory of the matrix actually being real. His only memory is of just bits and flashes and pieces in his brain, and he thinks it's his imagination. And he actually gets so depressed because he can't figure this thing out that he actually attempts suicide. It doesn't show us that in the movie, but it does reference it. And so that's kind of an important thing to focus on a little bit to at least getting the mindset of where he's at with this. But, so he doesn't believe the Matrix is really real. And then he just randomly runs into Tiffany one day and he knows her. He know, he knows she's familiar and he can't place it. And then she is that Speaker 1 00:02:58 Way to, to him too. And I'll give you one guess who Tiffany is. You just pretty much have to, if you follow the movies, you know who Tiffany is, <laugh>, sorry, I couldn't resist on that one. But as they're going together and they're trying to figure stuff out, he gets contacted from somebody that's in the real world, except he doesn't, it's not the whole thing of the whole red pill, blue pill kind of is, but it isn't, it's a little bit different, but they no longer have to do the phones. It has to do through mirrors. And there's, there's really a whole big tie in to the whole Alice of the Looking Glass movie with how this matrix one plays out. And it's like, okay, but we just know what happened to both Neo and Trinity at the end of the last movie. So what happened mean, how are they back? Speaker 1 00:03:39 And that will kind of answer itself as the story is told, it's been a very long time since the last movie happened, at least in their world, it's been actually 60 years. He'll end up actually him, both him and Trinity will run into people that they know from their past once they go back into the real world, except once they go back into the real world, they're having a hard time finding pieces where everything still kind of fits together. And so they find themselves lost. And again, this questioning of whether or not Neo is the one, yeah, it really kind of almost undoes some of the other movies a little bit because the whole thing was questioning if not whether or not he was the one was kind of the whole big deal through the other movies. And one thing I really wanna focus on that I have to really give credit to the first three Matrix movies is they're not woke. Speaker 1 00:04:27 It is so refreshing because they're just action movies that are sci-fi and they just kind of take you all over the place, but they're not woke. There's not that whole agenda thing going on. And unfortunately, this one took the, took the Hollywood pill, not the Red pill or the Blue Pill, but the whole movie took the Hollywood pill because there are multiple things about this one that are woke throughout, to be honest. Um, the biggest highlight of the movie is one of the little kitty cats, and there's actually a bonus scene after all of the credits having to do with the cat. And if nothing else, it's worth sitting through just to get to that bonus scene. If you've ever really been a fan of The Matrix, you, you're probably gonna wanna check this one out just to kinda see what they do to the story. Speaker 1 00:05:08 And at the same time, you're gonna be wondering like, W t F, did they do, I have to watch my language a little bit, so I can't actually spell that or say that out loud, but I can use the acronym for it. But yeah, this one just, it leaves you just hanging and the people that you think you're understanding, you're not understanding, and the people who you think they are really aren't who they are. So I know that sounds very confusing and that's pretty much a good way to describe the movie, is just plain confusing. So I hate to wrap the story up like this. It's like kinda leave you on this just myth end on this. But the story just, it's just unsatisfying how it ends. There's no other really way to put it. It does wrap it up, but at the same time, it almost leads like it could do something more. And I'm just gonna say right now, I hope not, but we'll just have to wait and see. I do hope you enjoyed our Anna Matrixx Speaker 2 00:05:56 Thing yesterday. If you've never heard of that before, it is a series of cartoons that kind of fill in a lot of the gaps of the Matrix story. So if you're ever been curious about that, that is available at least right now on H B O Max, or I guess it's called just Max now. Uh, I don't get anything for recommending that to you or anything from that. I don't get any residuals. But if you're interested in that, that's where you can find it. Again, sorry to leave you on a note such as this, but we're gonna have some surprises coming up this week and in the upcoming week. So stick around and stay tuned. Till then, bye-bye.

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