Mission Impossible III (2006)

Mission Impossible III (2006)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Mission Impossible III (2006)

Jul 21 2023 | 00:04:47

Episode July 21, 2023 00:04:47

Show Notes

This M:I will definitely need all of the luck it can get as a lucky token and a love interest mix the story up just a bit. 

Original Review:

Normalcy, we can easily find ourselves taking it for granted. For Ethan Hunt, there is no normalcy. He's trying to get his life on track. He's found the love of his life, yet he can't share the biggest part of his life with her. He continues to be one of the top agents for the IMF, they know he can get the job done at any cost. What is the cost of normalcy? Ethan is about to find out. The only hope he has lies in a "Rabbit's foot", what could be so special about a rabbit's foot you ask... That remains to be seen. In this third installment of the series, there are multiple errors in the continuity of the story. You literally have to piece the main parts together in your brain to make sense of this. For some viewers that might be too much to process. Those that are obsessed with the story will appreciate the new love interest in Ethan's life as well as the new twists to the story itself. Once Ethan finds the Rabbit's foot, he must jump down the proverbial rabbit's hole to put the pieces together. This is an integral piece of the story if they're going to carry it any further, other than that... It's dull.



benji dunn, Brandon P Bell, Brownway, Bruce French, Colleen Crozier, d-hdrs-helicopter, Dana Dru Evenson, Daniel Mindel, ethan-hunt, ethan-matthew-hunt, Evan Shields, feng-shan-apartments, Greeting Priest, humpty-dumpty,im-going-to-die-unless-you-kill-me, imf, IMF Agent, impossible-mission-force, its-unacceptable-that-chocolate-makes-you-fat-but-ive-eaten-my-share, James Shanklin, Jane Daly, Jasmine Brooke White, Jillian Fontaine, life-before-all-this, luang-tao-rd, Lucille Soong, luther-stickell, maggie-q, mission-impossible-three

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to The Adventure That is Movie Deputy Reviews as we are getting ready to dive into Mission Impossible three. If this is your first time, welcome, I am really excited to share this with you as I interrogate these movies for their plot and content. If this is your first time here, I am actually the deputy of movie deputy podcast. That was the, I was the deputy of movie deputy.com, and if you go to the website, you'll find a lot of great older reviews, but haven't updated it in a while since we've been switching over to the podcast only format. And if you've been listening for the last couple days, you've heard that we've talked about mission of the first Mission Impossible, mission impossible too. And here we're gonna jump right in with Mission Impossible three. This one kind of goes a little bit of a different direction than we've seen before. Speaker 0 00:00:46 They almost kind of mix, they're, they're kind of mix the story up a little bit. I think they've really kind of struggled with some of the other movies reaching a wider audience, so they're trying to bring a little bit more romance and maybe a little bit more intrigue into the story and kinda how it's all going. And this one's a little bit more of a mystery to try to figure out. Oh, it'll kind of explain more as I read you the original review that was on movie deputy.com. Um, if you're curious about the score that I gave this, I'm actually gonna save that to the end. And as you kind of picked up on in the past, usually when I do that, it's not the greatest score, but don't give up on it quite yet. It's definitely still watchable, if that's a hint <laugh> on that. Speaker 0 00:01:27 But I'm gonna go ahead and get right into the original review on movie deputy.com. Normalcy we can easily find ourselves taking it for granted. For Ethan Hunt, there is no normalcy. He's trying to get his life on track. He's found the love of his life, yet he can't share the biggest part of his life with her. He continues to be one of the top agents for the imf. They know he can get the job done at any cost. What is the cost of normalcy? Ethan's about to find out the only hope he has lies in a rabbit's foot. But what could be so special about a rabbit's foot you ask that remains to be seen in this third installment of the series. There are multiple errors in the continuity of the story. You literally kind of have to piece the main parts of the story together in your brain to make sense of it. Speaker 0 00:02:17 For some viewers that might be a little bit too much to process. Those that are obsessed with the story up to this point will appreciate the new love interest in Ethan's life, as well as the twists that are in the story itself. Once Ethan finds this rabbit foot, he must jump down the proverbial rabbit's hole to put the pieces together. This is an integral, ugh, I can't say that word. This is an in integral part of the story that they're, let's try that one more time. This is an integral part of the story if they're going to carry it any further. Other than that, it's dull. Now a lot of my reviews typically sound philosophical in the way that they're written. This one does not come across as that in the Speaker 1 00:02:58 Least, because the story kind of jumps all over the place. And unless you're really paying attention to the details, it's really easy to get lost this love interest. Like I said, it almost makes it feel like a bit of a romance playing into that. And the whole thing with this rabbit's foot, I can't give too much away on that, or it's gonna be a literal spoiler. And I will not do that, do you? Cuz you know how much I hate spoilers on this one. I did only give this movie a 4.5 out of 10. Now, like I said, as you know, when I leave the score towards the end of the review, you kind of expect that it's gonna be on the lower half of the scale. And like I try to remind people a, even a four on deputy is watchable, but forgettable, this is one of those ones that like I, it's a ne it's an integral part of the story. Speaker 1 00:03:44 It's something that you need to carry the story further and to kind of understand p bits and pieces of it. But at the same time, it's like, why did they take this approach? And it doesn't really add to character development. It doesn't really add to the story. I mean, it extends the story, but it doesn't really add anything. Oh, let me rephrase that. There's, there's one major part of this that really kind of plays into how the story continues from here, but you're just kind of kind have to watch it and find out because you know me know spoilers, but I know I'm kind of cutting this one a little bit short. But there's really not much else to this one. It's just literally watchable. But forgettable, as sad as I, sad as that is to say, if you're curious, I did give this one a guilty on the whole guilty and innocent thing. Definitely safe for 13 and above. Um, could be safe for 13 and below two, depending on your parenting style. It's completely up to you. But at least try to give people a heads up on the content on that. Stay tuned to tomorrow and we are going to be talking about Mission Impossible Rogue Nation. Talk to you then. Bye-bye.

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