Mission Impossible II (2000)

Mission Impossible II (2000)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Mission Impossible II (2000)

Jul 20 2023 | 00:05:26

Episode July 20, 2023 00:05:26

Show Notes


Original Review:

A genetically modified disease is on the verge of being released and only one man can stop it. This agent is one that we've met before and this could be his last. The disease has a short life, at least to those that are infected. Stopping it in its tracks is imperative. Ethan is still with the IMF and though his team has changed, his passion hasn't. When it becomes obvious that stopping the transmission of this disease will cost him someone close to him, the game changes. He must decide between heart or humanity. Which do you think he'll choose? This second installment in the M:I series had nowhere to go but up. Though it's not a home run by any means, it most definitely exceeded the first. The story was much further developed, the characters finally found their footing and the idea promised was portrayed successfully. Saying all of that, you may expect a higher score. If the score was based only on the previous movie, yes it would have deserved more but considering the "Deputy" scale, the story on its own was decent (not great) and there were still significant flaws throughout. Should the series continue... Can it get better? There's definitely room... but it has room to fall too... I guess we'll have to wait and see.



biocyte pharmaceuticals, bulgari-necklace, candice-partridge, chimera, Rade Sherbedgia, Radé Sherbedgia, ethan-hunt, flamenco-dancer, gate-guard, hugh-stamp, John C. McCloy, John McCloy, john-c-mccoy, john-polson, john-woo, kim-flemming-larrabee, Larrabee, luther-stickell, mi2, Matthew Wilkinson, mission-commander-swanbeck, mission-difficult, mission-impossible-2, n450cc-helicopter, nada-rogic, ryder davis server, Thandie Newton, thandie-newton-nyah-nordoff-hall, ethan-hunt,your-life-is-our-lifes-work

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning and welcome back. It is once again your favorite deputy with Movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing you the in deep interrogations of the Mission Impossible Series. And today we are actually gonna be talking about Mission Impossible two, which came out in 2000. If you caught yesterday's program. You know what I was talking about? Mission Impossible one, the score was beyond a little bit dismal and so I was honestly surprised that they moved forward with another Mission Impossible movie, but this one redeemed itself a little bit. I did also give this one a guilty rating. I believe they're all guilty ratings, but I will touch on that end with each individual movie. I will go ahead and let you know the score on this one before we got started. Their first one, as you know, got a four out of 10, mission Impossible two actually got a five. Speaker 0 00:00:46 Now that may not seem like a big difference in that, and I'm gonna explain why as I go through the review and kind of discuss this might be a little bit more, with a little bit more in depth and detail on that. But I was just kind of, like I said, I was surprised that this one was better than the first because usually if movies start out the way that one started, it's just, it's, I mean, they're dead in the water. They don't really go much further. And as we know now that it's 2023, there's actually been quite a few of these movies, but back when I reviewed the first one and this one, that's what, that was just back in 2020 when I reviewed the first Mission Impossible and the second Mission Impossible. And so I was just, I wasn't sure what to expect. Speaker 0 00:01:26 I mean, I've, I don't necessarily pay attention of course to the big names and movies and obviously Tom Cruise is a big name and that was probably the biggest draw as to why they moved forward with the series. I always say that I review movies, the A-list, B list and no list. And I have had a surprising amount of no list movies that have ended up on my top tens of the years so far. But before I get into that too deep or anything like that, I wanna go ahead and read you the review that I had on movie deputy.com. This review, I, all my reviews on Movie Deputy were all 300 words or less, no spoilers. I still stay true to the no spoilers, but as you can tell, I'm way over 300 words on this one <laugh>. But, so here's the review that I had written. Speaker 0 00:02:07 A genetically modified disease is on the verge of being released and only one man can stop it. This agent is one that we've met before and this could be his last. This disease has a short life, at least to those that are infected. Stopping it in its tracks is imperative. Ethan is still with the imf and though his team has changed, his passion hasn't, when it becomes obvious that stopping the transmission of this disease will cost him someone close to him, the game changes. He must decide between heart or humanity. Which do you think he'll choose this second installment in the Mission Impossible series? Had nowhere to go but up, though it's not a home run by any means, it most definitely exceeded the first. The story was much further developed. The characters finally found their Speaker 1 00:02:59 Footing and the idea promised was portrayed successfully. Saying all of that, you may expect a higher score if the score was based only on the previous movie, yes. But yes, it would've deserved more. But considering the deputy scale, this story on its own was decent, not great, and there were still significant flaws throughout. Should the series continue, can it get better? There's definitely room, but it has room to fall to. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I did, I, I've kind of noticed as I've been going back through my reviews and to transferring them into the podcast format that I wrote a lot of my reviews in a very philosophical format. Just very, it almost a thought provoking way. But one thing I've, I'm also picking up cuz I'm sharing these reviews with you is when you're reading these words on, on computer screen or on your phone or wherever you're reading the reviews from, or if you were prior to everything being podcast format, you don't get the inflection that I meant on certain words and I'm, and I, that's, I could never figure out how to convey that. Speaker 1 00:04:05 Whereas when I'm reading it to you, I can put those inflections in and the tone of my voice and I can just really just almost bring it to you in a different light. But yeah, with this movie it kinda, I mean obviously we know Ethan has survived because we know there's other movies that have Ha Happened where he was the star of Tom Cruise. It's just, it's really been an adventure As these movies have gone on, you will see with time and like I said, there will be one of these up every day up through Dead Reckoning part one that's just gotta go in order so you get the full experience. But yeah, I was hoping that it was gonna get better from here and I will kind of, uh, give you a little bit of less spoiler. Guess what? They get better. And really case you had any problems hearing the whisper just then, just it, it's kind of a spoiler but not really a spoiler, it's just a movie Deputy Spoiler on myself. Speaker 1 00:04:57 Is that yes, in fact they do get better. So <laugh>, I was actually glad to see that after watching this one. I was actually hoping that they were gonna come out with more and I definitely would not have been feeling that way after the first one. So I was glad to see the progression of the story, the progression of the characters, and kind of how that all went along. So if you are enjoying the series so far, be sure to tune in tomorrow for Mission Impossible three. And I look forward to talking to you again soon. Bye-bye.

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