Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)

Jul 22 2023 | 00:06:10

Episode July 22, 2023 00:06:10

Show Notes

Going away from everything that they've done thus far just might carry them on, this is definitely one to check out. 

Original Review:

Masks are something we all wear, some of us literally and some of us in a more figurative manner. Hunt is back and the IMF are in deeper than ever before. There's a new agent working to help him in the field and some other matters that complicate the situation. Hunt must be rescued before he can be of help to anyone else. Once they help him, his team helps him to pinpoint the source of the trouble. Once they have the person/problem pinpointed... it's just a matter of time. The deeper they get, the more trouble they get themselves into. Then the unthinkable happens. They must enact "Ghost Protocol". You might ask yourself what that is, but honestly, it is best summed up by watching the story unfold. Once Ghost Protocol is enacted, they realize how limited they are in pulling this off. Ultimately taking each member of the team to new heights. This fourth installment is definitely the best of the series (so far), the way it leaves off leads into something much more that could still be in the works. Finally, a complete story and dialogue that though it still has errors, the story and characters are strong enough to carry it through. If you're a fan of the Mission: Impossible series, you'll love this one. Even if you aren't, there's enough action and drama to this to carry it even without the others.



412 The Martian, benji, bogdan, city-elefant, cobalt, egorov, ethan-hunt, ghost-protocol, haboob, Hanaway, hendricks, imf impossible-mission-force, iron-fist, it-wasnt-your-job-to-protect-her-it-was-mine, magellan-rise, mission-accomplished, mission-impossible, nuclear-war, otmeha, The Fog

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is, of course, me your favorite deputy and movie Deputy Podcasts bringing to you the fourth movie in the Mission Impossible Series. Now, hold on a second. I know you're gonna catch me on something because I actually didn't catch it or I caught it, but I didn't catch it until it was too late is yesterday. I said we were gonna be talking about Rogue Nation and I know better than that and I'd got just a couple of them backwards. But today is Gil's Protocol, submiss, mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. The fourth movie in the series tomorrow is Rogue Nation. So I got those two backwards. I did catch that. So I'm, yeah, I had plenty of messages on it, but I actually caught it before I saw the first message, but by then it was already set to upload and I'm just, just like, ah, crap, I will just apologize and correct it tomorrow and to get 'em back in order and just kind of make sure all, all back on the same page, mission Impossible goes protocol really wowed me so far. Speaker 0 00:00:56 It is the most put together of any of the Mission Impossible movies that we've seen so far. It, the, the plot carried through, well, it, it had good flow to it, the characters, it had good interaction. It felt like you were actually watching this unfold instead of watching a movie on the big screen. Now, of course, you're watching a movie on the big screen, but the movies that kind of draw you in, you feel like you're like right there watching it. Th th this is something special about movies that do that is, there's just something to it. I and I love movies that kind of take us to that point. And luckily we finally got that. It only took 'EM four movies to finally get there. Now again, like I said earlier on all of the Mission Impossible movies do have a guilty rating just because of some of the content that's in theirs on the language. Speaker 0 00:01:45 But so far this is one has actually earned the highest score that I've given any of the Mission Impossible Mo, mission Impossible Movies, at least up to this point. Now, mission Impossible Ghost Protocol did get a 6.5 out of 10 on the deputy scale, and you're thinking, okay, if she's going that high, there's gotta be something to this one. Well, let me read you the review that is on movie deputy.com and then we'll go over a little bit more of it. Masks are something we all wear. Now I'm diverting a little bit from the review here. This movie came out in 2011 and a little did they realize where we'd be 10 years later. I probably would've worded that completely different, but I'm gonna jump right back in there to the beginning when I was rereading that, that was part of my review. I'm like, uh, masks, <laugh>. I'm sure you can, I mean, least relate with me on that one. But masks are something we all wear. Some of us literally and some of us in a more figurative manner. Hunt is back and the IMF are in deeper than ever before. There's a new agent working to help him in the field and some other matters that complicate the situation. Hunt must be rescued before he can be of help to anyone else. Once they help him, his team helps him pinpoint Speaker 1 00:02:58 The source of the trouble. Once they have the person problem pinpointed is just a matter of time. The deeper they get, the more trouble they get themselves into, then the unthinkable happens. They must enact Ghost Protocol. Now you might ask yourself what that is, but honestly it's best summed up by watching the story unfold. Once Ghost Protocol is enacted, they realize how limited they are pulling this off, ultimately taking each member of the team to new heights. This fourth installment is definitely the best of the series so far. The way it leaves off leads into something much more that could still be in the works. Finally, a complete story and dialogue that though it still has errors, the story and characters are strong enough to carry it through. If you're a fan of the Mission Impossible series, you will love this one. Even if you aren't, there's enough action and drama to carry the even without the others. Speaker 1 00:03:58 Now, that's saying something, a movie, especially for movies into a series when the movie is actually strong enough to carry itself without the other ones. Like if, even if you've never seen any other Mission Impossible movies, they kind of play off themselves. This one stands wrong. Like I said, even if you'd never seen any of the other ones, you'd enjoy the story. The plays out here, there's so much intrigue. It's like this, what they were trying to go for in the last one that they just never quite made it. It's like they, they went back and corrected all of those errors just with carrying the story forward because this one, not all clunky doesn't jump around that much. It's, it's so well played out and the intrigue and the mystery that is Ghost Protocol, I mean, it just keeps you coming back and like you wanna see more. Speaker 1 00:04:39 It's like this is one of those ones that back the Day Run Pee would've been helpful for, to let you know when it was safe to get up and pee. Cause you don't wanna get up and miss anything. Well, I mean, at least now in the day, this is available on like instant video and instant Watch where we can pause if we have to do that. Or like back like us kid back in the back in the day, it's like Saturday morning cartoons. Run pee during the commercials, except movies don't have commercials unless they're on tv. This, this is just one of those ones you don't wanna have to get up. You don't wanna have to go up and get a refill or something to drink or something to snack on. You just wanna sit there and see what's gonna happen next and you're just staring at the screen. Speaker 1 00:05:14 And I know I feel and know I'm being really weird and really, but you know, you know what kind of movie I'm talking about when I'm trying to describe that, where you're just like glued to the screen and you're just anxiously awaiting what's gonna happen next. And it's like you don't wanna turn away and like if something's trying to get your attention, you're like, hold on, hold on just a minute, just a minute. Th this is one of those. And <laugh>, like I said, if you haven't watched it in a while, go back and watch it. If you've never watched it, definitely check this one out. Like I said, I did give it a six and a half out of 10 on the deputy scale. Did give the guilty rating after seeing how much they've improved at this one, I can't wait to see where they go from here again. Tomorrow we will be talking about Rogue Nation. Like I said, I corrected that. I totally goofed up on that in the last episode, but who since corrected my error, I'm just, the stories go so many directions from here and it's just so nice to see that development and everything from it. But yeah, I'm just really excited to talk to you about that next one tomorrow. So until then, bye-bye.

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