My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)

Sep 11 2023 | 00:06:04

Episode September 11, 2023 00:06:04

Show Notes

Family is everything, few families embody this idea as passionately as the Greeks do. Come along on this family adventure into something much more. 

Original Review:

Growing up in a Greek family means that there are certain things expected of you, especially if you're a woman. The biggest expectation falls on expecting the young woman to find a good Greek boy and start a traditional Greek family. Well, that's not exactly how it has gone for Toula. She has grown up in a very traditional Greek family but she yearns for more. Through a pursuit for education, she meets a man that is everything that she had ever dreamt of... Except for one thing. He's not Greek! The events that will unfold are both sincere and hilarious. Through all of this, all the happy couple wants is one another, now if they can just make it to the altar... The title itself gives you an idea how the story ends but there's much more to this than a goofy comedy. This both honors and challenges family traditions as it shows what they'll go through to be together. As unique as this tale it, it still is almost borderline in the way it addresses certain aspects of society. An interesting story that delves deeply into the family unit, what works and what doesn't. Come prepared for a laugh and a little something more.


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Well, hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again a Monday, and this is movie Deputy Reviews and this is the one and only deputy bringing them to you. If I sound like I'm a little outta sorts. Well, this weekend was crazy though. Mondays are sometimes a little bit of a struggle. If you heard me last weekend, I Mondays <laugh>, but today's not anywhere near as bad. Like I said, this weekend was a little bit crazy and if you've had a chance to listen to the reviews, you'll understand why. Yeah, it has just been a little bit of an adventure. Now, mind you, I try to make the most out of everything and I live my life under the whole idea of that life is about making memories because ultimately that's all we really live behind, and I can guarantee you that I definitely made some memories this weekend. Speaker 0 00:00:53 <laugh>. Yeah, this is one that's going to, yeah, this one's gonna be remembered for a long time, but nothing that has anything to do with Movie Deputy. Oh, okay, the movies did, but just other things in life, so it's never boring. And today we are gonna be talking about the movies that I promised you last week that we just didn't have room to get in. As you've heard, we did go, uh, if you've caught it by weekend, shows that we reviewed my Big Fat Greek wedding. Three. While you're going, okay, where's one and two? And that's what I'm bringing to you today and tomorrow. Today we are gonna be talking about my big Fat Greek wedding. With the Greek culture. There is very few cultures in the world that embody the whole idea of family more than the Greeks. Now mind you, there's a, every culture is rich in its own heritage and everything. Speaker 0 00:01:40 So I'm not trying to disparage any other cultures at all, but I have rarely seen families as close as what I see in the Greek traditions. And maybe that's, maybe because I know a few more Greeks and I do have other just nationalities and stuff like that. But the whole thing is just family, family, family. And it's amazing what happens when they come together and do something. But it's also very stressful when it comes to planning anything. And of course this movie's about a wedding. So I'll just let you imagine, Al, you're probably wondering what I am going to give this or what I did give this on the deputy rating. And I'm actually gonna surprise you on this one a little bit. I gave it a 7.75 on the movie Deputy Scale. And you're probably thinking, oh my word, why did she go so high? It's because of the whole embodiment of everything that goes along with this. There's just so much to this movie to fall in love with. So if this is your favorite movie, I understand why. If this is, if this didn't float your boat, I understand that too because these types of stories are not for everybody now, these kind of ones, they can reach out to everybody. I did give this an innocent rating as there's nothing really inappropriate at all during this movie. Now, younger audiences may not completely Speaker 1 00:02:58 Understand the story of what's going on, but the just the whole tone of the movie is just so fun and smooth and you just kinda get caught up in it. And by the end of the movie, you almost feel like you're a member of this family. So I really had a lot of fun watching this, and I've watched re-watched it a couple times since I originally watched it. I actually had never watched this until I started Movie Deputy and I started Deputy in 2014. This movie came out in 2002, and I was really surprised that I'd never seen this yet, but I was so glad that I took a chance and decided to check it out because this one just truly just, it's just really a heartwarming movie and it's just one that's easy to relate with. There's so many today that we just can't really relate with. Speaker 1 00:03:43 And there's just something with this, even if you're not Greek or anything like that, or even if you're not even close to your family, which you know, I can relate with that. But like I said, this one, there's just something special. And I actually wanna share with you the original review that was on movie Growing up in a Greek family means that there are certain things expected of you, especially if you're a woman. The biggest expectation falls on expecting the young woman to find a good Greek boy to start a traditional Greek family. Well, that's not exactly how it's gone for. For Tula. She has grown up in a very traditional Greek family, and she yearns for more through a pursuit for education. She meets a man that is everything that she's ever dreamt of. Hmm, except for one thing, he's not Greek. The events that will unfold are both sincere and hilarious. Speaker 1 00:04:34 Through all of this, all the Happy Couple wants is one another. Now, if they can just make it to the altar, the title itself gives you an idea of how the story ends, but there's much more to this than a goofy comedy. This both honors and challenges family traditions as it shows what they'll go through to be together. As unique as this, as unique as this tale is, it still is borderline in the way it addresses certain aspects of society. An interesting story that delves deeply into the family unit, what works and what doesn't come prepared for a laugh and maybe a little something more. Now, I think that perfectly embodies the story. Like I said, there's a lot of expectations put on Greek families to marry into other Greek families. And so when she falls in love with someone who's not Greek, you can imagine the family dynamics going on in that whole thing, but it turns into a really touching, beautiful movie that has a lot of laughs along the way. So if you've never had a chance to check this out, maybe this will spike your curiosity. If not, like I said, I mean, I can understand that too. But either way, I hope you're gonna have fun. Uh, the hope this week is gonna be full of adventure and making memories. I still can't believe we're in September already. But overall, like I said, I just hope you have a lot of fun. Please come back tomorrow for my big Fat Greek wedding too. And as always, I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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