Meru (2015)

Meru (2015)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Meru (2015)

Oct 03 2023 | 00:05:54

Episode October 03, 2023 00:05:54

Show Notes


Original Review:

The Shark's Fin is a climb that many have attempted but few have actually conquered the nearly impossible feat. This is the story of a group of climbers that attempted this climb, knowing the risks involved and pushing through the difficulties. The closer the summit gets, the more difficult the challenges become. Each one facing his own mortality as they attempt the impossible. Even knowing what's ahead, they continually push forward. Knowing that conquering this peak has eluded all that have attempted it won't stop this group of explorers. Even if they end up paying the ultimate price, they'll have done what no one else has. An adrenaline filled, emotionally challenging drama/documentary that is not for the faint of heart. The challenges that they face are presented in all their raw detail. Including some very graphic images and video from injuries that were sustained. This is to be enjoyed as what it is, watching others do what few dare to. Is it incredible strength or incredible strength that takes them to this point. That's up to each to decide for themselves. What will you decide? Watch this and decide for yourself.


a4 pitch, acceptable risk, Actress as Jenni Lowe-Anker, alex lowe, amee hinkley, andra day, arthur pingrey, as a team you're the sum total of all your experience, base camp 14500ft, big wall style, big wall techniques, bivee, bivey, bivy, bivy kit, body of everest pioneer mallory found, borneo, bozeman montana, broken-portal-edge, climbing-bum, combination-of-frostbite-and-trenchfoot, conrad-anker, dave-howland, david-bridges, david-garza, day-1-15000ft, day-10-altitude-18000ft, day-13-altitude-19000ft, day-8-altitude-17000ft, ellsworth-mountains, first-ascent, gangotri-india, gangotri-india-9900-ft, gil-roberts, grace-chin, headwaters-of-the-ganges-river, hes-very-driven-and-determined, high-altitude-himalayan-climbing, himalayan-big-wall-climbing, i-always-wondered-how-i-was-going-to-die-now-i-know, ice-climb, in-loving-memory-alex-lowe, in-loving-memory-mugs-stump, in-loving-memory-yen-yen-chin, in-over-my-head, j-ralph, Jeni Lowe Anker, jenni-lowe-anker, Jennifer Lowe-Anker, jennifer-anker, jennifer-lowe, jenny-anker, jenny-lowe, jeremy-jones, jimmy-chin, jon-krakauer, k7-in-pakistan, last-man-standing, little-chub, meru-is-the-anti-everest, meru-wall, merus-sharks-fin, millennium-supplement-exploration, mix-climb, mugs-stump, mugs-stump-died-on-denali, n129jm-airplane, national-geographic-above-yosemite, national-geographic-vol-193-no-2-february-1998, new-delhi-india-700ft, pitch-20, portal-edge, promise-you-must-not-die-before-me, renan-ozturk, revo-goggles, she has no fucking idea what hes really doing out there, the-center-on-the-universe-is-unattainable, the-culmination-of-all-ive-wanted-and-all-ive-wanted-to-do, the-house-of-cards-pitch, the-indian-ocean-wall, the-last-leap, the-north-face-summit-series, the-point-where-heaven-and-earth-and-hell-all-come-together, the-rumor-mill, the-summit, timex-helmet

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome back to Movie Deputy Reviews, where we are doing in depth interrogations of climbing movies this week. Now, why climbing movies? Well, there have been a surprising amount of these that have come out since I started Movie Deputy and I am focusing on three of them this week. Before we get up to our thirsty Thursday today, we are going to be talking about a movie called Meru, and it is about a climber that takes on the Shark's Fin, a very dangerous climb that is considered impossible by most of the climbing world. Even after they did it in this movie, it's still considered one of the hardest climbs that's ever been done and it had never been done until it was done by these guys. [00:00:54] So this is a bit of an adventure. It definitely has a guilty rating because some of the content is not safe for younger viewers. And if you are curious about the score that I gave it, unfortunately it's not quite to the level that we were at with the Alpinesque, but that doesn't mean that it's any less watchable. [00:01:18] I can't talk. Maru actually got a 5.5 out of ten on the Deputy scale. And if you choose to embark on the experience of this one, you will get to see why as the story plays out. [00:01:34] You know me, no spoilers ever with anything like this. And honestly, these movies are going to have a little bit more of a niche audience of people who have followed climbing. But it's not just that. It's like if you're a fan of reality TV, you are going to like these movies. If you are a fan of any type of sport, I mean, football, baseball, basketball, soccer, football, the other types of football, pretty much anything. If you are a fan of any of that stuff, you're going to take something away from these movies. There is just something here about the passion of the sport itself. And you're like, wait, climbing isn't a sport. And I'm like, trust me, it is. It really is because you're not climbing up a ladder here. You're trying to grab footholds and handholds and it's like you're just holding on almost basically with your fingernails. Not literally, but I mean, just to pieces that it doesn't even look like there is anything. And you're just captivating, you're drawn in. And these ones are they're an adventure to watch and they're entertaining and they're heart wrenching and heartwarming all at the same time. You may be wondering how can it be all of those at the same time? That you're going to have to watch it to find out. But in the meantime, I am going to share with you the original review that I had posted on back in 2015. [00:03:01] The Shark's Fin is a climb that many have attempted, but few have actually conquered the nearly impossible feat. This is the story of a group of climbers that attempted this climb, knowing the risks involved and pushing through the difficulties. The closer the summit gets, the more difficult the challenges become. Each one facing his own mortality as they attempt the impossible. Even knowing what's ahead, they continually push forward, knowing that conquering this peak has eluded all that have attempted. It won't stop this group of explorers, even if they end up paying the ultimate price. They'll have done what no one else has an adrenaline filled, emotionally challenging drama documentary that is not for the faint of heart. The challenges that they face are presented in their raw detail, including some very graphic images and video from injuries that were sustained. This is to be enjoyed as what it is watching others do what few dare to. It is incredible strength. [00:04:15] Sorry, I'm just rereading what I wrote here. That sentence doesn't even make sense. I'm trying to figure out why I wrote it that way. I'll share with you the way I wrote it. That just kind of derailed my brain. [00:04:27] Is it incredible strength or incredible strength that takes them to this point? I don't know what I was trying to say there. That's up to each to decide for themselves. What will you decide? Watch this and decide for yourself. [00:04:41] I didn't mean to derail my own brain there, but I'm just like that sentence made no sense. [00:04:49] See, that's what I mean. I bring this just raw and real to you as it is, and sorry, that was my chair squeaking. So nothing like what it sounded like. [00:04:59] But yeah, stories like this, they are just like I said. If you've ever been a fan of reality TV, sports, any type of adventure, adrenaline filled drama dramas as they play out, except this is a documentary and what you're watching is real. So this isn't Hollywood magic, this isn't special effects, this is raw, this is real, and it's being brought to you by them just because they're willing to share it. I cannot even imagine, I truly cannot even fathom this, but like I said, if you are into those types of things, then you will be into this. I just say, if you haven't thought of it before, give it a chance. Some of these indie movies really are surprising. Like I said, it is a guilty rating. So some of the topics discussed here are not safe for young viewers, but ultimately, that's up for you to decide. But I hope that at least helps you a little bit, narrow that down, and I will be back tomorrow with another of these for you. Till then. Bye.

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