The Alpinist (2021)

The Alpinist (2021)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Alpinist (2021)

Oct 02 2023 | 00:07:05

Episode October 02, 2023 00:07:05

Show Notes

Marc-Andre was exceptional, only the world had a hard time seeing it because he didn't fit the mold. He not only recreated the mold but he changed the world, the climbing world that is. Come along on this adventure. 

Original Review:

Marc-Andre was the perfect example of a truly individual individual. Even at an early age, he never conformed to what others expected of him. Thankfully, he had someone who understood him even when the world didn't. His mother recognized that he was truly unique and helped guide him towards his dreams. These dreams took him all over the world. He was truly free when he was climbing. A white-hot fire burned within him that he continually kept going with taking on new adventures, new routes, and new peaks. He chased the intensity of the experiences. In that, he would look for other ways to match that intensity... but nothing compared to the rush he got while climbing. The only thing that could come close to matching it was the love that he shared with Brette. Their passion was shared on and off the mountains. Some of the adventures may have led them on different paths but they always found their way back to one another. That is until one fateful day in Alaska. Marc-Andre and a close friend of his decided to climb the Mendenhall Towers. After successfully completing the trek, they rejoiced in their success. What would occur on their return home would take the climbing world by surprise. This whole story is about celebrating Marc-Andre and his love of life. Though challenging at times to complete, it tells a story of passion in ways that few are able to express.

Those sensitive to vertigo may have issues with some of the footage that was captured firsthand on their adventures. It's a powerful story and even more stunning than you can imagine. Some of the subjects touched on and some of the content might not suit all audiences but it's a journey that must be experienced to be understood.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Good morning and happy Monday. What a way to start the week. We are jumping in with movie deputy reviews with some true stories. This week, I am making it a point to focus on a couple movies that are about what's called free soloing. It's climbing without gear, just kind of doing what looks to be the impossible and just really pulling it off. But it takes a special kind of a person to do something like this. You may be wondering what is inspiring me to really focus on that this week. Well, we've focused on the Gods Not Dead series. We've focused a lot on scary movies. Of course, we still have our Thirsty Thursdays every week. I'm not going to be disappointing you with that in the least. So no worries there. But like I said, I review a little bit of everything. The A list, B list and no list. And these are some independent films, but they're very interesting independent films. This particular one called The Alpinist came out in 2021, I believe. I'm trying to go off memory on this one. I believe I gave this an innocent rating. Let me just double check that just to be sure. Just want to make sure. Oh, no. I did give this a guilty rating. So my apologies. I did give this a guilty rating. It's likely because of some of the language and stuff used in a story such as this. But if you are into the really true stories, not the movies based on true stories, well, yesterday's was a really important one too, but these ones are literally like documentaries. We're going to be talking about three of these titles this week. And then of course, we're going to kind of get back into the normal stuff as well. But I just think it's important to show the different categories that I look at when I do some of this. And I used to spend probably a couple of hours just debating on how I wanted to write these reviews out. And that's why I want to bring these to you now in podcast format that we're getting switched over. You'll see that there's definitely a difference from just my freestyle podcasting of just after I've watched a movie compared to these ones, where I actually had written the review out in great detail. [00:02:13] Now, I did give the Alpinest a 6.5 out of ten on the deputy scale. So, I mean, obviously, you know, there's got to be a little bit something to it because I'm pretty harsh, as you've seen with some of my recent reviews. But like I said, this is one that if you really like true stories of just, I hate to say, achieving the impossible. I know that's almost like a conundrum. I mean, just one of those things because you can't achieve the impossible. But these guys, they're coming pretty close with what they're doing. And like I said, I want to share with you the original review that I had shared on mark Andre was the perfect example of a truly individual individual. Even at an early age he never conformed to what others expected of him. Thankfully, he had someone who understood him even when the world didn't. His mother recognized that he was truly unique and helped guide him towards his dreams. These dreams took him all over the world. He was truly free when he was climbing. A white hot fire burned within him that he continually kept going with, taking on new adventures, new routes and new peaks. [00:03:28] He chased the intensity of the experiences in that he would look for other ways to match that intensity but nothing compared to the rush he got while climbing. The only thing that could come close to matching it was the love that he shared with Bret. Their passion was shared on and off the mountains. Some of the adventures may have led them on different paths but they always found their way back to one another. That was until one fateful day in Alaska. Mark Andre and a close friend of his decided to climb the Mendenhall towers. After successfully completing the trek, they rejoiced in their success. [00:04:10] What would occur on the return home would take the climbing world by surprise. [00:04:18] This whole story is about celebrating Mark Andre and his love of life. Though challenging at times to complete, it tells a story of passion in ways that few are able to express. [00:04:33] Those sensitive to Vertigo may have issues with some of the footage that was captured firsthand on their adventures. It's a powerful story and even more stunning than you can imagine. Some of the subjects touched on and some of the content might not suit all audiences but it's a journey that must be experienced to be understood. [00:04:56] Honestly refreshing my brain with reading this back through you. I remember this movie actually quite vividly. I was kind of remembering pieces of it just from the poster and stuff. But yeah, that's why I give this a guilty rating as there's some drug use and there's some other stuff in this of why it's not necessarily safe for the youngest of viewers. [00:05:16] And you may think I'm alluding to a spoiler with kind of what happens in the movie but a quick Google search will tell you what happened. But if you don't want to ruin that suspense like I said, this one is it's an adventure and you get to come along with them on this adventure. [00:05:36] It will take you to heights that you never really knew you'd wanted to go on. Scared? [00:05:44] Okay, I can't use that word. I'm terrified of heights. [00:05:49] But even with that, the vertical things that this movie could trigger in some people didn't bother me at all because it's like I'm realizing it's a TV screen and I'm not actually up there, I'm not climbing up there. But I know there's people that love this and I know, there's people that love this movie and if you've ever been one into climbing, rock climbing, free climbing, any of this type of stuff, this is going to be one that you're going to want to check out. If you are a part of the climbing community, you know the story but you still may not know everything about the story that is shared with this. And there's just something that these documentaries bring out that aren't necessarily known prior to doing them. And I like the fact that it talks to his mom and it talks to Bret and they talk to his friends and then you get to see his private life. I mean, obviously he was a little bit different growing up and so he let very few people in but in that sense, what little bit we get to see of that it really lets you know what kind of a person he was. So is it for you only? You can decide that for sure. But I hope that if you do decide to take a chance on this adventure that you will enjoy it as much as I did. So I will be back tomorrow with another story like this for you until and bye.

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