The Blind (2023)

The Blind (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Blind (2023)

Oct 01 2023 | 00:13:36

Episode October 01, 2023 00:13:36

Show Notes

Many have come to know and love Duck Dynasty... Their story isn't one of success but one of failure and how they failed and grew from that is how they became who they are today. 

Today is a bit of a sad show. This will be our LAST Sunday episode. I will from time to time post a bonus episode on random Sundays but as a rule... I'm setting that day aside. 

Original Review:

This is it


True story,  West Monroe la, how the impossible happened,  Vivian la, phil Robertson,  Caddo Parrish,  Jan Robertson, Kay carroway,  Katie carroway,  North Caddo high school,  sal Robertson,  fertitta's, home of the muffy, wanita carroway,  willie carroway,  Kay Robertson,  Terry Bradshaw,  blonde bomber,  ka 1821 bj, junction city AR, big al Bolen,  appaloosa catfish is the filet mignon of the river,  who needs the pew when you can be out in his creation, the celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County by Mark twain,  lucky liquor,  1545f81, someday you're gonna have to fight for your marriage,  pastor Bill Smith, 2961g45, William Robertson, Jase Robertson,  Alan Robertson,  sounds too good to be true it's too good for all of us,  Jason Robertson,  si Robertson,  stubborn as an ox stuck in the mud,  when I gave it up that's when I got it all back,  you gotta come to the end of yourself to come to the beginning of god, till duck do us part,  duck commander,  I am second, Merritt Robertson,  in loving memory john Lange, James Robertson, Jim Perkins, 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Why, hello, everybody, and good morning. Welcome back to Movie Deputy podcasts, where we are thoroughly interrogating the new movie, The Blind. The new movie about the story of the founders of Duck Dynasty. It's their story of redemption and love and it's just forgive me if I sound a little out of sorts today. Doing shows like this are sometimes kind of bad, but not because of the movie. I wanted to make an announcement before I get too far into my movie here. I celebrated a big milestone yesterday, and I should have really made more of a big deal out of it, but the chosen or sorry, the creator movie review that I posted yesterday, that one was my 100th movie review episode. So it's just kind of fitting that this one starts today on October 1. And this is actually going to be our last Sunday episode. I didn't want you to think that we're going away. No movie. Deputy is not going anywhere. But I need to take a day out of the week just so that I can take care of some things and not for any particular reason. It's not because I'm religious or anything along those lines, but I chose Sundays. It's commonly referred to by even a lot of businesses as the day that they're closed. And so I chose Sundays. And now I'm not saying that I'm not going to have any episodes up anymore on Deputy, but the episodes that I choose to do will just be bonus episodes that will go live on Sundays. Our movie reviews will continue as always, Monday through Saturday. Or yeah, Monday through Saturday is how I sorry, total brain fart in mid sentence there. But I don't want you to think that I am going to be doing any less with bringing my movies to you. [00:01:55] This gives me a little bit more time to focus on other things. And mind you, Movie Deputy is my number one passion besides my family and my kitties. So like I said, I'm not going anywhere with this. And like I said, it's just kind of fitting that I'm doing this today on this episode. I didn't plan this out that I was going to be doing The Blind today, but this is the movie that I watched last night and it was not what I expected. And sometimes that could be a really good thing. And this is one of those cases I do want to mention. I am giving this movie a guilty rating. And you may be thinking, okay, the movie is about the guys from Duck Dynasty. Why would it get a guilty rating? Well, it's because it's about not only them, since they have been such a big success, this is their story going all the way back to their young childhood. And in this, we see them as young children living literally in the sticks of Louisiana. [00:02:56] They're even mentioning in the movie that it's like, okay, it's 1952, but it feels like it's 1852 because they're just literally living off the land, living just out in the middle of nowhere. Their dad works for an oil company, but they're not rich in any way, shape or form. [00:03:15] They see just like, normal people going to church and people that own automobiles or people that get to go out to eat once in a while as basically being filthy rich. So that's to the level that this was at. And so they struggled for everything that they had. And in the midst of this, their mother, Phil and SI's mom, and there's a couple of the other kids too, but she was really struggling with they don't really address what it is, but it seems very bipolar. Schizophrenic ish type of just she's fine when she's medicated, but when she has one of her spells, she is just totally irrational and almost dangerous to herself and others. So that added another really complicated thing. And with Phil being the oldest of the four kids, it was kind of on him to take care of his siblings and just kind of look after everybody as they got older, and that continued through their growing up. As he got a little bit older, he was playing football, just trying to find his way in life. And a young girl that he knew from childhood on. They kind of caught each other's attention, and obviously they ended up getting married and falling in love and getting really her name is Kay, and her dad refers to her as, like, a Katie bug at one point, but her name is Kay and her name was Kay Caraway. And of course, now it is. [00:04:47] This is it's not just Phil's story. It's not just Duck Dynasty's story. This whole story, as the movie plays out, phil is in a duck blind with a friend of his at the very beginning of the movie and at different points at the movie, narrating parts in his life. And as he's sharing this story and he's narrating these different pieces. [00:05:09] Okay, duck Dynasty is very much a biblically centered show, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I have no problem with that. I will be honest. I have never watched it. So that may be a shock to some people, but I really have never watched it, to be honest. I was thinking it was going to be a little bit of, like, one of the Bible thumper type shows. And it's like, I'm just not into having religion shoved down my throat for no matter how long the program is. And so I was honestly a little worried that this story was going to do that, and I was really surprised that it doesn't. This movie is very Christ centered throughout the majority of the movie, but it doesn't beat you in the head with it. It's one of those ones that shares it in a way that makes you curious, that makes you want to know more about what brought them to that point and what it was with what was shared with them that got them to that point. And that's the story that they're sharing. We see Phil and Kay in the early part of their marriage. Everything's going good. They have a couple kids. Well, he kind of gets involved in some situations because of friends and just money problems and things like that, that he ends up turning to alcohol. [00:06:27] It's a very slippery slope down a very steep slope, and ultimately, it ends up costing him everything. Don't worry. No spoilers here. So don't worry. That's not a spoiler. But obviously, we know they ended up getting back together. But how? What was the process? What was the thing that tore them apart? What was the thing that brought them back together? It's easy to say, Jesus. That's a really easy way to put it. But that's not just it. That's one piece of this puzzle. Mind you, that's probably a pretty big piece of this puzzle. But that is just one piece of this. And how this plays out, it's just wow. [00:07:07] Like I said, I did have to give this a guilty rating just because it addresses verbal abuse. It addresses physical abuse, it addresses alcoholism. It addresses so many different issues, mental illness, and just so many different things. But in doing so, it just wow. The story that it portrays, it's definitely not a Bible thumper movie. Trust me. I'm going to be the first person to call one out if it is. And this is definitely not the way that they share the word that they share. [00:07:42] You don't have to be a religious person to enjoy a movie like this. You don't have to be a fan of Duck Dynasty to enjoy a movie like this. I mean, heck, I've never even seen the program. You don't even have to be a Duck Hunter to enjoy a movie like this. If you want a good family movie that has some questionable content at times, then this is really going to touch you. And if you want a good touching movie to maybe go see with a family member that's maybe struggling with some of this stuff and show them that redemption is possible and redemption is not going to look the same for let's just use letters for people. If you have person A-B-C and D, let's say they're all going through similar situations, their redemption stories for each one of them are going to be different. They're not all going to have the same stories. And you know what? They're not all going to have a happy ending. It's life. It's not going to happen that way. And that's really what this shows. And Phil, when he was much younger, he was sharing so many stories, and Kay did as well. And Kay shared a story that her daddy had shared with her many years ago, and he told her, someday you're going to have to fight for your marriage. And that's really what this came down to, is this came down to a fight for their marriage. And there was a really important point in this. And as you know, I don't get too stuck on the whole religious part of this stuff either. But there's a comparison in this movie, and it's just kind of sticking with me. But it's that men and women just like just the humankind, basically just men climb up mountains, they try to do grand things to basically become God. I'm using air quotes. I know you can't see that. But they're basically trying to make themselves more appear more than they are. But God is the only person that comes down the mountain to meet us where we're at. It doesn't matter if you're ready to meet Him or not. If he's there. [00:09:47] If I'm offending you, too bad. You know where the off button is. But it's just plain and simple. Like I said, if you're wanting something that really means something, then this is going to be it. You're probably wondering, okay, score wise, what did you give this? Because I've been dancing around with it and I always have to take into account some of the content of the movie as you heard from yesterday's program. And I have to look at how it's balanced out, and then I have to look at the importance of the story as this plays out. [00:10:19] And that's where I really struggle. It's like when I walked out of this movie, I'm thinking, okay, it was never hard to follow. It was never boring. There was never filler contest. That's important to mention here. Every part of this story has a meaning. Every part of this story has a reason for being what it is. [00:10:41] Like I said, it's going to appeal to just about everybody on some level or another. It's like if you don't get something out of this movie, I don't know what to say. I really don't. Like I said, everybody's going to take something a little bit different away from it. But if you don't take something away from this, then there's something missing. So score wise, I ended up at a 7.5 out of ten on the deputy scale. Doesn't have anything to do with the fact it's a Christian movie or anything like that. I mean, heck, you can look back at some of my reviews that are on and see that that truly is not the case on that. But this is as hard as it is to watch at times, it is a movie that will truly change lives. [00:11:28] Will it be yours? I don't know. That's completely up to you. But this one definitely created a curiosity. And I actually am going to want to check out more of Duck Dynasty and check out more of this story just because there was so much to this. I do want to make mention in the credits that it did say In Loving Memory of John Lang. I'm not sure who that is, but obviously it was somebody pretty important to the family. [00:11:56] Like I said, if you are just looking for something, or if you have somebody that you're close to that's struggling with some of this stuff, take them to this movie. Watch this movie together. [00:12:09] It's going to incite a lot of emotions in people, highs and lows. So just come prepared to laugh, come prepared to cry, come prepared to be angry, because you will experience the gamut of emotions with this. [00:12:27] Like I said, it's just kind of fitting that this ended up working out to be my last Sunday program with this. Like I said, it's not like the last last, it's just the last regular Sunday program because I will still have bonus episodes from time to time. But I hope you take something away from this and I hope you take something away from Movie Deputy. And of course, if you do, please, like, subscribe and share this content. I really put my heart on a platter as I bring this information to you. And I just bring it to you, rods like, I take my notes and stuff during a movie, which you can see in the text part of the podcast if you scroll down, but I just put it out there and I'm hoping that you find it helpful. And I'm hoping that, who knows, maybe this review will bring somebody to this movie that wouldn't have otherwise seen it. And if it changes one life, that's enough. [00:13:18] Obviously, I hope it changed just more, but honestly, if it changes one life, that's enough. I hope you all have a blessed day. Take care, make sure and make memories with your loved ones, because in the end, that's all we have left. And I will be back tomorrow with another movie for you. Bye.

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