The Creator (2023)

The Creator (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Creator (2023)

Sep 30 2023 | 00:13:06

Episode September 30, 2023 00:13:06

Show Notes

Life, what is it? Why is that important? This answers that question and leaves you with more questions when it's done... Is that a good thing? That's up to you.

Original Review:

This is it


Nirmata, newsreel, simulant, more human than human,  this is a fight for our very existence,  ko nang new Asia 2065, ground zero Los Angeles,  uss nomad, humanity's hope, Joshua Taylor, alpha o, Maya Taylor, I'd do anything for just one more minute,  please make love to yourself and also make love to your mother,  sb7-a, Shipley, see you in Valhalla,  donate your likeness, alpha, lilac city,  mxat9093, mxat0762, Harun, than ton temple, fort Valor, not off standby, lunar airways, north American orbital missile aerospace defense,

The Creator
The Child
The Friend
The Mother

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome back once again to Movie Deputy podcast, where we are discussing Movie Deputy reviews in depth, great details as we are really going deep into the full interrogations of movies such as the one we're talking about today, the creator. This one, this is going to be challenging review. So strap in, hang on, and this is going to be one hell of a ride, this one. Before I even start talking about the movie, I do want to say this has a guilty rating. If you are curious about the score, you're going to just have to hang on and wait to see what happens. [00:00:49] Like I said, this one is going to ruffle some feathers, it's going to really challenge some ideas, and there's going to be a lot of people who agree with it and a lot of people it's going to piss off. [00:01:05] So, like I said, this did get a very guilty rating. [00:01:11] Okay, first of all, let me say the story in this one, if they just left just to the story, I would probably be low mid sevens. [00:01:22] Calculating everything that included in this puts me maybe low to mid three. And I'm not saying I gave it either of those scores yet. I'm just kind of letting you know where the different things that I take into account and the fact that I have to not only look at this for the story, that I have to look at this for the content, for the audience, for the messages portrayed. It's like Hollywood isn't just about entertainment anymore. Hollywood is about an. Mean, I kind of hate to put it that way, but it really just I'm not going to dance around it. This movie is woke to just a whole new level. And yeah, it deals with a lot of really sensitive topics. It deals with AI. And it deals with the value of life, which in and of itself is important. And in this one, nirmata is pretty much like the name of the game. It's the creator. [00:02:27] It didn't say what language it was, but basically a Nirmada is a creator or mother or kind of along that lines. And in this one, it's really a war of humans versus AI. But it's not all humans versus AI. This one, there was a nuclear bomb released on Los Angeles, and because of that, the United States has outlawed any and all AI. Just period. It's not allowed. And that may seem a little bit confusing for the very beginning of the movie because the very beginning, it shows like a dated type newsreel, like something you'd see from the 1960s, 1950s world fairs, where you were seeing all these robotic appliances and all this kind of really fancy stuff and seeing how it progressed from there up to AI. And then this movie is taking place in 2060, or it starts taking place in 2065. So a bit in the future here, but we see how far AI has gone and it's being pushed towards us as being more human than human, that these AIS are more human than human, and it's basically a fight for our very existence. [00:03:44] The movie delkay doesn't go into this, but it very much plays into this just more of an indirect manner that humans have not always been the dominant species on the planet. And if life continues the way that it is in the movie, that AI will quickly become the dominant species on the planet, it dances around that it never completely comes out and says that AI will be the dominant species on the planet. And it's kind of strange to even consider AI a species, but in this one, it's like it's taking on a whole new level of just kind of intelligence and functionality. And honestly, unless they have the specific characteristics of AI, just seeing them, interacting with them, you wouldn't know that you're not interacting with a human. And that perch a little freaky, but honestly, it adds to the story. Like I said, this story is if you just look at the story, it is so well done and I'm not going to even mix words with this. There will be another movie. The way that the ending of this one is, and of course, I never ruined the ending, so don't worry, no spoilers here, never from me. But it definitely leads into that this is not the last we are seeing of Nirmada and of the child. [00:05:12] There's just so much going on here. But it's really important to touch on the more sensitive parts of this movie. If you are a Vietnam veteran, if you are a Korean War veteran, if you are basically a military veteran of any way, shape or form, and you have PTSD from any type war scenarios, this is not going to be a movie for you at all. This is going to trigger your PTSD and just has the risk of sending you spiraling. And so that's a very hot topic that's not really addressed here. Another one that's really important to address here is that this entire storyline that's taking place here is pro Asia and anti America. It's anti USA, but very pro Asia, because in this movie, the soldiers and the police and everything from the United States of America, we're the bad guys. [00:06:18] We are portrayed as the bad guys. And it's anti military, it's anti police, it's anti USA all the way through this. It doesn't even try to dance around it or reference it. I mean, it's full on that we are the bad guy throughout this. [00:06:40] And I kept okay, it's got to get better. It's got to change course. And even at the end of there's this big show and of course I'm not going to ruin the ending, but there's this big thing that happens at the end of the movie and everybody's cheering and at the same time people are cheering for this. [00:07:00] You're basically cheering for anti USA propaganda. And I talked to a couple of people after watching this movie. [00:07:11] I'm so torn because there were so many people like myself that saw this as just being so woke of just anti America, anti police, anti military. They just saw this as propaganda, propaganda, propaganda. And then there's these other people. It's like, oh, my God, this is the best Sci-Fi movie I've ever seen. [00:07:31] That was an exact quote. If they made all Sci-Fi movies like this, that's all I'd ever watch. You know what? Like I said, the story is there. If you can sit through this and you can get past all of the other garbage and the other stuff doesn't matter to you, then you're probably really going to like this. [00:07:52] If you can't get past that stuff. Well, honestly, I can't. From a personal perspective, I can't get past that. Like I said, not even almost. It's to the point that movies it's like, I'm going to take a fairly strong stance on this, and you know, I'm going to piss a lot of people off. And if you don't like what I have to say, turn the program off. It's simple. You know where the off switch is. This is my opinion. But when these movies are so anti military, anti police, anti America, that it's like, why are we even giving these ones the attention to go out there? Why are we encouraging people to go out and watch movies like this? I have a really hard time personally recommending this, even from the movie deputy perspective. Like I said, I review movies from a constitutionalist perspective. Being a Constitutionalist means, okay, I don't agree with everything America does, but I am pro America. I am a patriot. I am a diehard. I proudly fly the American flag. I put my hand over my heart during the Pledge of Allegiance and during The Star Spangled Banner, and I have a tear in my eye most of the time. So when I see movies that just tear into the fabric of what makes us great, I understand the story that they're trying to tell, but they didn't have to take it this far. [00:09:22] Like I said, there will be a follow up to this story. Will it redeem any of this? I don't know. Is it even going to be worth experiencing? [00:09:33] Like I said, that's what makes it so hard. It's the story. If there wasn't such a good story to this, this would be an easy movie to just trash. But it really makes it hard to be a movie critic with stories such as this because I loved the story and I hated everything that made the story come to life because it was everything. It's like, here you've got this great and this horrible, and you're mixing the two things together and really it would have been possible to tell the story without all of that other stuff added in. You may be wondering, well, why did they? Well, it's Hollywood, Hollyweed. I mean, they don't know how not to do this anymore. [00:10:18] It's really sad and it's really disappointing. So you're probably wondering where I ended up with this on the Deputy scale. Honestly, I would have loved to have ended up in the fours, but this movie is anything but forgettable. [00:10:34] I'm not even saying that in a positive way, and I'm going to rub a lot of people the wrong way on this one, but this is one of those movies that I just cannot get past everything that just limits the audience even further on this one. [00:10:57] As you can tell, I may have been almost reluctantly saying this, but staying strictly true to the movie deputy scale and staying true to the whole idea that I review movies from the constitutionalist perspective, I am only giving the creator a 3.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. Like I said, I probably would have been in the fours, but in the fours, technically, it's watchable but forgettable. And this movie is anything but. So take that with a grain of salt. If this is one that you want to experience, be sure and go ahead. Like I said, this one, especially with the whole PTSD thing, like I said, if you are a veteran, if you are specifically a Vietnam veteran, this one, it's going to be very sensitive. It addresses a lot of things, and a lot of the graphics that go on just are really over the top and too much, and I just want to make people aware of that. [00:11:54] I would feel guilty if I didn't. Honestly, I would just feel guilty if I didn't. Again, this is my opinion. If you agree with me, great. If not, that's great too. Like I said, this movie is going to get a lot of critical acclaim, and I just think it's important to bring you this other perspective as well and just make you aware of some of these topics so that you don't go into this blind. I hope this has helped at least a little bit. And if you like what I have to share here, please, like subscribe and share these reviews, especially if you know somebody that could benefit from a review such as this. And I've always hoped to really bring you the most in depth interrogations of these types of movies as I can. I try to do that for all of my movies, but that's kind of the whole point of why I started Deputy in the first place. So ultimately, I hope you have a great weekend. If you do go out and see a movie this weekend, feel free to check out some of our other reviews. And be sure to check out our upcoming movies podcast if you just kind of want a wider gamut of what's available. [00:13:03] So until next time, I will talk to you soon. Bye.

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