Saw X (2023)

Saw X (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Saw X (2023)

Sep 29 2023 | 00:08:33

Episode September 29, 2023 00:08:33

Show Notes

Jigsaw has taken invited us along to view all of the games thus far... There has always been a separation until now... Now, it's personal!

Original Review:

This is it


Today is a gift that's why it's called the present,  Harry Kessler,  your advice to me is to die easy,  john Kramer, dr Finn  Pederson,, Cecelia Pederson, [email protected], Pederson method, codigo tequila,  Gabriela,  Carlos,  dr Ramone Cortez,  82oe59 taxi, surgeons of tomorrow neurosurgery series, Diego, Mateo, Shawn Humphreys, j Clark, this is not Retribution is a reawakening, drugs are as vicious as they are powerful,  walk in with a gun get treated like a criminal, if you find the meaning of your life you find your soul, we live you die fuck you, parker Sears, blood boarding, bonus scene in credits, Amanda Young,

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello everyone, and happy Friday. Welcome back to Movie Deputy Reviews as we delve into the interrogations of the new movies that are opening up this weekend. If you were able to catch yesterday's Thursday, Thursday program, we talked about Saw Six, and we are doing the Saw movies in order except for this one, as this is a new release this week if you have not already picked up on it. I am talking about saw ten now. [00:00:34] Saw ten. Wow. Ten movies. I just cannot get over the fact that there are now ten movies in this chronological timeline that's not necessarily in an exact timeline because it kind of jumps around. And that's what I'm actually going to touch on here. Like I said, I'm jumping outside of my Thirsty Thursdays because like I said, this is one of the new releases coming out this week. But as Bob Ross would so eloquently put it, is that there were no mistakes, just happy accidents. And this is one of those because after Saw Six, but before Saw 3D is when Saw X takes place. [00:01:20] The timelines, like I said, jump around a little bit. [00:01:24] I didn't plan it that way. I did not know where this one was going to fall in the timeline until I watched this. And yes, this one actually falls right in line with the time frame. So I was debating whether or not I should post this now or if I should just wait and post this down the road. [00:01:45] And if you haven't already guessed, it's a Saw movie, so of course it has a guilty rating, but you're going to have to wait till the end to get the score. And I will explain a little bit more of that as we get closer. But in this one, we see John shortly after his cancer diagnosis. And he has the brain tumor and literally given months to live. Like he's asking you, like years. And the doctor is like, no, months. You might want to get your stuff in order because he's got just a very grim timeline. And he happens to run into somebody from a support group. It's a cancer support group. And this guy's like, you've got to go see this guy. It's like, I had this stage four pancreatic cancer and now I'm cured. And it's great. And it's all these treatments that are not anything approved to be done in the United States. So you have to travel to do so. Well, John reaches out to that, and don't worry, I'm not giving you any spoilers here at all, so don't worry about but so John travels down to where this is and he's obviously accepted into this trial, goes through the whole treatment, and everything looks like it's going to be great. Then he realizes what's really going on. And I'm not going to go too deep into the detail of that because that would be spoilers. But John has always made it a point to give people the chance that people that want to survive bad enough and have the will to live will do what is necessary to survive. And he always gives people that option. And here he's doing that too. Only this time, it's on an entirely different level because this time it's personal. [00:03:27] This is not something that he's witnessed happening to other people around him. This is something that's happened directly to him. And so he wants these people to pay. [00:03:38] And in probably the most gory of the Saw movies so far, he makes them pay in a very graphically gory spectacle. [00:03:56] How this all plays out. Now, there's a few little things along the way. This is one of those ones you really have to pay attention to the details. There are some of the Saw movies where the story just kind of plays out and you kind of follow it along. And there's other ones like this one, that you really have to pay attention to every single little detail. Now, I cannot specify that enough because as this plays out, because this is happening to John himself, it's like we don't see a lot of the other players. We do see Amanda again, obviously, this is before kind of everything went down with her and just kind of that whole thing happened. So timeline, that's, like, she's still part of the picture. And there's another key member of let's just say there's another familiar face that you will associate yourselves with with this movie. But as the whole thing plays out, it's almost slow. It's almost I don't want to say drudgingly, but let's just put it this way. When everything was said and done, after the whole movie is over and the screen goes black and gets ready to roll the credits, my first thought that came into my brain was, oh, that was lackluster. I was actually kind of disappointed. I'm like, okay, come on. It's like, okay. It delivers the whole thing. With the Saw, he wants to play a game. He gives the people these options. Like I said, it is intensely gory. [00:05:29] He takes Saw to a whole new level with this one. So if you have a weak stomach at all, I do not recommend this. Not even in the slightest. But I'm sitting there and I'm just thinking, okay, I was looking so forward to this. That really had my hopes up high. And as you know, it's like, I haven't given the Saw movies great scores or horrible scores to begin with, but they're just kind of in that range. They're a very niche audience with these movies. These are not for everybody. And that alone hurts the score a little bit right there. But when the credits start rolling and I'm just like, okay, if you decide to go see this and you're a fan of the Saw series, I definitely recommend this. This fills in some major gaps in the story. But if you go see this. Make sure that you stay into the credits. There is a mid credit bonus scene that is so redeeming for this whole story. This bonus scene just fills in a major missing piece of the puzzle that's taking place during this movie, to the point that the majority of the audience in this theater, where I saw this last night, literally was cheering during this bonus scene. I mean, it was to that level of just TADA. [00:06:56] And like I said, you really have to be into these kind of movies to appreciate something like that. And so judging it purely based on the deputy scale, which is so hard for me to do personally, like I said, I found it very lackluster for the story. As redeeming as the bonus scene was personally, I was upper three ish. But staying true to the deputy scale, like I said, sometimes that's the hardest thing for me to do. But staying true to the deputy scale, I am giving Saw X a five out of ten. Now, you may think, okay, if she's describing it as lackluster, why is she giving it such a good score? It's because, like I said, it fills in so many of the gaps, and it is very, just intense. This is one of the more intense of the Saw movies. Like I said, if you've ever been a fan of the Saw series, this is going to be one you're not going to want to miss, if not, especially if you have a sensitive stomach. This is definitely going to be one to miss. [00:07:56] Be sure to come back tomorrow. We are going to be talking about the Creator. That one. [00:08:03] Let's just say that that's going to be an interesting program. So be sure to come back tomorrow. Like I said, we're going to be talking about the new movie, The Creator. I hope that this review of Saw X has helped you, and I hope that you are thoroughly enjoying our Thirsty Thursday series. Be sure to come back then, as we will continue our Thirsty Thursday series until we get through the rest of the Saw movies. But until then, have a great day and I will be back tomorrow. Bye.

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