Saw VI (2009)

Saw VI (2009)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Saw VI (2009)

Sep 28 2023 | 00:07:04

Episode September 28, 2023 00:07:04

Show Notes

It seems that John has had a plan in effect for a long time leading up to this. Is this the end or are we just getting started?

Original Review:

Jigsaw has always given people choices. Choices are the name of the game here. When we last saw Jill, she was left something from John. We finally get to see what it is... instructions.  These instructions will connect the dots of the other 5 movies til now. For the 1st time,  we'll see people involved who are innocent. Or it at least seems that way.  As it plays out, more secrets from John's past will be revealed.  You see, in order for this to play out, it will require more than mere sacrifice.  This is indeed "John's will". Does this mean it's the end? Hardly. Beware though, it is darkest before the dawn...


545 4th st apt 413, Amanda / you were with Cecil the night jill lost gideon / you killed their child / you know it and I know it / so do exactly as I say / kill lynn denlon or I will tell john what you did, catherine rix, charlie clouser, Chris owens, don't do it / driving on drugs is a crime, ghf 71e, gideon john kramer, halomethane r-12 / freon, homeward bound clinic, hydroflouric acid, insurance calculation: monthly payments multiplied by lifespan minus the probability of illness / if the number is positive we consider coverage, it's an unwinnable, john Kramer conundrum of carnage, john-watson, live or die / make your choice, more than a sin by the James brothers, murder from beyond the grave: the puzzle unfolds, recovery is a process, Saw vi / saw 6, suicide genes, the most important human element of all / the will to live, the party / final decision, umbrella health / coverage you can believe in, vicki papvas, what was in the note that was in John's desk for Amanda?, what was inside the box? 7 Envelopes, who should live vs who will live, William Eaton, wnkw, you spineless pussy whipped mother fucker, you think it's the living that will have the ultimate judgement over you because the dead will have no claim over your soul / but you may be mistaken

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome back to Movie Deputy Podcasts where we are delving into another Thirsty Thursday as we get ready to dissect and interrogate Saw Six. Now, if you haven't caught our last five episodes on this, or I should say our last five Thursday s as we are focusing on our Thirsty Thursdays for those thirsty for a little bit of blood and gore this time of year. Now, am I trying to be creepy on purpose? Absolutely. [00:00:38] But that's half the fun of it. I mean, we are a few days away from it being October and everybody knows what's in October, all Hallows Eve. So it's only fitting that we've been leading up to this and especially with Saw Ten coming out this weekend. If you have not had a chance to check it out already, feel free to check. Head on over to our upcoming Movies podcast where we are discussing all of the movies opening up this weekend. I truly think it's an adventure with some of the movies that we have this week. There are some hits and some definite misses and unfortunately, as always, we end up with some with subtitles too. But I can guarantee it's going to be entertaining. And speaking of entertaining, Saw Six of course got a guilty rating on the Deputy scale. I mean, come on, would you expect any less from the Saw series? But Saw Six only got a 5.5 out of ten on the Deputy scale. Now you may be wondering it's like why kind of the gamut of scores on some of these, but if you really kind of delve into these a little bit deeper, it's a little bit more self explanatory. [00:01:59] This one kind of goes a little bit deeper than some of the other ones because we're kind of getting to see why things are happening. And okay, and I've kind of said that before, but he touches on the whole why behind a lot of this. But this we get to see it even more in depth than we've seen it in the past. But I want to go ahead and share with you the review that I had posted on of Saw Six and then we will discuss it a little bit more. Jigsaw has always given people choices. Choices are the name of the game here. When we last saw Jill, she was left something from John and we finally get to see what it is. [00:02:42] Instructions. [00:02:44] These instructions will connect the dots of the other five movies until now. For the first time, we will see people involved who are innocent. [00:02:57] Or at least it seems that way. As it plays out, more secrets from John's past will be revealed. You see, in order for this to play out, it will require more than mere sacrifice. This is indeed John's will. [00:03:16] Does that mean it's the end? Hardly beware though it's always darkest before the dawn. Now, if you are a fan of Saw movies, you understand why I approach the review from this perspective. If you are not a fan of the Saw movies, this one might be just enough to create some interest. [00:03:42] We see in this one a little bit more into John's personal life. We see a little bit more into some of his health issues. [00:03:54] And as you know from some of the past movies that he had cancer. This one kind of goes a little bit more into the whole thing with his insurance company and why he had to maybe seek alternative treatments of sorts. And that's actually what Saw X is going to be touching on this weekend. So I guess it's fitting that we're coming right up to this one right before Saw X comes out. Of course, I am not going to ruin anything of Saw X for you in any way, shape or form. You know me, no spoilers ever. [00:04:31] But this one, it really is more of an how do I want to put that? Like I said, that's the flaw of not scripting any of this ahead of time. But I want to say maybe psychological element to this one because it's a little bit I mean, his other ones are creepy on the different level of creepy, but as always, he gives people a choice. And like, this one touches on the most important human element of all, is the will to live. It's like, okay, what are we willing to sacrifice to be able to live? And the big question of this is who should live versus who will live and who gets to make that decision. This one kind of delves a little bit deeper into that whole thing and into the judgment of that. It's going to make some people uncomfortable, but that's the point of some of these stories. It intentionally makes you uncomfortable because it tests those boundaries. And okay, yes, you do have to have a strong stomach for stories like this and for movies like this. But at the same time, there is just something mentally here that just kind of draws you in. If you are into that more type of psychological idea of stories such as this, there really are important lessons to be learned from these stories. It's not just blood and gore. There's a lot more to these, but you really kind of have to look deeper to see them. [00:06:06] So will that be you? Only you can decide that for sure. [00:06:11] I will suggest maybe if you haven't watched this in a while, to maybe refresh your memory on this one before you see Saw X this weekend, just because of some of the things that this touches on that then Saw X will refer back to a little bit. So I'm not saying that it's necessary, but if you are really into the story, that part might be necessary. [00:06:36] Ultimately, I hope you are enjoying yourself. And yes, you're hearing Batero on the door once again, but I'm hoping you are having a fabulous Thursday again. Feel free to check out our upcoming movies podcast, which also went live this morning. And I hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend. Be sure to come back Friday, Saturday and Sunday for our new releases. Till then, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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