Paw Patrol: The Movie (2021)

Paw Patrol: The Movie (2021)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Paw Patrol: The Movie (2021)

Sep 27 2023 | 00:06:48

Episode September 27, 2023 00:06:48

Show Notes

The pups you've come to know and love are here to save the day again, only this time they're on the big screen. Are you ready for what's next?

Original Review:

The Paw Patrol is there to answer the call when help is needed. When responding to a call in Adventure City, they encounter some unforeseen challenges that could put the team in peril. Even with the challenges, they encounter some new friends that will help them through the difficulties. Together they must stop Mayor Humdinger before he wreaks havoc on the city. The team must come together in new ways than ever before to find a solution. With new gear and an enthusiastic gusto, they'll come together to do what they do best. If you're familiar with the Paw Patrol, you might have an idea of what to expect. If you're not, the solution shouldn't come as a surprise as it's a kid's movie. With that being said, this movie is aimed at an audience that is likely 10 and under. Considering that's the target audience, there are a few things in the story that some may find upsetting. Though subtle, there are some instances of virtue signaling and a definite attempt at influencing children towards certain ideas. There is definitely an audience for this story but you should be prepared for a conversation about certain subjects if it is something that you disagree with. Either way, try to enjoy it for what it is and encourage innocence.


adventure bay, adventure city, chase - German shepherd, chase is on the case, cms Canadian maple syrup, everest - Siberian husky, fireworks, free floating gyroscopically balanced remote controlled weather containment and analysis apparatus - the cloud catcher, fuzzy buddies obedience school, humdinger heights, I'm like a furry GPS, I'm officially official, if you're ever in trouble just yelp, is not important how it looks it's how it makes you feel, Kendra Wilson, let's kick the tires and fight some fires, let's take to the sky, liberty - dachshund, liberty - weiner dog, lightening is frightening, Marshall - dalmation, Marty muckraker, mayor humdinger, no jobs too big no pup too small, particularly perilous predicament, paw patrol, paw patrol is on a roll, pound the pavement, pup pack, pup tag, ready for action, Rex - bernese mountain dog, rocky - mixed, rubble - English bulldog, rubble on the double, Ryder, skye - cockapoo, things are getting pretty hairy out here, this is not a rescue it's an assisted exit, tracker - chihuahua, Truck 416, tuck and ella - golden retrievers, we've all got to take pride in our city, what's got his leash in a knot, you talk a lot of trash for a dog that looks like a toilet brush, Zuma - Labrador

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome back once again to Movie Deputy Reviews, where we take an in depth look into the plot and content of movies, and in doing so, we interrogate them for everything possible to try to bring you the most balanced review out there that doesn't focus on all of the Hollywood gobbledygook. So today we're actually going to be talking about a movie that is for your kids. Honestly, probably for the whole family, but. [00:00:28] Speaker B: More for your kids. [00:00:29] Speaker A: If you have young kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbors, whoever. I'm sure even if you're handing out candy on Halloween, I am sure that you've heard of Paw Patrol. It is kind of the next generation of entertainment for our kids. It did come out a few years ago and it's been gaining popularity. It's such a cute thing of basically turning pups into first responders and having the different personalities and kind of the different thing and just kind of showing a positive side to first responders in the midst of all of the woke chaos that's going on. Now. I'm not saying that these cartoons are completely free from being woke, but they are a lot more balanced than a lot of the stuff your kids are going to come across these days. I did review the movie Paw Patrol The Movie in 2021, and that's actually the review we're going to be bringing you today. Like I said, it is definitely aimed at a younger audience, so just keep that in mind. And of course, with the new Paw Patrol movie opening this weekend, if you've got friends or kids that were a fan of the first one and even if they've grown up a little bit, maybe they'll be fans of this one too. And if not, this new movie can help introduce the Paw Patrol to a new generation. Obviously, the new one's going a little bit different direction, but I'm going to focus on that more towards the end of the review. The first thing I want to share with you is the review I posted on The Paw Patrol is there to answer the call when help is needed. When responding to a call in Adventure City, they encounter some unforeseen challenges that could put the team in peril. Even with the challenges, they encounter some new friends that will help them through the difficulties. Together, they must stop Mayor Humdinger before he wreaks havoc on the city. The team must come together in new ways than ever before to find a solution. With new gear and enthusiastic gusto, they'll come together to do what they do best. [00:02:36] Speaker B: If you're familiar with the Paw Patrol. [00:02:38] Speaker A: You might have an idea of what to expect. If you're not, the solution shouldn't come as a surprise as it's a kids movie. With that being said, the movie is aimed at an audience that is likely ten and under. Considering that's the target audience, there are a few things in the story that some may find upsetting. Though subtle, there are some instances of virtue signaling and a definite attempt at influencing children towards certain ideas. There's definitely an audience for this story. [00:03:09] Speaker B: But you should be prepared for a. [00:03:11] Speaker A: Conversation about certain subjects. If it's something that you disagree with either the way, try to enjoy it for what it is and encourage innocence. Like I said, these cartoons are far from the freeness of just the whole woke everything that's going on. But that's what we're here to help with. As parents, grandparents, as any adults that might be involved in children's lives, we are there to help guide them through these maybe confusing instances that happen in these stories and kind of help direct them on the right path. So, like I said, if you are a fan of the first movie or if your kids are fans of Paw Patrol, like I said, just come prepared before you watch this one. That, like I said, there is some instances of some things that just seem really subtle but just stuff that you might want to talk to your kids about afterwards just to help them necessarily understand what was going on. I'm a firm believer that unless it's like Liberty's Kids or something like that, that's an audience that's specifically trying to teach something about history to children that politics don't belong anywhere in kids movies. Like I said, unless it's something like the Rush Revere series Liberty's Kids, something like that, which are specifically aimed at children and they are aimed at a very specific audience of children. So like I said, those are just specifically being aimed at that, but like, something like Paw Patrol is being aimed at all kids. So something like this should not have politics in it at all any way, shape or form. If you're wondering what I gave Paw Patrol the movie on the deputy scale, I did only give this a 5.25 out of ten. And it may not surprise you that this did get an innocent rating, but it gets a guarded innocent rating to make sure that you like I said, just double check if you are sensitive to certain content, if this is something you want your children to watch or sit down and watch this with them. Now, I did mention I was going to touch on the new one a little bit. [00:05:24] Speaker B: Like I said, if your kids were. [00:05:26] Speaker A: Really big fans of this movie back in the day and let's say you were a big fan of Power Rangers when you were a kid come on. We're all getting up there in age a little bit, but the new one kind of feels a little bit like Paw Patrol meets Power Rangers, just because each of the pups has their own colored suit that they already wore due to their first responder thing being tied into that. But in the new one, their colored suits give them superpowers. Okay, let me rephrase that. The suits do not give them superpowers. A meteor gives them superpowers, but their powers are based on the color of their suits. So I just wanted to rephrase that a little bit. So before you go see this new one, you might want to sit down and maybe have a talk with your kids about this one just to kind of make sure that they understand. Again, the new one is definitely being aimed at a young audience. I have not seen it yet, but I will be bringing that to you this weekend. And of course, stay tuned tomorrow we're going to have another Thursday, thursday, as the new Saw Ten movie is opening this weekend and we are doing every Thursday of our Saw series. So make sure and come back for that. And of course, come back this weekend for the latest and greatest movie deputy interrogation reviews. I can't wait to tell you more about these movies coming up. Talk to you soon. Bye.

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