Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)

Sep 26 2023 | 00:06:24

Episode September 26, 2023 00:06:24

Show Notes

They survived, now they want answers... What will they find? That's a complicated question that can only be answered by watching this. 

Original Review:

They successfully escaped the maze of escape rooms and are off living their lives. Maybe it's all an illusion. Did they really escape or is reality just another one of Minos's games? That's what Zoey is determined to find out. After she recruits Ben to go to New York with her, they'll soon be faced with more challenges than they could have anticipated. Upon their arrival they proceed to their destination; only to be led down a proverbial rabbit hole. What they don't know is that the people that they are surrounded by are also victims of Minos's games. Minos had selected each of these individuals for specific reasons that will be revealed as the story is told. How they all fit together will be their only hope at survival. Last time we saw that the games were tied to each of their experiences, this time, the connections aren't as obvious but just as diabolical. When they get to the end of the game, it's the end in more ways than one. There's a twist though that will change the game for all of the survivors. This twist could put an end to Minos once and for all. What will happen with the truth is revealed? Are they finally free or is it something much deeper. Pay attention to the details as the clues are hiding in plain sight and get ready for an adventure that will leave you waiting and wondering what could be next.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello, everybody, and welcome back to another episode of Movie Deputy Reviews as we delve even deeper into the second Escape Room movie Escape Room Tournament of Champions. Now, I wanted to start your week off on a high note yesterday with Escape Room, and as we gave that a 7.25 out of ten if you've had a chance to sit and watch this one. And I intentionally left this out of yesterday's review to get you coming back today for more. But there were some Easter eggs at the end of the last movie that led me to thinking that there was going to be a sequel as soon as the other movie was done. Now, you heard me talk about the thing that I was so excited for a sequel the moment the movie was done. You may be wondering, okay, why was she thinking that? That's because there were so many things happening at the end of that movie that led to this. And it was just like, wow. So I could not wait. Now I was a year off. I was thinking it was last year, it was year before last. So the sequel, Tournament of Champions came out in 2021. Now, you may be wondering, is it better equal to or did it just fall flat? Well, again, you're going to kind of have to wait till the end to find out. I did also give Tournament of Champions a guilty rating. This one is maybe even a little bit more intense than the last one. There, again, are nothing that would just be like, OOH, gross type stuff. Nothing out of the stuff that would gross you out. But the intensity of this one is maybe a little bit more, but at the same time, that's the bad side about not scripting these ahead of time is I just find myself fumbling for words, and it is too early in the morning for me to be trying to think this hard. [00:02:04] But it was so much fun the last time, and they're trying to find the answers. But the thing is, as they start to get close to the answers in Tournament of Champions, the finish line keeps moving further away. So is that adding to the movie taking away? Honestly, you're going to have to watch it and find out. But in the meantime, I'm going to share with you the original review that I had posted on back in 2021, they successfully escaped the maze of escape rooms and are off living their lives. Maybe it's all an illusion. Did they really escape? Or is reality just another one of Minos'games? That's what Zoe is determined to find out. After she recruits Ben to go to New York with her, they'll soon be faced with more challenges than they could have anticipated. Upon their arrival, they proceed to their destination, only to be led down a proverbial rabbit hole. What they don't know is that the people that they are surrounded by are also victims of Minos'games. Minos had selected each of these individuals for specific reasons that will be revealed as the story is told. How they all fit together will be their only hope at survival. Last time we saw the games were tied to each of their experiences. This time, the connections aren't as obvious, but just as diabolical. When they get to the end of the game, it's the end in more ways than one. There's a twist, though, that will change the game for all of the survivors. This twist could put an end to Minos once and for all. What will happen when the truth is revealed? Are they finally free? Or is something much deeper going on? Pay attention to the details as the clues are hiding in plain sight. And get ready for an adventure that will leave you waiting and wondering what could be next. [00:04:19] Now, I don't know about you, but it's like even just reading that, I get goosebumps because this one just it plays so well off the last one, you kind of know what to expect and at the same time you don't. And just when you think you haven't figured out there's another twist happening. Now, maybe is it too twisted? Can a movie like this really be too twisted? I mean, come on. [00:04:41] With Escape Room Tournament of Champions, I did give it a score of seven out of ten on the deputy scale. Honestly, I probably would have been low sixes. Personally, not that I was disappointed in this at all, but just that there were a few things that almost felt like filler content that didn't feel like that in the first movie at all. But this one more than makes up for it with the twist, because you just don't expect what's happening again. This one at the end, it leads in that there could be more. So are we going to see more of Minos'escape rooms? Are we going to see more of these puzles? [00:05:22] Are we going to see more of Zoe and Ben and the rest of this team that survived? I'm not going to give away any more of those that survive. Or did the ones I even tell you even survive? You're going to just have to wait and find out. You know me, no spoilers, but I hope you are having fun. This is just a fun way to start the week. It's going to be a great week. Tomorrow we are actually talking about a kids movie, so I'm going to be lightening it up a little bit with that. And then, of course, Thursday, we will be back with our Thirsty Thursday. Forgive the noise in the background, but Taro is trying to get in my office and he did successfully do so. You know, it's trouble when you have a cat that can literally open doors and he's a big enough cat that he just stands up, kind of wraps his paws around the handle pulls and he is in. So it's just kind of par for the course of a kitty cat like him. But the perils of being a cat, mom. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I hope you are having as much fun as I am. I will be back tomorrow and talk to you soon. Bye.

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