Escape Room (2019)

Escape Room (2019)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Escape Room (2019)

Sep 25 2023 | 00:06:48

Episode September 25, 2023 00:06:48

Show Notes

Escape rooms are all the rage, but what if the stakes were higher than a mere game? Come along and find out

Original Review:

Five individuals have been brought together because of something that they all have in common. Their challenge is to complete the Minos Escape Room challenge in hopes of winning ten thousand dollars. Certain individuals amongst them will be more capable at certain parts of the challenges than the others but it will take much more than they initially realize to survive... not just escape. Each room has a specific theme but how is that tied to the participants? As that unfolds, so will the depth of the story. It's a combination of Saw and The Belko Experiment with just a pinch of Final Destination. If that sounds like something that you're interested in, you'll definitely find a new favorite here. There is definitely an audience for stories such as this, and it hits the bullseye the whole way. The beginning of the story is a sneak peek of what's to come but is there more... much more than you might expect. When the connection that they share is revealed, the ties that bind them may be what breaks them. Who will survive to the end? Will there be more to come? Let's hope so.


a chance to escape, Amanda Harper, Ben Miller, Cal Nolan, Chicago mirror, Danny Kahn, Dr Wootan Yu, feel free to leave but may we note it's best to find the antidote, five burn alive, for always thinking outside the box, greens & and finich, hold your knob there guy, I fly without wings... I cry without eyes... cloud, it feels like I'm playing the world's funnest game with the world's meanest people, Jason Walker, marville cigarettes, Mike Nolan / pneumothorax, minos escape rooms, money can't buy you happiness but it can afford you your own misery, no-way-out, nothing is just anything in this Hell hole, observation stops movement, open new doors, psycho Zena, Quantum zeno effect, surviving is a choice make yours, the 8 ball pool room, true north is a lie, we know you have a choice, what the literal Hell, who will be the luckiest among the lucky, wootan yu, you'll go down in history, Zoey Davis

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Good morning and happy Monday. Welcome back to Movie Deputy podcasts where we are interrogating movies for plot and content, which we've been doing for almost ten years. Movie Deputy will be ten this following April. That just boggles my mind. And in that time frame, I have reviewed almost 2000 movies. I am excited because it looks like maybe, just maybe this week, we will hit our 100th movie review here on our Movie Deputy reviews podcast. So I'm really excited about that. And if you are at all excited about this weekend with some of the movies coming, oh, I think you're going to like the reviews. We're going to be talking about today and tomorrow we're going to be talking about the movie Escape Room that came out in 2019 and of course, its sequel, Tournament of Champions that came out just I believe it was last year. But like I said, if you've ever been a fan of Escape Rooms, if you like puzzles, if you like mysteries, this is going to be one that you are going to enjoy. [00:01:16] Even for those that are a bit more squeamish with some of these movies that kind of cross that boundary a little bit, there's really nothing here to really be squeamish over. There's nothing gory there's nothing like over the top that's just like there's nothing in this movie that's going to make you go, EW. [00:01:35] And you all know the movies I'm talking about. It's like there's always something in most typical horror thriller movies that you just is like, why? [00:01:46] Okay, I love horror movies. [00:01:49] What am I saying? I love basically all movies, but there's just something to appreciate with movies such as this and the ones that are a little bit more intense. Not so much scary, but intense. And so I'm excited to bring this review to you. This review that I'm sharing with you was the original review that was posted on back in 2019. And you're probably wondering what I gave this. Okay, I did get a guilty rating just because just some of the stuff is a little bit intense for a younger audience. But like I said, nothing over the top. And score wise, you're going to have to wait till the end. I hadn't forgotten. But you're going to have to wait till the end for that. [00:02:33] Five individuals have been brought together because of something that they all have in common. Their challenge is to complete the Minos Escape Room Challenge in hopes of winning $10,000. [00:02:46] Certain individuals amongst them will be more capable at certain parts of the challenges than the others, but it will take much more than they initially realized to survive, not just escape. Each room has a specific theme, but how is that tied to the participants? As that unfolds, so will the depth of the story. It's a combination of saw, the Belco experiment with just a pinch of Final Destination. If that sounds like something that you're interested in. You'll definitely find a new favorite here. There's definitely an audience for stories such as this, and it hits the bullseye the whole way. The beginning of the story is a sneak peek of what's to come. But don't let that fool you. There's more, much more than you might expect. [00:03:39] When the connection that they share is revealed, the ties that bind them may be what breaks them. Who will survive to the end? Will there be more to come? Let's hope so. When I was done watching this one, I mean, I was immediately thinking, I can't wait for the sequel. There were people in the theater at the same time I was that actually applauded when this movie was done. When I saw this for the first time, and I have watched this on the Stars the network thing on TV. I've watched this a few times on there since then. And okay, for me to this type of movie is fun. I know I'm not a normal person when it comes to stuff like that, but this is just one of those mindless movies to just kind of sit back and it kind of gets your attention and it kind of draws you in, but it's not like exhausting. It's one to watch when you're just okay for somebody like me to relax. Or this type of movie could be a fun date movie. It could be a fun game night movie. I mean, just about everybody's into escape rooms these days, they are such the rage where you get a bunch of friends together and you have an hour with all of these intense puzzles to try to escape. Here. You're getting to watch it on the big screen, but the stakes are a lot higher than just being able to be declared the winner for escaping the Escape Room. Like I said, this one just kind of crosses boundaries that really haven't been crossed before, but not in a way that it limits the audience. So I definitely can appreciate that it comes at it from that perspective. Score wise, I'm going to actually be a bit higher than you might expect. The original escape Room in 2019 got a 7.25 out of ten on the deputy scale, and personally, I probably was honestly right in that range as well. [00:05:32] Like I said, it was a lot of fun. Mind you, there's little things to be had in this, but this is another one of those ones that just when you kind of think you have this figured out, there's something else that happens and it just draws you back in. It's like just when you seem to be maybe seems to be maybe going a direction that maybe losing you a little bit, something else happens and it hooks you right back in. There's so many twists around each of the corners that you just don't expect. [00:06:01] And I, for one, really appreciate this. In a day and age when there is absolutely no originality in Hollywood anymore. I'm not going so far as to call this original, but I like the idea and I like that it pushes the boundaries. If you also like movies like Saw, like The Belco Experience, like Belco Experiment, like Final Destination movies, by the way, there's a Final Destination Six that's rumored to be in production, so let's hope so. But like I said, if you are into those types of movies, you will definitely enjoy this one. So I will be back tomorrow to tell you about the seat hold of this one. Will it be as good? Will it be better? Or will it fall flat? You'll have to come back and find out. Talk to you later. Bye.

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