Arrival (2016)

Arrival (2016)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Arrival (2016)

Sep 24 2023 | 00:06:35

Episode September 24, 2023 00:06:35

Show Notes

What is life? What makes that distinction? What is time? No, I'm not attempting to rewrite history, I'm attempting to understand a story as deep as this.

Original Review:

What is the cornerstone of civilization? That's just one part of this vastly invigorating story. One day, without notice... they arrived. There were endless questions. Only the answers weren't going to be as simple as the questions themselves. Military from around the world attempted to get a grasp on who they were / where did they come from / what did they want. Simply though, none of that was possible without communication. A bright young college professor whoᅠexcelled in linguistics was brought in to help decipher the language and attempt to find the answers that were so desperately sought after. She wasn't the only one though, experts from around the world were doing the same thing she was. After a bold move, she'll soon begin to sort through some of the chaos and in doing so she'll realize something that is difficult to explain. In doing so, she'll uncover a deeper meaning behind it all and what it means for them and for us. Are you prepared? That's a good question to ask yourself before / during/after seeing and experiencing this. It is so much more than a movie, it's a deeper understanding that will (amaze/baffle/confuse) all who dare to encounter this. Much more than a close encounter, this is an awakening for the mind, spirit and soul.


a chegada brazil, a desire for more cows, a shower of stars, abbott is death process, abdelghafour elaaziz, abdul ayoola, abigail pniowsky, adrien benn, agent halpern, albert kwan, alex m yeuh, alexander da mota, amy adams, anana rydvald, andrew shaver, are the monsters going to kill daddy, are they scientists or tourists, arrival, as long as they stay we have to stay, atvykimas, australian scientist, bineyam girma, brian dunstan, british-scientist, brittany-teo, camille-ross, captain-marks, charge-demolition-m112, chloe-bellande, christian-jadah, cia-officer-dan-ryder, cnac-anchor, colonel-g-t-weber, colonel-weber, communication-ops, congratulations-youre-a-parrot, cryptographer, dan-duran, daniel-esteban, danish-scientist, despite-knowing-the-journey-and-where-it-leads-i-welcome-every-moment-of-it, do-you-dream-in-their-language, dolazak-croatia, dr-ian-donnelly, dr-j-bydwell, dr-kettler, erkezes-hungary, foreign-correspondent, forest-whitaker, frank-fiola, frank-schorpion, general-shang, genevieve-sirois, gravity-at-0-97, gurdeep-ahluwalia, hal-roberts, halperns-deputy-director, hamifgash, how-about-we-tallk-to-them-before-we-start-throwing-math-problems-at-them, how-can-this-be-used-against-us, humanity-must-be-protected, hwt-news, i-am-unstoppable, ian-donnelly, ian-walks, if-all-i-ever-gave-you-was-a-hammer-everything-is-a-nail, if-you-could-see-your-whole-life-from-start-to-finish-would-you-change-things, in-three-thousand-years-we-need-humanity-help, indian-ocean, it-conveys-meaning-it-doesnt-represent-sound, its-impossible-to-translate-from-an-audio-file, its-not-a-weapon-its-a-gift, ive-had-my-head-tilted-up-to-the-stars-for-as-long-as-i-can-remember-what-surprised-me-the-most-wasnt-meeting-them-it-was-meeting-you, jadyn-malone, japanese-minister, jeremy-renner, joe-cobden, john-moore, julia-scarlett-dan, julian-casey, kangaroo-means-i-dont-understand, karen-belfo, kathleen-stavert, kattia-thony, kpjs-helena-montana, la-llegada-argentina-spain-mexico, language-is-the-the-foundation-of-civilization, larry-day, laurean-adrian-parau, leisa-reid, leslie-baker, lieutenant, lori-graham, lorne-brass, louise-banks, louise-has-weapon, louise-sees-future, lucas-chartier-dessert, lucy-van-oldenbarneveld, mark-camacho, mark-obrien, master-sergeant-douglas, matthew-wilson, max-walker, message, michael-nangreaves, michael-stuhlbarg, mommy-and-daddy-talk-to-animals, montana-is-on-lockdown, msbc, mustafa-haidari, my-wifes-dying-words, nathaly-thibault, ncp, no-waste-no-gas-no-radiation, non-linear-lithography, non-zero-sum-game, now-thats-a-proper-introduction, nowy-poczatek-poland, nrcn-news, o-primeiro-encontro-portugal, ola-sturik, on-the-nature-of-daylight-by-max-richter, one-of-twelve-0-8333333, orla-johannes, pat-kiely, philippe-hartmann, premier-contact-france, prihod-slovenia, private-combs, private-lasky, purpose-requires-an-understanding-of-intent, reda-guerinik, richard-riley, robert-d-morais, russell-yuen, ruth-chiang, sabrina reeves, sangita patel, sasha samar, screw it everybody dies right, sergiy-marchenko, session-36-part-2, shawn campbell, sierra leone, sierra leone representative, sj7135 rt, skype cia agent, sonia vigneault, tammie-sutherland, the-city-of-prague-philharmonic-orchestra-and-chorus, the-cornerstone-of-civilization-isnt-language-its-science, the-kingdom-of-galicia, the-peoples-liberation-army, the-sanskrit-word-for-war-and-its-translation, the-universal-language-by-louise-banks, theres-days-that-define-your-story, this-is-where-your-story-begins-the-day-they-they-departed, til-a-sanskrit-word-for-war-that-means-a-desire-for-more-cows, time-isnt-the-same-for-them-its-non-linear, to-hannah, tony-robinow, translating-hepatod, tzi-ma, unlike-speech-a-lologram-is-free-of-time, victor-andres-turgeon-trelles, wake-up-mommy, weapon-opens-time, were-a-world-with-no-single-leader-its-impossible-to-deal-with-just-one-of-us, what-are-we-going-to-call-them-i-was-thinking-abbott-and-costello, what-is-your-purpose-on-earth, why-is-my-name-hannah, you-can-understand-communication-and-still-end-up-single

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Why. Hello everybody, and welcome back to the Movie Deputy Reviews podcast, where we interrogate movies for their plot and content as we look deep into the new ones, the old ones, everything in between. And I have got so many movies to catch up with you on. I know typically I do my Friday, Saturday, Sunday movies as the new releases, but once again, time got away from me and I'm not even going to try to make any excuses for it. So instead of just grabbing another droll movie from this weekend, which as you can imagine, was more than disappointing after the last couple of days of reviews, but I'm going to jump in here with one that actually got a lot better of review. But we do have to go back a little bit in the whole Movie Deputy timeline. We're actually going back to 2016. You're thinking, okay, why is she going back to here? Well, it's because we have had so many low scoring movies lately and so many disappointing movies that I wanted to bring you one that was surprisingly excellent. Now you're not going to hear me use that term on movies very often and I'm going to actually surprise you with this one a little bit. Why is that, you may ask? Because this one is one of the highest rated movies on or one of the highest rated movies that I've actually ever reviewed. It was the movie Arrival from 2016. If you have not had a chance to check this out yet, it has been airing lately on Pluto. I'm not sure how long that's going to continue to be airing on Pluto, but this one is a very interesting movie. It really delves deep into the story. And believe it or not, I did give this an innocent rating on the Deputy scale, but you're probably wondering about the score. Okay, I've given you a hint that it's got an excellent that's an excellent movie, but I'm going to make you wait till the end for the score. So I'm going to stretch that out a little bit intentionally. But the first thing I want to do is to share with you the review that I wrote for What is the cornerstone of civilization? That's just one part of this vastly invigorating story. One day, without notice, they arrived. There were endless questions. Only the answers weren't going to be as simple as the questions themselves. [00:02:27] Military from around the world attempted to get a grasp on what they were. Where did they come from and what did they want? Simply though, none of that was possible without communication. A bright young college professor who excelled in linguistics was brought in to help decipher the language and attempt to find the answers that they so desperately sought after. She wasn't the only one, though. Experts from around the world were doing the same thing she was. After a bold move, she'll soon begin to sort through some of the chaos. And in doing so, she'll realize something that is difficult to explain. [00:03:08] In doing so, she'll uncover a deeper meaning behind it all and what it means for them and for us. Are you prepared? That's a good question to ask yourself. Before, during and after seeing and experiencing this, it is so much more than a movie. It's a deeper understanding that will amaze, baffle, confuse all who dare to encounter this. It's much more than a close encounter. This is an awakening for the mind, the spirit and the soul. I don't know about you, but if I heard this review and this is a movie that I had not seen yet, I would be almost foaming at the mouth to just get out there and watch this as soon as possible. Just strictly based on that. And you notice I don't give away any spoilers at all. This movie does so much more than try to explain language. It explains language, humanity, time. There's so many different things that this movie touches on. And okay, that may sound confusing to some, but there is something about a story such as this. Now, I did promise you the score towards the end of the review. And this one, what I gave Arrival, was actually 8.5 out of ten on the deputy scale. Now, if you know me, you know how strict I am on my scores. And I'm not saying that this movie is flawless at all. There are definitely some mistakes in this one that I got caught up on, but the story was so good that it carried it through that that's a rare thing when a story is so good that it overcomes some of the errors that the movie has. Now, whether or not you believe in aliens or higher power, religion, any of that, this one goes so much deeper than just what we think we understand on the surface. [00:05:04] There's so much more to this than a movie. And really, it has to be experienced to be understood. And even then, you're not going to completely understand it. I mean, I've watched this one over and over again probably 1015 times since I wrote this review. And I'm still picking up new things in this story that I'm watching. And I still find myself getting carried away or going just, wow, there's not too many movies. After seeing almost 2000 movies, there's not too many movies that can still make me just sit back and go, wow. And this is one of them. So though this may not be a new movie from this weekend, this is a special one that I wanted to just kind of break up all the monotony of recent movies with something that just kind of took your breath away, because I know it did mine. So I hope that this will help conclude your weekend in a wonderful way. If you are looking for something inspiring and just that will leave you awe struck. This is definitely it. So I'm again hoping you're having a great weekend. We are going to be having some announcements coming up the first part of October, so be sure to check out our regular Movie Deputy channel for all of our bonus content. And if you have enjoyed this, please like subscribe and share as we want to get these movie reviews to everybody that we can possibly reach. I hope you have a wonderful day and I will be back soon. Bye.

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