The NUN II (2023)

The NUN II (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The NUN II (2023)

Sep 10 2023 | 00:09:49

Episode September 10, 2023 00:09:49

Show Notes

Horror movies rarely do what this one has... come along and find out what that is.

Original Review:

This is it


Sister Debra,  sister Irene,  tarascon france, my son can serve country my daughter can serve God, st Carta abbey, defy the devil, st Lucie patron Saint of the blind,  Maurice / frenchie, maybe probably absolutely definitely,  Irene palmer,  hotel tarascon, it's like there's something here that's not meant to be,  palais del papes, demon of Saint Carta,  john Paul redar, 781 bl 13, madame laurent, Cedric laurent, father Gordon,  bonus scene in credits,  

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Why Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your friendly and favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts. Well, I hope I'm your favorite since I am the only deputy of movie Deputy podcasts. Yep. The one and only. And you're stuck with me so <laugh>. But here I'm going to be bringing you a surprise today. Now, if you've caught my last couple programs, you know the movie we're talking about today is going to be the none too. Even if you are not a fan of horror movies or anything, I don't go into anything overly gory or graphic in my reviews. And of course no spoilers ever. Speaker 0 00:00:42 It's movies like this that honestly <laugh> sometimes it makes it hard to be a critic. Now, wait, I don't necessarily mean that in a bad thing. 'cause sitting through the first one, sitting through the, the original nun movie, the none, I only gave it a three and a half outta 10 on the deputy scale. I mean, it was, personally, I thought it was painful to sit through and I sat through it a second time. I'm like, okay, maybe I didn't give this movie a fair shot. So I watched it again and honestly I wanted to give it a lower score, but I'm like, wow. It's like, okay, if you're gonna waste money on this and time, if you're gonna give up two hours of your life, at least wait till it comes out on D V D or Blu-ray. That's literally the, the whole point of it. Speaker 0 00:01:23 It was building about this, this nun that was an angel and she is a fallen angel and she was at this abbey and this priest and this nun went to go fight this demon 'cause of the the fallen angel thing. And they ended up using like some of Jesus's blood, which honestly, to be completely honest, I had completely forgotten about that part until this movie I watched tonight. And don't worry, no spoilers there. It was such a small part of the last movie that it wasn't even something that's necessarily memorable, but that's how they vanquished and it didn't really even touch on the whole thing of how the demon escaped last time. It touched on it just briefly, but this movie even explains that more. It's like this movie was everything that the first movie wasn't, and more now saying that this one still had significant flaws, there was so much filler in this one. Speaker 0 00:02:24 It was, oh, a good way to describe it. I was literally talking to my sister after I got done watching this movie tonight and or sorry, last night <laugh>, but I was literally sitting here talking to her and just randomly, I used the term surprisingly creepy. And she's like, that is such a great term. And I'm like, yeah, I didn't even really think about it. It just came out. And that's how I do these podcasts too. I don't script them. I don't think of what I'm gonna say ahead of time. Okay. I did think about the whole surprisingly creepy quote just because that was during the conversation with my Speaker 1 00:02:58 Sister. But all the rest of this, this is just me. That's why I flub up sometimes and that's why I just lose my words and go backwards over myself and sometimes even repeat myself. But you know what? I'm human. So that's just kinda how it is. But I also try to look at these movies from a perspective of like, okay, who's the target audience? What I mean is the point of the story, if any. And I really have to say, whereas the first one seemed almost like an afterthought except the fact it's kind of the beginning. The original Nun movie is like the beginning of the story for a lot of the Conjuring movies, the Annabelle movies, just kind of, all of these go in a row and they all start with the last movie, the None. That's like the first movie that starts everything off. Speaker 1 00:03:47 And this one picks up, uh, just few years after the last one. And I just was like, I didn't have high hopes for this at all. And you might be wondering, okay, what did you give it on the Debbie Scale? And okay, I had to give it credit for being so much better than the first one. And the story had so much more cohesive. It was so much more cohesive than the first one. This one, you could actually follow what the story was doing and you could follow why it was happening. Like I said, there is still a lot of filler that they could have just done something more with. And so I had a really hard, it's like, okay, personally, I'm thinking, okay, when I walked out, I'm thinking, okay, hmm, sixes maybe low sixes, and then I'm, then I'm stopping and I'm looking at this and I'm thinking about the all the different details in this movie and some of the flaws that are just, ugh, I, you can't, I mean, it's a podcast. Speaker 1 00:04:41 You can't see me at the moment, but it's like literally the, like the face palm moment because some of the errors in this movie are just strikingly just, it's like, wow, come on, <laugh>. As good as this one was, it's still not a great score. But I, like I said, it's some heads and shoulders above the last one. I said the first one I gave a three and a half, the non two, I gave a 5.5 out of 10 on the deputy scale. Now you may think, okay, that's not a great score now, but there, there's something surpri like I said, surprisingly creepy about this one. And that's a good thing. If you like horror, if you like creepy horror, if you like religious horror, you are going to find a lot in this movie to like, if you are not into any of that or if you are really sensitive, especially to religious horror, please run fast in the other direction because this takes things up a whole new level compared to like what we've seen in the past. So like, uh, there's, there's so many details in this movie that I can't really get into because all the major details of this movie would be spoilers if I gave them away. Because like I said, there's a lot of filler content and there's just something special here and it has Speaker 2 00:05:56 Something to do with possession and then just there's body part of a saint that is hidden that has to be found. And then there's the, these demonic creatures and it's, it's all taking place in this particular like a boarding house, children's home thing that's kind of like an abbey at the same time. Well it was a monastery and then it became a winery and now it's a children's boarding house. So it's, yeah, that's kind of hard to explain a little bit. I mean, I explained it, but it's the same of, it's probably not making a whole lot of sense. So <laugh> and Sister Irene is, she's, you'll, you'll recognize her from the first non movie, but she is trying to help another sister try to understand and find faith and find answers to questions that are seemingly answer list. And there is a, one of the people in the movie who deals with a lot of bullying and there's somebody who comes to her rescue, but the person that comes to the rescue is also like the main pro protagonist in the movie. Speaker 2 00:07:06 So, and then you have the Irene is like a big antagonist in the movies. It just, they play off each other and how this plays out. But like I said, if you are sensitive to religious horror, avoid this there, you will have nightmares for sure if you are, like I said, if this is the kind of movie that you are into, check it out. I mean it's that time of year. We're gonna get into the spooky creepy, we've got the New Exorcist coming up in a few weeks, so there's just a lot of these types of movies coming out. But they went, if like, if you enjoyed the first non movie at all, like even just a little bit, go check this out. If you hated the first non movie, go check this out. Like I said, it's a lot better. Like I said, there's just still all of this unnecessary content, the content that they give us, that where everything is happening, you can't look away and it's <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:08:01 There's just something about that kind of movie. And so the 5.5 does not sound like a great score at all. If they would've taken that same passion through the rest of the movie, this one would've had a much higher score. I don't know why they do the things that they do. I don't know why certain decisions are made about movies. I'm a critic, I don't, I don't focus on all that other stuff, but I focus on how well it plays out. If you couldn't tell, this one got a definitely guilty score. Guilty rating on the deputy scale. Guilty is an understatement, like I said, especially if you're sensitive to religious horror. No, I'm not trying to be a broken record on that, but it's really important to reiterate that because it's just one of those things that it's so specific in the angle that this approaches this, that Speaker 3 00:08:55 Like I said, if you're at all sensitive to that, this one will unnerve you for quite some time. Also, I wanna add, if you do go ahead and experience this movie, there are some special details in the credits. There are photos, there are video clips, and there's even a bonus scene that is more than worth waiting for. I hope this has helped. I hope you are enjoying some of our more unusual programs that we're touching on lately and I am looking forward to bringing you some of the out of order movies this next week. So bear with me. We're getting back on track and of course like subscribe and share if you are enjoying this movie, deputy Content. And if not, I always tell people, you know, where the power switch is, so <laugh> until later, I'll talk to y'all soon. Bye-bye.

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