My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (2023)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (2023)

Sep 09 2023 | 00:10:58

Episode September 09, 2023 00:10:58

Show Notes

The family is back and they're off on another adventure. It may not be the adventure you imagine, but it's an adventure.

Original Review:

This is it


All moms pretend they're okay,  dancing zorbas, give me a word any word and tl show you the root of that word is Greek, a Greek man retires a week after he's dead,  Mark DeCarlo, zkt 2313, vrisi, portokalos, everybody needs a love handle,  Paris Miller,  a lady is never drunk,  secrets are a waste of time,  I'm surprised but I'm not surprised because I'm never surprised,  the tree that won't bend breaks in the wind,  windless tree, tsipicar, I love you so much and why don't you love me as much as I love you,  like badgers tearing apart a bag of oreos, sx ape, Nia 2312, educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all,

In memory of Michael Constantine,
In memory of Constantine vardalos,
In memory of Dorothy and Allan Wilson,  

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. This is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts bringing to you the new releases that are coming out this weekend. Now, I hope you had a chance to check out yesterday's show. Yesterday's episode was a bit longer than our normal episodes, but it was for a good reason. It covered a very important topic and a very important issue that I think society or a lot of society probably is not ready to address, but it's definitely a necessity to at least address it. The other two movies that are coming, the big movies at least that are coming out this weekend are of course my Big Fat Greek wedding three and the Nun two. Well, we are gonna be talking about one of those today and it is the more lighthearted of the two. Now, <laugh>, surprisingly, I'm not talking about the none, but if you've ever been a fan of the My Big Greek wedding, the one or two you, and if you've ever been a fan of deputy, you know that I had took a special liking to these movies. Speaker 0 00:01:10 There was just something so wholesome and the just the love of the family and they were comedic and they were enjoyable all the way around. So I actually gave my big Fat Greek wedding, the first one, a 7.75 out of 10. The second one got a 7.5 out of 10. The third one <laugh> took a dive, took a pretty steep nose dive. Now you know, when I usually give movies bad or okay, it's not technically bad, but a reduction in rating. I usually wait till the end of the review to give the rating. Now I'm gonna go ahead and tell you what I gave this, but I want you to stick around because I do wanna address some issues that this one kind of touches on a little bit and it's going to ruffle a lot of people's feathers. I'm almost wondering why they went ahead with this one. Speaker 0 00:02:02 But then as the movie kind of closes out, it kind of reveals that it leads into my Big Fat Greek wedding four 'cause it definitely leads into that. There might be a fourth movie and hopefully at least that one might redeem it a little ways. Now you may be wondering, okay, she said she gave the first one this, the second one, this. What's she giving the third one? Well, it took a three point nose dive. Now that's a pretty steep nose dive, even on the deputy scale. Personally, I probably would've gone even lower than that. My big Fat Greek wedding three only got a 4.5 on the movie Deputy scale. And I actually wanna put this in perspective for you now, uh, for me on the movie Deputy Scale, a four is watchable, but forgettable a five is watchable significant flaws, decent story, and honestly this kind of falls right in between those two. But the I, like I said, Speaker 1 00:02:58 I wanna touch on the whole forgettable part of it. I literally had gone to the theater to see this movie just in the normal theater like everybody else. And yes, I pay for my tickets. I had walked out of the theater and I was walking up to the main lobby and one of the managers that I've kind of become friends with there and then one of the security guards that I know there asked me what movie I just came out of. I was literally blank. I could not think of the movie. I literally that quickly forgot which movie I watched. I wasn't sleepy or anything or distracted. I literally had to look at my notes to remind me which movie I had just watched. Now <laugh>, I'm not proud of that, but at the same time that tells you what kind of a lasting impact this movie left. Speaker 1 00:03:45 There were maybe 50 people in there when the movie started. When the movie ended, I'd probably say 75% were still there, but we, a lot of people were talking, it's like what did they do to the story? And that's kind of what I wanna get into a little bit here. 'cause in this one, Tula and Ian are, they're further, uh, they're older and Ian has just retired. Tula is just kind of doing her thing. Their daughter Paris is in her first, is just finished her first year at N Y U. Now, Tula dad had passed away fairly recently. And so he had always wanted the family to take this trip to Greece and visit his childhood home. One of the last things that he asked of Tula before he died was he wanted to give his journal to the friends that he had grown up with back over in Greece. Speaker 1 00:04:36 And so that was like his dying wish for Tula to do that for him. Well, and kind of the whole process of this Tula and the rest of her family is, you know, the family or if you've followed the story at all, you know, the family is more than a little bit eccentric, but unfortunately that eccentricity also has a downside to it as well. Talula's mom Maria is actually not participating with this trip there. She's dealing with an issue at home and I, it's kind of a pretty big spoiler, so I won't give that away on that. But Maria is dealing with something and it affects everybody in the family. You might be able to guess what it is based on that, but I won't go ahead and say it, like I said, 'cause that is a pretty big spoiler. But, so the family arranges to go over to Greece and they get over there and they are greeted with somebody who is like a relative of a relative due to some great grandparents, cousins sister-in-law's sister. Speaker 1 00:05:37 That's not the exact relationship, but it's just like way off <laugh> down the line. So probably like a sixth or seventh cousin if you're lucky. This person's like, okay, yeah, we're gonna get in the vehicle, I'll take you back to the village. And they get back to the village and there's literally six people who still live in this village. Most of the homes are empty. Now you might be wondering, okay, why am I touching on this? Well, I'm, I'm getting to that, I'm getting to that, but so, and they're all in this village and they're trying to figure out, they're trying to like, so you've got somebody who's trying to go off and figure out where, or it's Nick that's trying to go off and find where his dad's, where the oldest tree in the village is because it was a special spot to his dad. Speaker 1 00:06:16 And then you've got other family members trying to figure out other stuff and they're trying to figure out this reunion that they have come home for. And basically the reunion consists of everybody that just traveled degrees. So their reunion is just basically themselves. And no, that's not a spoiler. And that actually changes a little bit further in the movie. And again, not a spoiler, you know me, no spoilers ever nothing close, nothing even resembling that. But remember this family member that I mentioned that meets them at the airport, the family member is non-binary and makes it pretty clear that they're non-binary when they get to the village, they end up learning about, uh, a relationship that their father had had that they knew nothing about. And so there's a surprise family member that again, they knew nothing about. And this person's son, which ends up to now be Tula Ian and Nick's and all their nephew is in love with a refugee from Syria. Speaker 1 00:07:16 And so as you can expect with any of the my big fat Greek wedding movies, there has to be a wedding except the fact that this wedding maybe takes place in maybe three minutes of the whole movie. So it's not the focus of the movie at all. The trip to Greece really isn't the focus of the movie. What's the focus of the movie? Good question. I'm still trying to figure that out. But <laugh>, I think it's the whole thing is more about honoring their dad and uncle and just kind of everybody that their dad was to them. Even in this, like I said, there's six people who literally live in this village and there's all these empty homes and they even touch on the whole thing in the movie that they should open up all these homes to Syrian refugees. Like I said, this movie is kind of just, it took a, because it went woke, go woke, go broke. Speaker 1 00:08:11 And this one definitely went full on woke. I mean they even touch on the whole thing There is that they are not going to grease but tar, stop it. You cannot get up there. Sorry, as usual, I've got my babies in here with me and they're being ornery, but they touch on the whole thing. That this is not a vacation, that this is not a trip to have fun. That this was a trip to, sorry, I've gotta get Matero here. Butaro come here. So sorry about that. <laugh>, it's just life. I mean I, none, none of what I do here is scripted. I take my notes during the movie and the rest of the time I'm just sitting here through this adventure talking to you about the movies, trying to pick up my cat <laugh> and get them to behave a little bit. But, so I don't script any of this. Speaker 1 00:08:59 It's like this is literally just off the cuff, just what pops in my brain. I look back over a few of the notes I took, but this is just the, it's this. And like I said, go woke, go broke. They, this movie took a nose dive because it doesn't seem to have a path. Is it a love story? No. Is it a remembrance story? No. Is it a comedy? No. Is it a drama? Not quite. So what is it a movie? It's a movie. I'm sure it's a movie. Is it anything else? Dunno if you, like I said, if you've been a big fan of the other ones, this one, it's gonna leave you wanting something. Now you may have remembered I mentioned that this is leading into another my Big Fat Greek wedding. Well, a couple of the younger people that are involved in the movie and part of the family, like I said, it hints that there could be a my big Pet Greek wedding four. Speaker 1 00:09:54 I don't know, it looks like maybe that one might have some promise and kind of get back on track a little bit, but you never know for sure. You heard the score, I gave it a 4.5. Yeah, that's literally the score I gave it and why, but you're probably wondering, okay, was this guilty or innocent? For the most part, the story was pretty innocent, but there is one particular set of scenes and that one particular set of scenes is going to ensure that this movie gets a guilty rating. I do want to say if you do not want your child or children exposed to any nudity, not direct nudity, it's more indirect. But if you don't want them exposed to that, then this is gonna be one to maybe avoid. But overall I hope that helps. We will be back tomorrow to talk about the non two. Who knows, maybe my kitties will make an an entrance in that one too. You never know. But that one is actually gonna be as surprising as this one was just in a different way. So you'll have to come back tomorrow to find out more. Have fun. I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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