Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America (2023)

Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America (2023)

Sep 08 2023 | 00:17:53

Episode September 08, 2023 00:17:53

Show Notes

When we think of the scouts, we think of wholesome, American values... What if there is something much darker that they don't want to be revealed? That's what we're about to find out.

Original Review:

This is it


Doug Kennedy, guiding tool, biggest youth club in the world, Christopher haywood, dirty little secret,  veneer to mask pedophiles,  82209, bankruptcy,  Tim kosnoff, history's largest case of child sexual abuse, Anthony mandich, human rights civil rights for children,  Michael Johnson,  do you want the truth or what I was told to say,  Patrick Boyle, Carlton l bittenbender, red flag file, founded 1908 in England,  gilwell Park,  red flag list,  ineligible volunteer file, perversion files, projected integrity,  Scott j Wilson, Robert l peirce, Jerry shnay, Thomas j hacker, Rudy m vorkapic, Mark Eaton, eagle scout,  Timothy p Vick, Christopher hurley,  Dave looby, Thomas evoy, Douglas Kennedy, it's always about power, Tom krumins, watch 12:32, Jim Terry, James J Terry, Doug Smith,  Douglas Smith,  Steven McGowan, j Douglas Murphy, t137 New Orleans,  Richard Windmann, Tom Woodall,  Lewis sialle, Richard Stanley Halvorsen, Harry Cramer,  Raymond a Woodall,  Patricia Davis, Joseph l anglim, f staron, Amanda Purcell, recognize resist report, john Mosby, a time to tell, a scout is reverent, Christopher Schultz, Edmund Coakley, Richard Schultz, Barbara Swann, Jon r Conte, Lori hunt,  Randall hoening, Kathryn robb, drew tessier, Dale decision,  George Davidson,  Tim kosnoff, Kerry Lewis, timur van dykes, Paul mones, kelly Clark, Marci Hamilton,  Susan Tebben, Michael pfau, Jason p amala, Michael nussbaum, Andrea Phipps, John sakowicz, Douglas Baird, Jesse O'Neill, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Why Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the latest and greatest and maybe not so great reviews. <laugh> as we talk, as, um, as we typically leave our Friday, Saturday, and Sunday episodes for our new movies. And of course, I'm not gonna disappoint on that. Now, you may be thinking, I'm gonna be opening with one of the big titles that's opening this week. I'm actually gonna surprise you. I am opening with one of the movies I just talked about yesterday and this one is actually a Netflix documentary now. No, no, no, no. Don't turn the show off quite yet. I know typically when you think Netflix documentary, you think Far left. And I don't think that's any exaggeration whatsoever. If you haven't already realized it by now or if you haven't caught it in one of my other programs. Speaker 0 00:00:56 I am a constitutional conservative for a long time. I really tried to stay neutral with my reviews and you'll see that come out more as I share the previous reviews that I've written. Even really controversial movies, the reviews that I had posted on movie, I really did my best to try to stay neutral. And I realized I was not only doing a disservice to you, but I was doing a disservice to movie deputy by doing that. So I am actually going to keep sharing the reviews with you that I have written as they were written, but I'm also going to be including a little bit more of what I really thought about these movies. Now you're probably wondering which movie I reviewed. Like I said, the documentary, it's the, this one about the scouts. The scouts honor the secret files of the Boy Scouts of America. Speaker 0 00:01:44 Now, some of you might turn the show off, right? The now and that just point blank. You don't want to hear anything negative about the scouts. You had a good experience with the scouts or your kids have had a good experience with the scouts, et cetera, et cetera, blah, blah, blah. But it's not that simple. This story has to do with 82,209. Now, I want you to remember that number 82,209. You may be wondering what I gave this movie on the deputy scale. This one, I I was real personally, I'm, I was leaning mid sevens personally. There were, there were a couple little things in here that, you know, could, Netflix could not help themselves of inserting some of the stuff into. And so that did hurt it a little bit. And like I said, I have to be true to the deputy scale even when I don't necessarily want to. And it's like I said, I personally was leaning more towards mid sevens. I, like I said, staying true to the deputy scale. I did give Scouts honor a 6.75 out of 10 on the deputy scale. Now, I'm not saying that that is actually hurting this story in any way, shape, or form Speaker 1 00:02:58 As this story is. It's one that demands to be told. It's one that maybe you heard something about in the media and weren't sure what to think. I will say, I am giving Scouts Honor a guilty rating. The topics discussed in this story are definitely not safe for young ears. And you may be thinking, okay, it's a story about Boy Scouts. How guilty can it really be? Well, this story goes deep into sexual assault, sexual abuse, and what really was going on behind, I can't even say behind closed doors. 'cause this is just, I mean, I had heard about the stuff in the news, which I'm sure you probably you have too, but I didn't really think that much of it. I'm thinking, okay, it can't be that big. 'cause it's not like every news agency is reporting on that. And I'm thinking, wait a minute. Speaker 1 00:03:52 The fact that these news agencies aren't just barely touching on this at all is really a lot more telling than we should actually recognize. Because it's the things that the media doesn't tell us that the, that's actually the real big news out there. And the thing is, it's always about power, power with the media, power with the Boy Scouts, power, with all this, that, and the other things. And in this documentary, they're actually interviewing, I hate to say victims, I wanna say survivors. I, I'm, it has nothing to do with this. I'm a survivor as well of abuses. But these, these men that are talking in this movie and that have come forth, this takes so much to do. So because there has been such a shame hidden behind this for so long. These boys tried to tell people that we're close to them and people shame them. Speaker 1 00:04:48 It's like, how dare you say that about the scouts? How dare you do this? How dare you do that? Do you realize what you're doing? So they didn't want the truth to come out, not the boys themselves, but I mean mainstream religion, the Catholic church, the Mormon church, all these different things. And then on up through the ladder of even the hierarchy of the people in charge of the Boy Scouts. Now the scouts were founded in 1908 in England. Naturally as an American citizen, I wanna think of, uh, I'll use a quote from the movie Norman Rockwell Apple Pie, just wholesome. Patriotic. You think of the Scouts as this great endeavor where your children are gonna have an opportunity to go and learn and grow and prosper. But what we don't realize is, think about it this just for a second. The Scouts are pretty much the only organization that gives unfettered access to our children with people that we barely know. Speaker 1 00:05:55 Now, in what other situation would you let your young child go off on a camping trip with somebody who's virtually a complete stranger? I mean, come on. And of course, we're told over and over and over again, oh, these people have gone through rigorous background checks. Well, guess what? That's what they tell you. Because they don't wanna waste the money doing the background checks. They don't even wanna waste the money to even check government IDs on these people that are influencing and abusing your children. Now, am I saying that every Boy Scout leader or every Boy scout troop person is an abuser? Absolutely not. But do you remember that number I mentioned a little bit ago, 82,209. It was thought that when this whole thing started coming out with the scouts, that the number would be around 10,000 of people coming forward. And then it was 20,000 and then 30,000 and then 50,000. Speaker 1 00:06:57 And the number kept growing. If it, the KSU had not had a cutoff date, who knows how much larger that number would have become and how many are out there that didn't, that gave in to drug abuse. All these other things that are going on suicides. One of the stories that they share here is a young boy who was abused by his scout leader and he couldn't deal with it. So he committed suicide. And so his brother is here telling his story, and you're maybe thinking, okay, why was this never covered? Like again in the news? It's because they don't want us to know. Like I said, am I saying that all the scouts are bad? Absolutely not. But we have to recognize, uh, whether, whether you're a parent or not, it does not matter. This was a dirty secret. This was history's largest case of child sexual abuse. Speaker 1 00:07:53 Now you may be thinking, okay, what about the whole Catholic thing? This was bigger than that. Can you even fathom that, that the Boy Scouts of America and the Scouts of America, 'cause I guess now they allow girls and stuff to join too, but that this was just an absolute perversion on children. And so many times the scouts have targeted, especially single parents because they're like, oh, we know you're doing such a hard job and you're doing everything you can. Now, I'm not disparaging single parents in the least, but the scouts would target these children of single parents because what are they really gonna do? Even if something happens now, they try to stand by the, the scouts try to stand by the thing that they're trying to teach children now of recognize, resist, and report. But at the same time, they're, they're basically saying, oh, it wasn't as bad as everybody's making it out to be. Speaker 1 00:08:51 It, this didn't really happen. This wasn't as bad as kind of everything going on. This is just exaggerated. But what this actually was, was just a veneer to mask pedophiles. Now, like I said, remember what I'm talking about? These scout leaders and these troop leaders, there are no background checks. There's no criminal checks. If a scout leader was caught abusing a children or child or multiple children, they in exchange to, for not having anything prosecuted against them, they're like, oh, we'll move away and we're never gonna do this again. They moved on to the next community and kept it up. There are some names of some people, and I don't even wanna give these names, the power of mentioning on this show, it's kind of like when people do horrible things and then their name is in the media and it's their 15 minutes of fame. Speaker 1 00:09:45 I do not wanna give these men their 15 minutes of fame by even mentioning that. Watch this documentary like it is on Netflix, okay? There's a few things that Netflix managed to, okay, it's, it's Netflix. Oh, come on. If you really thought that the whole thing was just gonna be all about these children and this case, like I said, it's Netflix <laugh>, so what do you expect? But they actually did a really good job with this. That's why personally, I was leaning in the mid s for, uh, maybe a little bit of it. I was in the maybe low eights of where I was wanting to give this. And I was brought to tears watching this. And you may be thinking it's okay, why <laugh>? Because this is the story. It mentions that the whole thing is about human rights and civil rights for children. Speaker 1 00:10:40 Now that sounds like a woke thing, but children have rights. Children need to feel safe. Our job, whether they're our children or not. And I, and I'm not subscribing to the whole thing of like, it takes a village. No, because we are responsible for protecting our children, first and foremost, our children, they need to know that they can feel safe coming forward if these things have happened and that they should not feel ashamed that this is not their fault. The men that have come forward in this documentary, it took so much for them to do this. It people don't even realize the shame associ associated with this to so many people. And even people who have spent their lives or adult lives investigating child sexual abuse. And we see one of those gentlemen here, and it's, he's one of the main focuses of this documentary. Speaker 1 00:11:40 And he basically said, do you want the truth or do you want what I was told to say? Because he also worked with the scouts and he has committed himself to bringing the truth and to bringing this out there. Like I said, am I saying that all the scouts are bad? No, but I am saying as a parent, if I had a young child still, I know my son never had any interest of going into the scouts years ago, but as a, as a parent now, and I know anybody who's even considering signing their children up to be in the scouts, I'll be honest, I am, I'm hesitant. I wanna bring this to their, I wanna bring this to their so they can see it. I can't find the words. I'm just sitting here <laugh>. But there's just these things that happen. And like I said, this is the only, the only situation where we allow random adults, and even adults that are maybe pillars of our community, but we give them unfettered, unsupervised access to our children with little to nothing. Speaker 1 00:12:50 I mean, we don't, we know nothing about what's going on behind these closed doors and these horror stories that are shared in this. Like I, if this doesn't rip your heart out, you don't have one. I mean, yeah, I'm gonna be that blunt. Seriously, if this does not rip your heart out, you don't have one <laugh>. Like I said, not everybody's guilty and the scouts have done amazing things. But again, I want you to remember that number 82,209. And that's only the one that had the courage to come forward. And that's only the ones who didn't succumb to the pressures of trying to deal with all of this. How many children have we lost to suicide? How many children have we lost to drug abuse? How many children have we lost? Period. These children have had their innocence ripped from them. This wasn't their choice. Speaker 1 00:13:54 This was one of the things that brought up in this, is in some of these cases, they would guilt the children by saying, well, didn't you enjoy it? That's not the point. That is not the point. They're children. And like I said, this is one, it's hard to watch. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat that. There are topics talked about here, and nothing's graphic or anything like that, but the discussion is graphic. But you know what it needs to be. It needs to be because that's what brings it forward. And at the very end of this, it talks about this settlement that it was reached so many of these people that have come forward, they didn't come forward just 'cause they wanted money. They, they wanted the truth to come out. They wanna protect these children. So I urge you, if you are Speaker 2 00:14:50 One of these survivors that went through something like this as a child, whether it was with the, with the scouts or anything else, it was not your fault. It was not your fault. You were innocent. You deserved love, you deserved to be loved. Sorry. I'm sure you could tell this is more than a little bit emotional for me. But that's, that's, that's a whole different story on that. But childhood is innocence. And that's what it should be. Don't allow these people to the innocence of any more of our children. Speak up, speak up for your children. Sit down with your children, have this talk. Let them know what is okay and what is not, and let them know that even if something does happen, it's not on them. It's never on them. <laugh>, as you've not gotten to know me, if you've been a listener to the movie Deputy at all, it's only the most important movies that I have, more that I have these long reviews on. Speaker 2 00:15:59 And like I said, this one is one that demands your attention. Even if you don't have Netflix, sign up for a free trial. Watch this. And you know what? If you wanna cancel it after that, so be it. I think this is honestly the only thing of substance that has come from Netflix pretty much ever, at least to this level. And I urge you to do that. I urge you to share this. I urge you to go forth and be a voice for the voiceless. There are just movies like this that just need to be brought to people's attention. I'll admit, when I watched the previous, I didn't necessarily understand that this was gonna be as powerful as it was. And I'm glad I'm able to bring this to you. So I feel almost a little bit cheesy saying this, but if I have opened your eyes at all, please like and subscribe to my channel because I want to bring these types of movies to you because I want you to be aware of them and I want to help share these to give voices to the voiceless. Speaker 2 00:17:07 There is just something so important here and I'm not even gonna do my silly sign off of just like I usually do. But I just wanna leave you with that number 82,209. Like I said, those are just the ones that had the courage to come forward. Think of how many just can't, for whatever reason it may be. There's just so much more to this. I will be bringing you some more lighthearted movies, of course, one's a horror movie this weekend. But I will be bringing you my big Fat Greek wedding three, and of course the NUN two over the next couple days. And like I said, I just hope this stays, I know it'll stay with me for a very long time. Thank you. I will talk to you again soon. Bye.

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