Kinds of Kindness (2024)

Kinds of Kindness (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Kinds of Kindness (2024)

Jul 06 2024 | 00:09:53

Episode July 06, 2024 00:09:53

Show Notes

Where do I even begin... Hollywood has always had a perverse nature to some of its content... Some of the movies recently have taken that to new heights (or lows). What am I referring to? Come along and find out. 


The death of rmf
Robert fletcher, Sarah fletcher,  Edward Smith,  genuine mashed McEnroe racket 1984, Louise,  Louise's son, skinny men is the most ridiculous thing there is, Raymond and Vivienne,  palm tree weevil,  code 1962, white chardonnay from New Zealand, Rita fanning,  dr Anderson / amber / Claire,  rm 504,

Rmf is flying
Liz, daniel,  dspd police,  Martha, Liz doesn't eat  chocolate,  adult video,  cannibalism,  Sharon, Jonathan,  hnkb91, l10 h38, monte the cat,  dog island, 

Rmf eats a sandwich
Annie, harold,  anna, miss Emily,  Martin Lowe, Andrew,  xnc t62, Emily, Jack, omi, belly together omi feet,  Susan,  h-o-h boat, Rebecca King,  Mark Ball, Stephanie Ball,  Ruth King,  Joseph,  Vanessa weber,  Franklin Ave pharmacy,  Emily's forehead, not everyone is cut out for everything,  Linda the dog, 

Baby's snack box,

In memory of Katie dolese,

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome back. I am here and hoping that you didn't get too. [00:00:09] Hmm, how do I put this? I'm hoping you that yesterday's review helped more than it hurt. I had some conversations with a few people since I recorded that, but I still stand by my opinion and my score. [00:00:24] So I promised you that today was going to be interesting. And though all of my shows are always completely family friendly, some of the content that we are going to be talking about today is not. So if you have little ones in the room, this might not be the best podcast to listen to. I'm not going to be using any curse words or anything like that. It's just some of the content of the movie that is just, let's say, beyond disturbing on it, just an entirely different level from what you might expect. So what movie am I talking about? Believe it or not, the title is very deceptive. It is called kinds of kindness. It's the new one with Emma Stone and Defoe and all them, and I didn't really know what to expect. I'm kind of good friends with some of the managers at our local theaters, and when I came to see this one a couple days after it opened up, and she's like, yeah, we're not going to have this one much longer because we've sold like maybe twelve tickets all week. And I was like, what? [00:01:36] And so I was like, well, is it that better? What, like what? Or is it just not being advertised a whole lot? And then I saw the poster, and mind you, I didn't watch any trailers on this at all, so I went into this blind kinds of kindness. It's like, okay, the title sounds nice, right? I, boy, was I wrong. [00:01:58] This movie is actually about anything but kindness. It's really disturbing on so many levels there. I need to give major trigger warnings for anybody who has had any dealings with cults or anything like that. Anybody who is sensitive to violence against women, anybody who is sensitive to pornography, to cannibalism, to just very disturbing actions and such. There is just this cross. It's like this crosses every line on decency. Okay, there's a similar movie that Emma did, Emma Stone that did. It was just out, not that long ago, called poor things. [00:02:49] And as disturbing as that was, at least it had a story to it. And I only gave that a three out of ten with poor things. [00:02:58] So as you can imagine, I'm going even lower with this one. But you're gonna have to wait at least until I'll probably rebuild around the middle of the review. Just randomly, because I don't want you to give up on this quite yet. Because if you know, if you were planning on seeing this or if you know somebody who was planning on seeing this, there's just. [00:03:20] Yeah, there's. You just need to be prepared. That's about the best that I can say to put this. [00:03:29] It's this cult that these people are involved in. They can only drink water that has been touched by some, by this leader of their cult. And this leader of their cult kind of controls everything that they do, like most cults, and they're looking for somebody in particular. And these people, they follow their leader, their master, their. This. [00:04:03] I can't give it away too specifically or that's going to be kind of a spoiler, but the way that they refer to this person and they. Everything that they do is about pleasing him both physically and emotionally. And just kind of. It's all over the place. And one person isn't willing to go as far as he's being told to go. And so he's basically ousted. I think I mentioned this is broken up in three parts. So I'm going to be talking about the three. The first, I'm obviously starting with the first one. And because he's not willing to do this, they kind of turn to other people. And it's just, it's taken as far as you can imagine it going, and then it's going further than that. [00:04:50] Each of these stories that it tells, there's not really a, like, the story never comes full circle. It never has a resolution. There's no, oh, okay. Or aha. Moment or any of that along with this, like, so where you think it's taking you, it doesn't. And I don't know if they were going for an art type feel on that or what they were going for. It's just somewhat. Just somewhat disturbing. It's downright disturbing. [00:05:28] The second part of this, we see the same people, and this is all one continuous story. It's just broken up in different parts. So these people are still looking for this particular person that they're searching for. [00:05:41] And it's just this one person ends up, God, they went missing, and now they're back. And the things that. [00:05:52] Let's just. You don't. You don't want to eat during this movie, let's put it that you don't even want popcorn. Like, do not eat. [00:06:02] I'm just picturing some of these scenes in my head, and it's like, it's just giving me the evgbies. [00:06:11] I think that's probably about as accurate as I can describe. That entire. That entire portion of the movie and then the third part of the movie. Now, mind you, this is not a short movie. This movie is almost 3 hours long. And so you just keep waiting for the resolution or you keep waiting for how it ends. And it does end. It's just not. [00:06:34] It's not the full circle resolution that you would expect from a movie such as this. And don't worry, I won't spoil it. Ever. [00:06:43] But it finally gets to this third section of the movie, and they finally realize that they've found what they're looking for. [00:06:51] And you think that's gonna be it. But no, it just, like I said, it just kinda goes one step further. And it just. [00:07:04] I would use the term, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but that's a really hard term to use after watching this. [00:07:15] It. [00:07:16] The most wholesome part of this entire movie is the fact that they have a memoriam in the credits. It's just an in memory of Katie D'Olis. I'm not sure if I pronounced that correctly, but. So, in memory of Katie, it's like, I feel bad that your memory was tainted by a story such as this or that you were memorialized on a story such as this. But it's just beyond disturbing kinds of kindness. And I think I'm being incredibly generous here. Cause I do know that there was at least some art to this. But just how it was done is about this. Because of, um. Personally, I would probably give this a negative number, but staying true to the deputy scale, which, trust me, is hard to do sometimes, I am giving kinds of kindness a whopping 2.5 out of ten on the deputy scale. Like I said, I truly believe that I am being generous on that because two is technically painful, confusing. A three is, if you really must see this, wait for it to come out on dvd. Blu ray. [00:08:29] The best thing I could say to do for this movie is to, if you do invest in the Blu ray, throw at the fire pit and, no, I'm not joking, it's like. Or buy this and pour things together and kind of do the same thing and video it and have it go. Go viral. Who knows? But, yeah, that's about as good of a recommendation as I can get on this, if I hadn't already mentioned it. Sorry, my brain's, like, all over the place this morning. But yeah, this one got it beyond a guilty rating. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. But I, like, I cannot hasten to recommend this to literally anyone. I cannot think of any of this content that I would ever recommend to anyone for any reason. [00:09:18] That. That. That says a lot. That says a lot. I mean, there's a lot of really sucky movies out there that I can at least acknowledge have some appeal to somebody. [00:09:29] But these ones just. No. [00:09:32] It's just simple. Just no. Now, I'm fully aware that we've got a bunch of other big titles. I did review some of the other big names, and I will be back soon with those for you. So if you haven't already done so, please click those buttons to always get the latest and greatest movie deputy content. And as always, I'll be back soon. Bye.

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