Captain Marvel (2019)

Captain Marvel (2019)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Captain Marvel (2019)

Nov 11 2023 | 00:08:01

Episode November 11, 2023 00:08:01

Show Notes

Marvel superheroes have captured hearts and minds for generations. This is no different, though this is drastically different from what you might expect. It won't be for everyone but it definitely will have an audience. 

Original Review:

A young trainee in the Kree Space Force is about to face her most challenging mission yet. In an attempt to rescue a fellow Kree, she will find herself at the mercy of those that she is fighting against. Her attempt at escape will leave her on a strange planet in search of answers that don't seem to make any sense. Little does she know that she has more of a connection to this planet than she could have imagined. As her pursuit continues, she'll find friends and foes in unlikely places. One of them will help her in an unexpected way by helping her reconnect with a piece of her past. Will reconnecting with herself help to unlock the secrets that she so desperately desires? Or will it only lead to more questions? This story isn't as simple as a story of her life though. It's a story of those in seek of equal treatment and social justice in the midst of chaos. Doing so crosses a boundary that Marvel hasn't addressed before. There are many that will cheer and celebrate these milestones, there are just as many though that will be equally appalled at the presentation. Her story is much more than it seems. Whether or not it's for you is something that only you can decide. Where will the MCU go from here? We'll have to wait and see.

Stay into and through the credits for 2 bonus scenes


5229 -47, a set of skrulls anywhere is a threat to kree everywhere, af 76 119, anger only serves the enemy, asis crash site, bonus scene in and after credits, boucher's inc, br-bu, by-ca, capt Carol "avenger" danvers, captain marvel will return in avengers endgame, Carol D / vers, Carol danvers, Dr Wendy Lawson / mar vell / Pegasus, goose is a klerkin, goose the cat, hala / capital of kree civilization, hgx78, I stared into the face of my enemy and the face staring back was my own, I'm coming to end it the war the lies all of it, in loving memory of captain Stephen "cajun" Del Bagno / thunderbird 4, know your enemy it could be you, kree glyphs / kreeglyphs, lieutenant trouble, magees-donuts, Mar-vell's laboratory / kree imperial cruiser, Maria "photon" rambeau, Marvelettes, mellon collie and the infinite badass, Mr snoofers, n5017b, Nicholas Joseph fury, paneho's bar, planet c-53 / planet c53 / terran homeworld, ponchos bar, project Pegasus / joint NASA usaf, put your people's needs before your own, serve well and with honor, skrull, Stan Lee intro / thank you Stan, Supreme intelligence / a I leader of the kree civilization, the protector initiative, the slow club, there's nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion, this isn't about fighting wars it's about ending them, torfa / kree border planet, trust me believer, veers / vers / kree star force, war is a universal language, what did Nick fury page? detained with target need backup, what was given can be taken away, you do know why they call it a cockpit don't you

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Why, hello, everybody, and welcome back. [00:00:02] Speaker B: It is once again me, your favorite and friendly deputy of movie deputy podcasts. [00:00:08] Speaker A: Bringing to you kind of an important review, especially with the movies coming out this weekend. [00:00:14] Speaker B: Now, today is actually going to be a surprise. I did not plan on taking yesterday off, but I got knocked down and. [00:00:22] Speaker A: Out by a case of food poisoning. I don't know if you've ever experienced. [00:00:28] Speaker B: It, but being that I am a. [00:00:31] Speaker A: One woman show, and being that I barely could get out of the bathroom yesterday, I greatly apologize even more than I can imagine. [00:00:41] Speaker B: I won't go into graphic details, but. [00:00:43] Speaker A: Anybody who has ever experienced food poisoning knows the depths of depravity that I left in that room the other day. And thankfully, he flushed it down to the sewer to be long forgotten. [00:00:56] Speaker B: And I can guarantee I'm not eating there ever again. [00:00:59] Speaker A: Not going to disparage the place by mentioning it by name because I know accidents happen, but, oh, still not up to 100%. [00:01:07] Speaker B: But the reason I am letting you know about this is you are not. [00:01:11] Speaker A: Getting just one review today. [00:01:14] Speaker B: You are going to be getting a second review today. [00:01:17] Speaker A: And I know I never do that, but in a way, this kind of. [00:01:21] Speaker B: Fits because we're starting out the day today with Captain Marvel, a movie that came out in 2019, and then we. [00:01:28] Speaker A: Are going to be finishing up with another review that's going to go live. [00:01:33] Speaker B: In a couple of hours. [00:01:34] Speaker A: So make sure you have your notifications turned on for that so you don't miss it. But I'm going to be talking about the Marvels now. I hope that you are prepared, because I have never done this where I've done two reviews in one day. But I thought since one kind of leads into the other that it was kind of an important point to touch on with all of this. So, like I said, hang on, it's going to be a ride. [00:02:02] Speaker B: And of course, I don't want to. [00:02:04] Speaker A: Disappoint you with that again. I'm kind of playing with my whole Sunday episodes and things. So I actually do have a review that's going to be going live tomorrow as well. And be sure to stay tuned for that because that one is another one that's going to necessarily not be what you expect. What do I mean by that? Well, I guess you're just going to. [00:02:25] Speaker B: Have to come back and find out. [00:02:28] Speaker A: What movie am I going to talk about tomorrow? Again, you're going to have to come back and find out. So make sure that you like and subscribe and make sure you turn those notifications on so that you can be notified when the latest and greatest episodes here on Movie Deputy Reviews go live. I don't want you to miss a single moment of this, but getting back to Captain Marvel, Cat Lake said it. [00:02:54] Speaker B: Came out in 2019. [00:02:58] Speaker A: I'm going to maybe shock some of you. I did go ahead and give this a guilty rating just because of some of the content involved. I know it's a Marvel movie and I know that there are going to be many people who disagree with me on the statement of that, but also, I'm going to go ahead and let you know the score up front. But I want you to hang on and go ahead and listen to the reviews before you make up your mind on whether or not you want to see this or not, or if you have seen it and I tell you the score. Just stick around and I'll kind of explain a little bit of how I got there. I did just give Captain Marvel a 5.25 out of ten on the deputy scale, and there is a reason for that. But before I kind of get into a whole lot more of that, I actually want to share with the review that had been up on A young trainee in the Kree Space Force is about to face her most challenging mission yet. In an attempt to rescue a fellow Kree, she will find herself at the mercy of those that she is fighting against. Her attempt at an escape will leave her on a strange planet in search of answers that don't seem to make any sense. Little does she know that she has more of a connection to this planet than she could have imagined. As her pursuit continues, she finds friends and foes in unlikely places. One of them will help her in an unexpected way by helping her reconnect with a piece of her past. Will reconnecting with herself help to unlock the secrets that she so desperately desires? Or will it only lead to more questions? This story is not as simple as a story of her life, though. It's a story of those in seek of equal treatment and social justice in the midst of chaos. Doing so crosses a boundary that Marvel has not addressed before. There are many that will cheer and celebrate these milestones, but there's just as many that will be equally appalled at the presentation. Her story is more than it seems. Whether or not it's for you is something that only you can decide. But where will the MCU go from here? We'll have to wait and see, but be sure to stay into the credits for two bonus scenes. [00:05:24] Speaker B: If you decide that you want to. [00:05:25] Speaker A: Take this one on to experience it. Like I said, this movie does kind of make a big deal about the whole femininity, equal rights, social justice. It really crosses a line and goes there, and it just does not fit with Marvel movies when it takes it to that line. Crosses it, and then, oh, way over the top crosses it. I mean, this doesn't just address it in mild ways. This is like blasting it in your face in more ways than one. Okay. Is equal treatment important? Yes. It's like, okay, even me, I'm one of these gals that's like, okay. They're like, oh, you can't do it. You're a man. [00:06:14] Speaker B: You can't work on cars. You can't do this. You can't do that. [00:06:17] Speaker A: You can't be on the radio. [00:06:18] Speaker B: You can't do that. [00:06:19] Speaker A: Says who? Says who? Basically, knowledge wise, ability wise, there is nothing between the two sexes that somebody should not be not able to do something because of their sex, of their gender. It doesn't make any sense. These ones that just try to make that a bigger deal than it is and try to make the social justice, the whole point of the movie kind of lose a little bit of the story that's being told. Now, if you can look all around that, if you can kind of get back past all of that, or, you know what? If it's important to you, there's a lot of really cool stuff that's happening in this movie. There's a lot of different ways that this movie could go from here. Will it? I guess we'll just kind of have to wait and see. And obviously, since, you know, I'm talking about the marvels next, we know where it kind of went. But originally, when this one came out, it's like, will there be more to this? It's like, okay, it's kind of leading into the fact that there could be. But the real question became, should be, should there be. Should there be something else? Should the story even continue? And obviously, this had enough of a viewership that this story did, in fact, continue. But stick with me here, and you're going to want to be sure and stick around for my review of the Marbles, because that review just might surprise you a little bit. And so I'm going to leave you on that note again. Make sure you have your notifications turned on, because the marbles will be going live in a few hours, and I can't wait to come back and talk to you real soon. Bye.

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