After Death (2023)

After Death (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
After Death (2023)

Nov 06 2023 | 00:12:54

Episode November 06, 2023 00:12:54

Show Notes

What happens when we die? Is there just darkness and it's over or is there something more... That's what this story dares to delve into. Come along with me on this journey before you decide if this is indeed a story for you. 


Nde near death experience, Stephen gray, July 18 1969 Dale Black n9150y visiting heaven, Dr Michael sabom the acute dying experience, john burje imagine heaven,  doctors resuscitate not resurrect their patients, anabiosus, dr George Ritchie, Dr Ramond moody life after life,  myth or reality,  June 1 1985 Howard storm my descent into death, a pain that blows the top of your head off, dr Jeffrey long evidence of the afterlife,  god of light and love,  bruce Grayson,  iands international association of near death studies, January 18 1989 don piper 90 minutes in heaven, Anita onarecker wood, don onarecker, swen spurt, January 14 1999 dr mary Neal to heaven and back, dr Ajmal zemmer, Steve kang, we all love one and die once,  ottoscopic, dr karl Greene, dr Robert spetzler, Pamela Reynolds,  skepticism is good rigidity is not, Kenneth ring, Sharon Cooper, Paul Ojeda, 23 percent experience darkness, William willy Neal, Eva piper, what life is all about is learning to love, Jason Pamer, Hannah Parrott, after, discovering heaven film,

In memory of Marko & Ile Kordic

Bonuses in credits

What happens after you die 

Transcript can be found below

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello once again and welcome back to another episode of Movie Deputy podcasts, brought to you by the one, the only Movie Deputy, Me. [00:00:13] I love what I do and I love being able to help bring movies to you. I hope you caught yesterday's episode where we talked about a very, very powerful movie. Now, you may be thinking, okay, how powerful? Like, what's the big deal on that? [00:00:31] Well, the movie that we talked about yesterday you okay, stormy kitty almost gave himself a kitty tack. So if you didn't already know, I'm a crazy cat mom and I do my show a lot of times with my cats here in my office with me. So I get the occasional distraction or noise that I have to respond to just to make sure my babies are okay as that's something I always want to do. Well, yesterday's show, we did give yesterday's movie an eight out of ten on the Deputy scale. And today we're bringing you another powerful movie, but this one's powerful in a different way. Now, if you know me, you know, of course I don't like subtitles. Well, closely behind subtitles is typically documentaries and mockumentaries. There is a documentary that is out right now that is just it's powerful, but in a different way. Now, you may be thinking, okay, she's saying that kind of weird. Well, this one I was really struggling on whether or not to give it a guilty or an innocent rating just because of some of the topics that it's discussing. I did ultimately decide to go with a guilty rating on this movie and the score that I gave this story was a 6.75 out of ten. Now, this is one that I do recommend. This one's a really good movie. It's made by the same people who did Sound of Freedom and Angel Studios was the big studio behind this one. And if you haven't already figured out, the movie that I'm going to be talking about is After Death. This entire story deals with NDEs or near death experiences where people have stories where they die and they see a bright light, they see family members, they see themselves floating above their bodies. They witness things that they should not have been able to see. They can relive stories and relive accounts of what happened when they were clinically dead. And this really goes into a lot of details in that and I'm going to get into that a little bit more here. But in doing so, it really just I don't know, it seemed like it was missing something. Like I said, as powerful as it is, as awesome as a story as this is, one of the people that is involved in this telling of this story is somebody else. His name is Don Piper and he was in an accident back in 1989 that inspired the movie 90 Minutes in Heaven. Now, back when that movie came out, I gave that movie a pretty exceptional rating on that. And I'm actually going to be talking about that movie tomorrow, so be sure and come back for that. But in this one, I was confused maybe a little bit, and maybe a little bit disheartened. Okay. Mind you, I know it's Hollywood mind you, I know it's Hollywood movie magic and stuff, but the story that Don Piper had portrayed in the movie 90 Minutes in Heaven and the story that he's telling here, which is the real story of what happened, it seems like two different stories. It's like in 90 Minutes in Heaven, he is so happy to be back to life, back with his family, back with his friends, and in real life, it's one of the things that he's discussing here. And don't worry, I'm not giving you any spoilers here, but he went into such a depression when he came back, and I say when he came back when he came back to life, he didn't want to be back. He was miserable. He was just absolutely, like, out of his head. [00:04:17] He couldn't deal with it. And it's so different from what was portrayed in the movie. And, you know, usually these people are involved in making these movies. And yes, 90 Minutes in Heaven is a feel good story. It's one of those ones that you watch and you just feel good about it, and you walk away from the movie and you remember it. And I remember so many details from that movie, and then hearing him talk about the story, the way that it actually went down without all the Hollywood movie magic, I don't and okay, this is going to sound really weird, and I'm not saying this to disparage his story at all, but I almost felt deceived. Deceived by him, deceived by Hollywood, deceived by a lot of this, because and not from this movie. This movie is not making me feel that. It's just the differences in the stories is why I'm thinking that. But this doesn't just focus on that story. It focuses on a plane crash from 1969 with Dale Black. It focuses on a doctor that researches this stuff, dr. Michael Sabom. It's got John Bergey. [00:05:27] One of the big things that they focus on in this movie is that doctors can resuscitate, not resurrect their patients. [00:05:35] Now, it's not like when Lazarus came back to life in the biblical story, this one is where these people are dead, like dead, dead, and they come back, and they come back with stories. Are all of them positive? No. And we get to see that side of this, too. And another big thing that they really tell in this story and that they really portray, and it comes across with such a powerful message, is that skepticism is good. I mean, it's really good to be skeptical of things. Rigidity is not. Now we have to learn to live life. We can't be rigid in our thoughts. We can't be rigid in our standards. We can't be rigid in so many things. And like I said, that's another big part of this. Of these near death experiences, 23% experience darkness. Now, I don't just mean black nothingness. I'm talking dark, despair, fear, basically what somebody might describe as hell, what other people might describe as purgatory. There's so many different ways that that could be explained. But you know what that means? That means 77% of the people that basically have reported having an NDE have had a positive experience from it and have had a positive experience when they came back. Now, okay, not all of those are going to be positive. There's people who have been traumatized by, let's say they died in surgery, and then they were above their bodies watching what was happening to them, and then they came back. Obviously they came back to life. But that memory of what was going on is traumatic, and that happens too. There's so many parts to this movie, okay, I only gave it a 6.75 out of ten, and I did give it a guilty rating just because the topics discussed here are not easy to understand, even for adults, much less children. [00:07:52] Now, the story Heaven is for real. It deals with another young boy who he died, went to heaven, and came back. And he had memories that there was no way he could have had. And that's another one. I'm surprised actually, they didn't get him to talk on this story, or maybe they attempted to. It's not mentioned in this one. But there are so many other stories other than the names that I mentioned. There are so many books that these people have written and published, and it's just what life is about. What life is all about is learning to love it's. What's the meaning of life? [00:08:30] To me, honestly, I just look at it as loved. I mean, I don't know if that's the answer for everybody, but everybody at some point or another has either been loved or has loved somebody, even if it wasn't reciprocated. And this story just delves deep into the thought of love, into the thought of that there really is something more. It goes across all religions. It goes across all ages. It goes across everything that differentiates people with what we think separates them, with age, with religion, with race, with community, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And yet these stories remain the same, the stories that people share. There are so many things in common that it goes beyond basic skepticism, it goes beyond basic understanding. [00:09:28] We all love once, and we die once. Now, that may be a little bit confusing because we love way more than once, but our heart is open to love, and it says we die once, okay? We die when it's done once. We don't just die once. [00:09:49] I could share my own story of, like, if I'm a cat, I've used up more than my nine lives in my life as an infant. I was how do I put this? [00:10:03] The person that raised me, overdosed me on phenobarbital at only nine days old and with the help of CPR and a doctor that refused to give up, I had been dead for a very long period of time. I know how this is going to sound. Some people, but it was 47 minutes. Was the record on that? I'm not saying it's a record, but it's as of the medical record in my records for that. And there's been some other things as well. And there's been a couple of things in my adult life that I remember seeing surgeries and stuff like that and recalling things that don't necessarily make sense. The doctors say, oh, you had no memory of that. It's like you were out. Guess what? [00:10:46] But there's so much to this. And do I have like, a big, profound story to tell? Yeah, but it's not part of this. [00:10:56] My story is very complicated, very twisty and turny, but it doesn't add to or take away from the movie. Here the movie after death. Now, something that they did in Sound of Freedom that, again, they did in this story is they want to pay it forward. The studio does not want you to miss out on this movie just because you cannot afford to go see it. If you want to go see this movie and you can't afford to go to life or life after sorry, I don't know why I goofed on the link on that. okay, now I'm going to have to look up the title on that. [00:11:42] I put down the web address and everything to remember on that. And then I don't know. Autocorrect must have got me when I was saving that because I'm looking at this thing on my computer. I'm like, that does not look right. Probably should have proofread that before I started the episode. But will definitely get you to where you're needing to go again. The movie is called Afterlife. Like I said, if you want to pay it forward for somebody else, check it out. If you don't have the money to go and you want to check it out. But ultimately this is a movie that's going to change a lot of minds and it's going to change a lot of hearts. Will you be one of them? That's for you to decide. [00:12:20] This isn't going to be a movie for everybody. [00:12:23] This is just too far out there. It's like, if you don't want to believe that's, fine. It doesn't change the nature. [00:12:32] It's like with facts. [00:12:35] If you don't want to believe it, don't believe it. It's not going to change the fact of what it is, plain and simple. But like I said, I will be back with you to talk about the 90 minutes in heaven tomorrow and then the rest of the week. I will be back with some other newer movies for you. Talk to you soon. Bye.

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