Golda (2023)

Golda (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Golda (2023)

Aug 25 2023 | 00:08:52

Episode August 25, 2023 00:08:52

Show Notes

Much more than a woman, she became a beacon to shine the light of Israel. 

Original Review:

This is it


Golda Meir, Israel, state of Israel is born,  Arab Israel war, agranat, east Finchley school,  Zinc cadmium chlorine hydrogen, lod airport, war is coming,  zvi zamad, Lou kaddar, Hadassah hospital,  moshi dayan, Benny peled, when he breaks wind I hear it first,  I am not going to get under the table but don't let me stop you,  Golan heights,  first I am an American second I am secretary of state third I am a jew you forget that in israel we read from right to left,  I'm a politician not a soldier,  I will not take a life, sagger missiles, ariel arik Sharon, knowing when you've lost is easy its all knowing when you've won that's hard, political careers end in failure,  Michael conoro, if our enemies stop fearing us they will attack again and again and again,  Chinese farm,  Yom Kippur war, you had me create an army of widows and orphans, dolstoyevsky misery in every page,  when he drinks he talks about you / my name must be on his lips all the time,  golda shoes, zionist entity, I'm not that little girl hiding in the cellar,  general gamasy, who likes to be wrong,  all those boys who died I will carry the pain of that to my grave,  Laura stein, dedicated to all of those who died in the Yom Kippur war,  zvi zamir,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello again, and welcome back. This is once again your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the Golda Review. Now, if you caught our upcoming movies episode yesterday, you know, this is one of the ones I was most looking forward to, and I'm actually excited I'm gonna be able to bring you some of the ones I was most looking forward to this weekend. And I actually wanna jump right in with this. This one I usually leave my dedications till the end of the review. I've, I'm just gonna kind of mix this up a little bit today because it, the, the dedication plays such a vital role in the story itself that I want to give you the dedication first before I kind of get into a little bit of the review. And I'm actually gonna save the score for the end. I will say, I'm going to be giving this a guilty rating just because some of the content and everything that is discussed in this, but the dedication actually read at the very end that it, this movie was dedicated to all of those who died in the Yam Kippur war. Speaker 0 00:01:06 Now, this was a very, very much a turning point for Israel. This was shortly after Israel had become a state, and the neighboring nations didn't really recognize Israel as a state. They recognized it just as like a z, like a, I'm trying to think of the term. They used a Zion Zionist entity of sorts. And I think that was actually the exact term used by those in Egypt at the time, that when they were kind of just dealing with everything going on, when Golda Meer Meer, I'm still gonna totally mispronounce that, that name, but she was, is Israel. She was the first female prime minister of Israel. And, um, she was one of the first prime ministers of Israel as Israel had basically just become a state, and Israel was a sovereign nation, but it wasn't recognized as that in a meeting where there's everybody's kind of preparing for this war and for this invasion. Speaker 0 00:02:03 And it almost feels like a military strategist type story of sorts, but not quite. I do think that the comparisons between this and Oppenheimer on the whole thing of where Golda has to meet in front of a board and in Oppenheimer, he had to meet in front of that board, and then it goes back and looks at parts of her life, both in black and white when it's reflecting back on things from the past and then in color and the way things are talking about today. And that's just this kind of the same thing. Oppenheimer did, just that same kind of feel to the story as it's told in Golda, as in like things with Oppenheimer. I don't, I don't think in Oppenheimer used any actual footage, but in gold, they actually used clips of actual footage of what happened during this war. Back in the day, the Yom Kippur war, and it was very much a turning point for Israel Speaker 1 00:02:58 Surrounding nations had taken some of Israel's soldiers as prisoners of war. And Israel had taken soldiers that had come into their country to attack, and they had taken them as prisoners of war. Israel provided their co the neighboring countries with names and with lists of who was alive, who was who they had as POWs. And they were just demanding the same thing in return, except, I mean, they're like, they're like, okay, you're not even a country. We're not gonna recognize you and we're not gonna do that. And Golda really, I mean, she helped Israel to be recognized as a country, and she stood fast and these beliefs recognizing that there was so much to be protected, Israel had to be protected at all costs. And at the same time, when she's fighting this, it's about where the separation kind of comes in between this and the Oppenheimer movie. Speaker 1 00:03:49 And she's also fighting a personal battle. And that goes under a lot of great depth in this movie, but at the same time, it's, it's almost dredging slow. I don't even know if that's a word. It's just, it, as important as the story is, as poignant as it was in moments, it just couldn't carry through for the rest of the story. And that makes it so hard for me as a critic because of the importance of the story. I personally, personally just based off nothing else, just the importance of the story. I wanna give it a seven now, okay, you might think, okay, maybe it deserves higher. No, but that, that's, that's my personal thing. That's not the deputy score. The deputy score just because it is told as slowly as it is and it's just so, okay. I, you, I'm glad they did not over Hollywood eyes that I'm glad they didn't just make it, make it overly dramatic and over the top and all this. Speaker 1 00:04:55 But at the same time, they underdelivered this, there were so many parts of this movie when it could have maybe just had a little more to it or had a little bit more development of the storyline. Honestly, this is one of those movies that the best scenes were in the trailer. And I really hate to say that. And there are some deep emotional, just rip your heart outta your chest as you've got tears streaming down your face moments. But you have to be paying close attention to even understand them. And I, I hate to say that, like I said, it was such an important story and that's why I mentioned the dedication first. This story honors all of those who lost their lives in this war. It just doesn't do the story justice. And I think the fact that it mirrors so many parts of Oppenheimer, it almost takes away from Gold's story a little bit because I couldn't help but make those comparisons. Speaker 1 00:05:58 And anybody who sees this is going to have a hard time not making those comparisons if they have seen Oppenheimer. Like I said, this is just, she was such an incredible woman. I don't know about all the details of her life, but I did read up a little bit on her, just her personal life and what she did and how this all came to be. This is, like I said, as powerful as it is, I'm struggling and with this, like, I'm almost not regretting telling you the deputy score I gave it. As you can tell, I'm kind of hemming and hawing on that a little bit. But just because of the flow of the story and just the brokenness of it, there are parts of this movie just if, if I could dissect it, I would give parts of this movie like a solid seven. Speaker 1 00:06:47 There's even two scenes that I can think of in my head. I can't spoil it for you, but there's two scenes that I would almost give a nine to just to those individual scenes. Overall, I'm only giving Golda a 5.25 out of 10 on the deputy scale. Now that does not mean that this is not watchable, this is of course very watchable. I will say, don't go into this tired. When I saw this at the theater, I literally, I was one of the few people still awake at the end of the movie. And that it almost broke my heart because this one, like I said, the story is so powerful, but it was just so slow that people had a really hard time staying awake. So I just want people to be aware of that. Like I said, this really had the potential to be so much more if you decide to go and experience this for yourself. Speaker 1 00:07:40 It's, like I said, it's a really important part of history that that was not overly dramatized at all. A lot of people didn't even, or didn't even know about this or weren't even aware of this side of history. So I hope that this review has helped you a little bit. I hope that, that you can take something away from this and from this movie and just from history in general, it's like we think of history and we think back to the exciting moments in history, but history is not all the exciting stuff. History is these kind of stories too, and it's just, I wish there was a way to bring stories like this more to, to the forefront without losing the piece of theto, the piece of history that it is by overdramatizing it. But at this, like I said at the same time, what they did here, just, uh, it was just difficult. So I truly hope that you have and enjoyed following along with me. Tomorrow, we are gonna be talking about The Hill, another movie that came out this weekend. So I thank you for coming along with me on this journey. Thank you for your patience, and I will talk to you again soon. Bye-bye.

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