Longlegs Long Legs (2024)

Longlegs Long Legs (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Longlegs Long Legs (2024)

Jul 14 2024 | 00:09:28

Episode July 14, 2024 00:09:28

Show Notes

This highly anticipated story lives up to what it promises, but it may not be what you expect. 


You're dirty sweet and you're my girl - t Rex 1971, zilgi, pcm 5s3, 3525 address, Lee Harker, half psychic is better than not psychic at all, ruby Carter, Anna Carter, stood upon the sand of the sea,  down low too slow,  Georgina Bryce, nine circles of hell, camera family farm,  Carrie Anne camera, happy as peaches,  Dale Ferdinand cobble, Mr downstairs,  crimson or clover,  water rock mental institution,  in memory of Don Durban,

Pt 1
His letters

Pt 2
All of your things

Pt 3
Birthday girls

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] I'm back. [00:00:03] Yeah. What a story we talked about yesterday with Maxine. Today we are going to be talking about probably the most highly anticipated movie this weekend. Because when I went to see this in the theater again, like everybody else, it was completely sold out and it had people on the edge of their seats for most of the movie. [00:00:27] Now, as I'm saying that it's not because the movie is necessarily as good as it lives. It's not. I don't know, how do I want to put this? It's not that it lives up to its name, really, but it does live up to at least the little snippets it gives us in the trailers. Now, what movie am I referring to? I'm referring to long legs. Now, there's a lot of debate, and there was even a lot of discussion after the movie. I was just talking to random people. Okay. Is it long legs as one word, or is long legs two words? And is it like faced with daddy long legs? Does it have anything to do with the spider? [00:01:06] Where, what's the direction that this movie goes in? And when that, when it's revealed what is happening in the movie, your brain just goes, okay. It's like you almost feel like you were taken advantage of a movie such as this. [00:01:27] I'm not going to give you the score right off the bat on this one because I want you to bear with me for the review and then I will give you this score. Now, it's not going to be good. I don't know what you're thinking on this, but it's probably not going to be as bad as you're thinking. So just bear with me if you dare, and if I haven't already said so in the past, or. I know I've said so in the past, but. Sorry. Do you ever have just one of those days that you wake up and you're just in the middle of a brain fart? That's me today. So my apologies on that. [00:01:54] But this one is just. I don't know, it's just one of those. [00:02:01] I kept expecting something more and it kind of gave it to me, but not what I was expecting. [00:02:09] And even though, even when we understand what's happening, you still feel a little bit lost now. Okay, back a couple years ago, the movie gone girl, that one totally effed with your mind completely. This one does that, but on an entirely different level and not as good. Now, in this, you can definitely pick up, there are nodes in the story that reference in indirectly, indirectly reference Stephen King. And I apologize that actually is my chair. But there are definite similarities between some of the characters that we see here and some of the stories that we have seen with Stephen King throughout the years. So there. There's definitely inspirations. I wouldn't say they're direct references, but they are inspirations that came from that. So if you are a Stephen King fan, or if you like psychological thrillers, or if you were into movies similar to Zodiac or 23 or any sort of movies like that, this one is going to get your attention. [00:03:22] Now, if you followed the posters or the codes on these at all, and forgive the bell, our newest baby that we had brought home, we couldn't find her a lot, so she tries to hide. Yes, I know I'm going off the topic here, but. So we got a bell to put on our collar so we can actually tell where she's at. So if you hear the little bell ringing in the background, that is just Aurora being silly. Okay, back to the movie. Like I said, there are references to the Stephen King, to Zodiac, to just those psychological. [00:03:53] The ones that just really bleep with your mind completely. And this one, it's a. I wouldn't say it catches you off guard at any point, because if you're really paying attention to the details. [00:04:09] Aurora, what are you doing? [00:04:13] Sorry, I don't even know what she's doing here at this moment. But like I said, it. Just like I said, even when you think you've got it figured out, you don't. But if you are paying close enough attention, you can figure it out about halfway through. Now, I'm not going to give any spoilers as to what is really going on, but there is a reason that we are actually doing this review here on July 14, and that is because the 14th of the month plays a big role in this movie. Now, is it July 14 or is it the 14th in general? Okay, I'm not. I'm not going to spoil that for you, but let's just say the date itself has very important significance to how this plays out. Now, if you've seen the posters or anything, you see this code and there. It's not as mysterious as it sounds. I was really kind of getting hyped up. I was hoping it was going to go kind of like the Zodiac ish or be all these different ties in. And the very first scene we see in the movie is we see a little girl. We see a station wagon pulling up outside. We see her going outside. We see her talking to this really creepy dude. [00:05:29] And then you just kind of see where it goes from there a little bit. And we're like, okay, but that doesn't really explain anything. And we don't really understand that a little bit more until we get a little bit further into the show, into the movie. And as that is kind of explaining itself, it just kind of leaves us going, what in the world are we watching? And it has to do with law enforcement and FBI and some extra abilities of sorts that one of the people has. [00:06:01] And if you've ever been creeped out by dolls, this 1 may not be for you either. There's only really one gory scene in the whole thing, but most of it is just the whole psychological thriller. But the little girl that we see in the very beginning of the movie, she's basically the main character throughout this movie. But how she is tied in to this, it, like I said, it takes a little bit to understand. And it's probably a little bit more confusing than anything else on a lot of that. And this is like, okay, but why did they go that way to get to here? You find yourself going, but, huh. And it tries to tie in these numbers. And then how she figures out how it's decoded and the story is broken up into three separate chapters. And I don't know if that was necessary. It was a little bit more of a distraction from the movie itself because it kind of jumped around a little bit and like, it's some. I would. I would say somewhat or even maybe fairly easy to follow. And it's like, if you're paying attention to the details, it's going to be really easy to put two and two together. I was talking to probably a dozen or so people after the movie, and it was just. They're like, yeah, it's like, as soon as this happened, then, yeah, the rest of it kind of explained itself as the movie went on. It's like, yeah, that's just kind of. But you don't realize when you're watching that scene that that's what you're seeing. And I'm so I'm not going to tell you what scene it is, but after you see that scene, and then once the rest of the movie carries out, you're like, okay, that scene basically explained everything. [00:07:41] But like I said, I won't. Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil it and tell you what that scene is. I wouldn't. I don't know. You know me. No spoilers. I'm not gonna do that to you. But. So with long legs, I'm actually only giving this a four and a half out of five or out of five? That'd be a great score. Four and a half out of ten on the movie deputy scale. I don't do anything on a five point scale. What am I talking about? Like I said, do you ever just wait? It's just one of those days. I woke up in the midst of a brain fart, but I still had to come out and get a review up for this. And like I said, I intentionally wanted to do this today, specifically on the 14th, as the 14th plays such a big role in this story. So as if you haven't already figured out, I'm giving this a guilty rating, definitely. But like I said, I'm giving it a four and a half out of ten on the deputy scale. So I hope that this helps at least a little bit, especially if this is one that you were highly anticipating. There were a surprising amount of people that were smiling when it was all said and done, but there were probably an equal number of people who were almost disappointed or even upset that it wasn't what they were expecting. So just come into it if you this is when you've been wanting to see come into it expecting that. That the story is both yet predictable and at the same time, not what you might expect. It lives up to what it promises, but that may not be what you think. [00:09:09] So I don't know if I've confused you more or if I've helped you. Either way, I hope you please like, subscribe and share. Of course you know which buttons to push. You always get the latest and greatest movie deputy content, and I am gonna be back soon with a lot more light hearted movies for you. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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