Saw 3D (2010)

Saw 3D (2010)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Saw 3D (2010)

Oct 05 2023 | 00:05:54

Episode October 05, 2023 00:05:54

Show Notes

John's survivors all have one thing in common... What is it... time to find out

Original Review:

John is gone. His legacy lives on through Jill and through his survivors.  There's even a support group for the few who have survived.  What's missing here? There are a few things.  One of the survivors... isn't. As this person capitalizes on the sheer horror of the ordeal, someone else has decided enough is enough.  When we last "saw" Jill, she was carrying out John's last wish, it didn't go as planned.  Now there's a duality to this story, two stories that are separate but connected.  When it's done,  an homage to the beginning of the franchise pulls all the pieces together one last time.  It looks like this could really be the end... or is it


Zepp hindle, William Easton, rowan Institute, Jill tuck, crazier than a sack full of cats,  Matt Gibson,  Mark Hoffman,  kwga, Bobby dagen, Evan 8 track, survivor group, scars symbols of shame or badges of courage,  Joyce dagen, Gibson see for yourself,  start your life anew, understand your problems, redefine your priorities,  play me, s.u.r.v.i.v.e. book, Pete's auto body,  tooth code 5693, you were warned, game over,

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another Thirsty Thursday, where we are delving into the 7th Saw movie, which is Saw Three D, The Final Chapter. But is it the final chapter? Well, obviously we know it's not because look what just came out last week, the 10th movie in the series series. But don't let that discourage you from this story. There is something even more intriguing about stories like this that just kind of get a twist and okay, has the story been kind of carried on too far, or has it not been carried on quite far enough? Are you ready for the answer to that question, or is it just too much? [00:00:54] There's so many things to a story such as this and so many things that go into the depths of it. And it really screws with people's heads, to be completely honest. And I'm actually going to surprise you a little bit with this one. Saw 3D got surprising score of a six out of ten on the deputy scale. Does that surprise you, considering knowing the story and everything? Or do you not know anything about the story? And that's what I'm here to tell you now, if you haven't already guessed, saw three D, of course, has a guilty rating. I cannot imagine any of the Saw movies ever not getting a guilty rating because these ones just take it to the edge of the cliff and then they jump it's like it jumps off and you're in the free fall and you don't know if your parachute is going to open. And it's that adrenaline rush of watching these movies and wondering, it's like, okay, are they willing to do what's necessary to survive, or will they be his next victims? There's so many things going on in this movie, and I want to actually share with you the original review. Now, mind you, this review was never published on I've had it in my notes for a couple of years now, but I didn't even realize till recently that I had never actually published this on So guess what? You're going to be the first people to ever hear the original review that I had written for this. And let's just jump right into that. [00:02:32] John is gone. His legacy lives on through Jill and through his survivors. Even there, I can't even talk. There's even a support group for the few who have survived. What's missing here? There are a few things one of the survivors isn't. As this person capitalizes on the sheer horror of the ordeal, someone else has decided enough is enough. When we last saw Jill, she was carrying out John's last wish. It didn't go quite as planned. Now there's a duality to this story. Two stories that are separate but connected. When it's done, an homage to the beginning of the franchise pulls all the pieces together one last time. [00:03:26] It looks like this could really be the end. [00:03:29] Or is it. [00:03:31] Now, the real big twist at the end of this one has to do with, of course, you know me, no spoilers ever. But let's just say I can give a three word clue that might help open some eyes and ears. The three word clue to the twist in this movie is as you wish. There will be some people that figure that out and there's going to be a lot of people left wondering. And the only way to really answer that is to watch this. Now, mind you, you have to have a strong stomach because the extent of these puzzles goes even beyond what John had even thought of. Now, am I saying that John's not no, no. These are the Saw movies, so of course John's involved. But how? I mean, we know he's dead. So what's really going on? That's what you're just going to have to find out. If you haven't already seen this one before, definitely partake in this and come into this thirsty for the blood and gore that these are. If these are not for you, great. It's like, I try not to get too overly graphic as to make the sensitive listeners squeamish. And if you are more sensitive, I'm not criticizing you in the least. Everybody's different on stuff like this. But ultimately, like I said, this was one of the better. I wouldn't say the best, but this is one of the better, the Saw movies. So, like I said, if you've ever been a fan of the series, be sure to check this out. And if not, I'm going to be talking about more great movies this weekend. Feel free to check over, go over to our upcoming movies episodes. And we had a big one today with 34 movies that are coming out this week that we're discussing on that. So that was actually a record breaker. So I'm like, wow, even my brain went tilt on that one. But ultimately, I hope you're having a great day. I'm hoping that you are enjoying these thirsty Thursdays. We've only got two more of these weeks to go and then we're actually going to be all done with the Soft series and then we're going to be jumping into something else. Where am I going from there? You're just going to have to stay tuned to find out. So please, like, subscribe and share. And as always, I will be back soon. Bye.

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