The Equalizer 3 (2023)

The Equalizer 3 (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Equalizer 3 (2023)

Sep 01 2023 | 00:07:43

Episode September 01, 2023 00:07:43

Show Notes

Robert chose this life, he knew the risks... What if he wants more? That's where this dares to take us. 

Original Review:

This is it


Za 685 pq, I know what you are, we all end up where we're supposed to be,  agata Napoli, tabacchi, cantina arriana vineyards,  aminah, eq 75321, vincent quaranta, c5q86, dj615tl, caffe fiore, Altamonte, joe bonucci, Gabby bonucci, a bunch of seemingly random acts falling into line at the right time and place,  lord knows I'm allergic to things,  pain compliance,  fe098pt, fx050xt, camorra, Vienna inn hat, I understand weakness,  I understand pain, I understand suffering,  Greg dyer, 422ea4, your mother would be proud of you rm, forza Altamonte, gio bonucci, Gabriella bonucci, Robert McCall,  Emma Collins,  frank Conroy,  Enzo arisio, Marco quaranta,  Chiara bonucci, Lorenzo Vitale,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back. This is once again your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts bringing to you the interrogation of the Equalizer three. Now this one definitely goes completely different than the ones we've seen in the past. Of course it has a guilty rating. I mean, would you expect anything less from these movies? And as I've discussed in previous shows and stuff like that, if you're a fan of the original TV show or of the books or of anything that was like the origin stories to these movies or any type of these movies and then you see the movies, you're, there's always something gonna be missing. So I always try to judge these without taking into account the books or the TV shows or anything that went into making these. As you know, I got a little bit out of order on my movies. So the Equalizer one and two will be going live Monday and Tuesday of this following week. Speaker 0 00:00:54 I still can't believe it's September, September 1st. Wow. <laugh> just like I do not know where this year has gone and I, when I went to see this, I definitely was not expecting what I was seeing. Now <laugh>, you're, I get a lot of questions about this, so I'm just gonna go ahead and answer that real quick. People are like, what do you mean when you go see this? Well, okay, I am not some he, I'm not not Rotten Tomatoes. Oh God, I would not want to be Rotten Tomatoes. I'm not Cisco and Bert or any of that. So I a lot and I'm really good at, honestly pissing off the studios. Forgive my language on that. But <laugh>, a lot of the studios don't like me because I don't conform to what they expect. So I don't get a lot of screeners unless they're more from the independent type studios. Speaker 0 00:01:42 So from the big studios, a lot of times I have to go to the theater and see them just like you do. And I may be wondering, do I get in for free <laugh>? No, unfortunately I don't. I pay for my tickets just like everybody else. And <laugh>, at least it's tax deductible at the end of the year, right? <laugh>. But, so I did go and see Equalizer three last night and like I said, it was not what I was expecting. I did it of course, give it the guilty rating and unfortunately I'm actually only giving this a 4.75 out of 10. Now, <laugh>, I gave the first movie a 6.5. I gave the second movie a 5, 7 5, and this one is getting a 4, 7, 5. No, why did I go that low with it? I, I am gonna try to figure out how to word this without giving away any spoilers. Robert is once again, just kind of caught in the middle of something that he kind of put himself there to begin with and he takes actions and does the whole thing. And of course the trailer played it up a little or trailers played this up a little bit more than what it is. But Robert finds himself at a town in Italy. And before I go too much further into this, I, if you've been a regular listener at all, you know what I think of Speaker 1 00:02:58 Subtitles, <laugh>, if you're brand new to the movie Deputy program, subtitles are not my friend. I <laugh> have a hard time following the story and following the subtitles at the same time. And sometimes my brain just goes tilt. And so maybe you're thinking, okay, maybe she didn't pay close enough attention to the story. No, I re I I can do it. It's just, that's why I only did one movie last night 'cause I'm sometimes do two and three at a time. But this one, yeah, I it, this one just needed a little bit more time to fully understand and I did take a lot of notes. You can see those in the text part of this on whatever podcast you're listening to this from. And like I said, Robert finds himself in Italy and he takes down this entire Mafiaa family or so he thinks there is an unexpected surprise that is going to change his life forever. Speaker 1 00:03:54 This almost could be the end of the equalizer story just right there. And now you can kind of guess what happened. But he ends up being found by somebody and taken into this nice little community of Altamonte, Italy and it's just a small little town, very homey, very close-knit, and he is just there to rest and recover. Unfortunately, he finds himself in a situation where a lot of the local businesses are being basically pressured to pay for protection. Just kind of that whole thing that goes along with that in a lot of areas where crime is quite rampant and he decides to get involved. But honestly, that's the vast majority of the story. There is a major twist towards like the last third of the movie. And the twist finally fully reveals itself right at the very end. Sorry, I've got one of my kitties that is just getting into trouble here. Speaker 1 00:04:48 Maisie, what are you doing? So sorry about that. But <laugh>, like I said there, the major twist pretty much almost makes this worthwhile. But for the most of this movie, we are watching him walk around, we're watching him go shopping, we're watching him interact with people. And it's not, it's not necessarily the story of the equalizer. It is more of just a drama of somebody that is trying to make a new home in Italy. And the reason I brought the subtitles up is o over 50% of the dialogue is subtitles in this movie. And I'm just like, no. And that's not the only reason I gave it the score that I did personally. I was a little bit closer in the mid threes of like when I first walked outta the movie, I'm like, okay, this is like three and a half, three and a quarter. Speaker 1 00:05:37 But I had to stop and sit back and look at the story and think of how they worked the twist in and looked at some of that. There are some of the classic fight scenes that you would expect in the Equalizer movies. There's technically three scenes like that in the movie. They're not overly developed, they're quite gory even for the equalizer movies. But this one, just like I said, it didn't focus on the whole thing of him being the equalizer. It didn't focus a whole lot on that. It had more to focus on basically him kind of starting a new life and you know, yay for that. Yay if he wants to go do that with his life and everything. But I don't wanna sit there and watch a movie of the somebody like this just going around and shopping and just living their life. Speaker 1 00:06:22 So <laugh>, that's not what I was expecting going into this. And I'm sure that's maybe not what you're gonna be expecting. Like I said, it does kind of tie things together and like I said, the twist almost makes it worthwhile to kinda give you a little bit of a heads up. The theater's about half full at the showing I went to last night and when it was done there was about 10 or 15 people sleeping. So if that kinda gives you any idea, obviously I was not one of them, but this one just, I don't know, it just felt like it missed the mark compared to the other movies. So that's why ultimately it got the score that it did. And I will remind you again, it got a 4.75 out of 10, so is in the four category. It's watchable, but forgettable and five is a decent story, significant flaws, and honestly the biggest flaws in this one are ones that you're gonna have to pay really close attention to catch, and then just the fact that it is just so far off from the typical equalizer movies, like I said, if that's the direction they wanted to go with it, so be, but give us enough to kind of carry us through in the meantime. Speaker 1 00:07:33 So be sure to stay tuned over the weekend. I'm gonna be bringing you some more of the new movie reviews and I can't wait to talk to you again soon. I hope this helped at least a little bit. Bye-bye.

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