The Good Mother (2023)

The Good Mother (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Good Mother (2023)

Sep 02 2023 | 00:09:56

Episode September 02, 2023 00:09:56

Show Notes

Mothers have to be everything to everyone, or at least that's the expectation. Here we see a situation where what's supposed to be isn't necessarily how it is. 

Original Review:

This is it


Times Union Albany branch,  Marissa Benning, Michael Benning, what was ducky's name Everett takowski ducky, mothers milk heroin cut with fentanyl, Paige, frank Benning, palai's palace,  Toby Benning,  Gina Benning,  5184449078, duck duck deuce, St Peter's Hospital, what was the name of the story marissa wrote mothers milk brothers blood,  mothers milk film,   

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Well hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Movie Deputy Podcast as today we're going to be talking about the new movie The Good Mother. If you caught our upcoming movies podcast, I kind of give you a little bit of an idea of what I thought the synopsis was gonna be just based off of the trailers and after actually watching it last night. <laugh>, it's a little bit different than what I was expecting. I do wanna go ahead and say that this is one of those ones where I kind of had to separate my, my personal thoughts from technically the deputy rating scale. It definitely did not play out kind of the way that I was thinking it would, and at the same time it also played out exactly how I was thinking it was <laugh>. So I know that may seem confusing, but I'm gonna get into a little bit more of that here in a minute. Speaker 0 00:00:52 My boys are in here in the office with me and being quite vocal, so you might hear Stormy and Ero in the background a little bit just to kinda let you know if you do hear them making a little bit of commotion. Ouch. And one of them just bit me, ERO ow <laugh>. We always have to warn the, even the best that he's a biter. We take him in because that's how he likes to communicate with us is with his teeth. So he's a stinker when it comes to that. But like I said, I did go in and see this, surprisingly, there weren't very many people when I went to go see this. There were, oh, it was myself and five other people in the movie at the showtime I went to. I did go to a matinee of this one. I was watching the story and paying attention and trying to follow and trying to make sure I got all my notes and everything. Speaker 0 00:01:43 So I actually didn't notice until kind of the credit started rolling that I was the only person left in there. Everybody else that had been in there got up and literally left 'cause I was the only person in there when the movie was done. So it was just like, okay, not quite what I was expecting, but I didn't think it was like maybe that bad. It was kind of predictable. There was a few like little things kind of going on and like I said, I'm gonna get into a little bit of the synopsis on that. I do wanna go ahead and let you know though I did give The Good Mother a guilty rating. There is definite subjects and just kind of the way it deals with them that, yeah, this is definitely has a guilty rating. Also, the score now, like I said, this is one of those ones where I had to separate my personal thoughts from my professional thoughts on this. Personally, I, I probably would've given this an even three, maybe even 2, 7, 5, just the way it played out. It was very anti-climatic throughout. And I, I'm thinking that the theme this weekend because the Equalizer <laugh> was just kind of along the same lines of just not being what I expected. And it is kind of funny as I was leaving the theater after watching The Good Mother, there were some people that had had come Speaker 1 00:02:58 Out of the equalizer and they were basically demanding refunds because the Equalizer movie was not what they had thought it was going to be. Stormy here, come on, come here baby. Just goes to show that it's not just me having some of these opinions like this. I mean, sometimes I think my maybe just kind of in a small portion of the crowd, but after seeing and hearing about some of the way that the equalizer has kind of the, the stuff that's been going on with that, I didn't feel quite so bad about being as harsh on it as I was. So that did um, in a way almost make me feel a bit better. 'cause I didn't feel like I was actually being as harsh as I thought I was. But of course it's like <laugh>, sometimes you just wonder. It's like even I can't help but wonder sometimes, like I said, I don't expect everybody to agree with me, but at the same time, I don't wanna be completely on the opposite end of where other people are too. Speaker 1 00:03:49 And I've really gotta stop honestly carrying what other people think because I like, like I've said before, and I'll just continue to say it 'cause it's just me who I am. But I am a constitutional conservative. Now that doesn't mean that I'm going to review movies from like a religious standpoint or anything along those lines by any means. It just means that I try to look at these movies with good old fashioned common sense and try to bring it to you from that perspective. Now, you may be wondering what I gave this as a score 'cause I've been talking about, okay, what I would've given it personally, I did give the Good Mother a 4.25 out of 10 on the deputy scale just because this is one of those ones that is definitely forgettable and it's just barely within that watchable range. I've just, it's hard even to reluctantly say it that way. Speaker 1 00:04:39 It's not because I disagree with my own score, it's just a story like this just plays out so different than what you would expect. And I'll give you kind of a brief synopsis here. And you know me, no spoilers, so no worries there. But in this one we see a newspaper and Marissa Benning, she's one of the main writers for the newspaper. But ever since she lost her husband, she's been working in the editing department because she just can't bring herself to sit down and write. Honestly, the newspaper's kind of going to crap and you're okay. Okay. Is that the focus of the movie? Well, no, it's she, the movie is called Good Mother. So you know that's gonna play out well while she's in a meeting with her, se with her senior editor, she gets a visit from a police officer and it doesn't come out till a little bit later that this is her son. Speaker 1 00:05:24 And like I said, that's not a spoiler or anything on that, so don't worry. But he was informing her that her other son had died. And I, I won't give away the details on that 'cause that's kind of a major plot twist. But I'll just say that he was into drugs and that it wasn't the direct cause of his death, but it was involved. And like I said, that could go a bunch of different directions and no spoilers there either. Kind of as this plays out, they're trying to find out answers of what happened to Michael. That was the name of her son that died. And Toby is her son, that's the police officer. So Toby is with his wife and they're going through fertility treatments, which, okay, I do wanna say it's a single scene in the entire movie that focuses on that. And then that rest of it, that's it. Speaker 1 00:06:09 So it's like, I don't even know why they bothered to bring it up, considering it's, it was literally one short scene. It's like, what's the point? Why didn't that, it's like, was there more that ended up on the editing room floor? Was there something else to this? I'm not sure, but I, like I said, I'm trying not to get too lost in that, but Toby is just, I mean, he's trying to help his mom find closure and find answers. So now she's lost her husband and one of her sons, but she learned that the girlfriend of Michael's is pregnant. There's something to actually look forward to with part of this as the story plays out. But then as they begin to find out the facts of what really happened to Michael, things get really complicated with the relationship with her and Toby and her and either oth and even other people in her life. Speaker 1 00:07:01 Ultimately, it all comes down to this product called Mother's Milk. And it's not as innocent of a product as it may sound, but, and honestly that was even the original name of the movie was the mother. The movie was called Mother's Milk and they changed it to the Good Mother. And I can kind of understand why, just kind of how it played out and everything. But there's a little bit of a twist, but it's not even enough of one to just say that, take this way. She was already struggling with grief based on the loss of two of the most important people in her life. And then when she's forced to come to terms with the answers of why this is happening, it just basically sends her into a spiral. It's also important to note that she is a, she's an alcoholic. So that that kind of an important piece of the story. Speaker 1 00:07:48 And you're maybe wondering, okay, how does this all fit in? And like I said, it's quite complicated. The story jumps around quite a bit. Unless you're really paying attention to the close details, you're gonna kind of get lost in the shuffle. So this movie is definitely not gonna be for everybody. It's a difficult watch to really follow along and pay attention. It really felt almost cheap because the, the characters weren't necessarily in character. It was like they were in and out. They were just, it was like watching a bad audition, except it was a move. It was the length of a movie <laugh>. Like I said, it just didn't come together. And the parts where it seemed like it was trying to come together just missed the marks. So hence why I gave it a four and a quarter. I mean, it's not absolutely horrible. Speaker 1 00:08:37 It's just all over the place. So that really, it hurts me of stories like this and it makes them difficult to watch. If you're a really big fan of Hillary Swank, you might wanna come check this out. This is not one of her best works by any means. And I usually don't focus on a lot of the Hollywood gobbledygook. But I did wanna focus on that. I also wanna make mention as it's kind of a couple different topics here, is this movie is very anti opioid. It is also almost on the verge of anti-police. Ultimately, is this gonna be one that you're gonna wanna see? I know there's a lot of hype about this one. A lot of people are really excited to go see this one to just, and honestly, I was maybe even one of 'em 'cause I was hoping of all the movies coming out this weekend that this was gonna have the most potential to maybe be something, maybe even that just the, like I said, I would've rated it my personal score and how low I would've gone on that was just because I personally had set my expectations a little bit higher and just where I ended up, it was just, like I said, it just fell short. Speaker 1 00:09:40 So ultimately I hope this helps. If not, it's just what it is. I just hope you have a great day and just remember the like, subscribe, and share if you agreed with anything I had to say today. And if you didn't, I hope you at least had fun. Bye-bye.

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